

聯屬成員 /


Adjunct Associate Professor


(852) 3943-6534


Principal Investigator:

Urban Crisis and Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Red Cross. (11/2017-4/2018, HK$493,000)

Assessing the regional climate and air quality impacts of secondary aerosol due to anthropogenic emissions in the Pearl River Delta region, Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. (01/2016-12/2018, HK$537,700)

Development of Rapid Assessment Tool for Evaluation the Effectiveness of Emission Control Policies on Ozone Reduction, Environment and Conservation Fund. (07/2014-06/2016, HK$1,419,480)

Establishment of Air Pollution Exposure Reduction Analysis Methodology for Emission Reduction Measures in Hong Kong, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR. (09/2014-08/2016, HK$1,007,156)

Studying the urban climate in a high-density city in typical summer days, Social Science Seed Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (05/2014-04/2015; HK$89,527)


Health risk assessment and comprehensive intervention technology center construction for air pollution in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Guangdong Science and Technology Project-Joint Innovation area between Guangdong and Hong Kong, Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province. (07/2018-06/2021; RMB1,500,00)

A perspective (1960-2030) of Hong Kong’s urban development and urban climate – a historical context for future actions, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. (01/2016-12/2018; HK$ 573,000)

Parametric studies of urban morphologies of high density cities and their air ventilation performance under neutral and unstable atmospheric conditions using advanced large eddy simulations, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. (01/2014-12/2016, HK$1,532,012)

The web-based platform for visualizing impact of urban design on local urban climatic condition, Courseware Development Grant Scheme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (01/2014-12/2014; HK$80,000)

Applying “Local Climate Zone (LCZ)” into High-density High-rise Cities – A Case Study in Hong Kong. General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. (01/2014-12/2015; HK$607,800)


Journal Papers


Huang T., Yang Y., O’Connor E.J., Lolli S., Haywood J., Osborne M., Cheng J.C.H., Guo J., Yim S.H.L. (2021). Influence of A Weak Typhoon on the Vertical Distribution of Air Pollution in Hong Kong: A Perspective from a Doppler LiDAR network. Accepted in Environmental Pollution.


Li Z., Ho K.F., Chuang H.C., Yim S.H.L. (2020). Development and intercity transferability of land-use regression models for predicting ambient PM10, PM2.5, NO2 and O3 concentrations in northern Taiwan. Accepted in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Yang Y., Fan S., Wang L., Gao Z., Zhang Y., Zou H., Miao S., Li Y., Huang M., Yim S.H.L., Lolli S. (2020). Diurnal Evolution of the Wintertime Boundary Layer in Urban Beijing, China: Insights from Doppler Lidar and a 325-m Meteorological Tower. Remote Sensing, 12(23), 3935. [link]

Li Z., Tong X., Ho J.M.W., Kwok T.C.Y., Dong G., Ho K.F., Yim S.H.L. (2020). A practical framework for predicting residential indoor PM2.5 concentration using land-use regression and machine learning methods. Chemosphere, 265, 129140. [link]

Ning G., Yim S.H.L., Yang Y., Gu Y., Dong G. (2020). Modulations of synoptic and climatic changes on ozone pollution and its health risks in mountain-basin areas. Atmospheric Environment, 240, 117808. [link]

Chen X., Chuang H.C., Ward T.J., Tian L., Cao J.J., Ho S.S.H., Lau N.C., Hsiao T.C., Yim S.H.L., Ho K.F. (2020). Indoor, outdoor, and personal exposure to PM2.5 and their bioreactivity among healthy residents of Hong Kong. Environmental Research, 188, 109780. [link]

Chen X.C. Cao J.J., Ward T.J., Tian L.W., Ning Z., Gali N.K., Aquilin N.J., Yim S.H.L., Qu L., Ho K.F. (2020). Characteristics and toxicological effects of commuter exposure to black carbon and metal components of fine particles (PM2.5) in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 742, 140501. [link]

YIM S.H.L. (2020). Development of a 3D Real-Time Atmospheric Monitoring System (3DREAMS) Using Doppler LiDARs and Applications for Long-Term Analysis and Hot-and-Polluted Episodes. Remote Sensing 12 (6), 1036. [link]

Huang T., Yim S.H.L., Yang Y., Lee O.S.M., Lam D.H.Y., Cheng J.C.H., Guo J. (2020). Observation of Turbulent Mixing Characteristics in the Typical Daytime Cloud-topped Boundary Layer over Hong Kong in 2019. Remote Sensing, 12, 9, 1533. [link]

Li Z., Yim S.H.L., Ho K.F. (2020). High temporal resolution prediction of street-level PM2.5 and NOx concentrations using machine learning approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 268, 121975. [link]

Gu Y., Zhang W., Yang Y., Wang C., Streets D.G., Yim S.H.L. (2020). Assessing outdoor air quality and public health impact attributable to residential black carbon emissions in rural China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 159, 104812. [link]

Qiu H., Xia X., Man C.L., Ko F., Yim S.H.L., Kwok T., Ho K.F. (2020). Real-time monitoring of the effects of personal temperature exposure on blood oxygen saturation level in elderly people with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a panel study in Hong Kong. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(11), 6869-6877. [link]

Qiu H., Bai C.H., Chuang K.J., Fan Y.C., Chang T.P., Yim S.H.L., Ho K.F. (2020). Association of ambient non-methane hydrocarbons exposure with respiratory diseases: a time series study in Taipei, Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 729, 139010. [link]

Li Z., Ho K.F., Yim S.H.L. (2020). Source apportionment of hourly-resolved ambient volatile organic compounds: Influence of temporal resolution. Science of The Total Environment, 725, 138243. [link]

Zhang Y., Guo J., Yang Y., Wang Y., Yim S.H.L. (2020). Vertica Wind Shear Modulates Particulate Matter Pollutions: A Perspective from Radar Wind Profiler Observations in Beijing, China. Remote Sensing, 12(3), 546. [link]

Lv Y., Guo J., Yim S.H.L., Yun Y., Yin J., Liu L., Zhang Y., Yang Y., Yan Y., Chen D. (2020). Towards understanding multi-model precipitation predictions from CMIP5 based on China hourly merged precipitation analysis data. Atmospheric Research, 231, 104671. [link]


Shi C., Nduka I.C., Yang Y., Huang Y., Yao R., Zhang H., He B., Xie C., Wang Z., Yim S.H.L. (2019). Characteristics and Meteorological Mechanisms of Transboundary Air Pollution in A Persistent Heavy PM2.5 Pollution Episode in Central-East China. Atmospheric Environment, 223, 117239. [link]

Wang Y., Yim S.H.L., Yang Y., Morin C.W. (2019). The effect of urbanization and climate change on the mosquito population in the Pearl River Delta region of China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 64(3), 501-512. [link]

Wang M.Y., Yim S.H.L., Dong G.H., Ho K.F., Wong D.C. (2019). Mapping ozone source-receptor relationship and apportioning the health impact in the Pearl River Delta region using adjoint sensitivity analysis. Atmospheric Environment, 222, 117026. [link]

Chen X.C., Ward T.J., Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Lau N.C., Yim S.H.L., Ho K.F. (2019). Source identification of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2. 5) among adult residents of Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 218, 116999 [Link]

Xiao X., Yang B.Y., Hu L.W., Markevych I., Bloom M., Dharmage S., Jalaludin B., Knibbs L., Heinrich J., Morawska L., Lin S., Roponen M., Guo Y., Yim S.H.L., Leskinen A., Komppula M., Jalava P., Yu H.Y., Zeeshan M., Zeng X., Dong G.H. (2020). Greenness around Schools Associated with Lower Risk of Hypertension among Children: Findings from the Seven Northeastern Cities Study in China. Environmental Pollution, 256, 113422. [link]

Liu Z., Ming Y., Zhao C., Lau N.C., Guo J., Bollasina M., Yim S.H.L. (2019). Contribution of local and remote anthropogenic aerosols to a record-breaking torrential rainfall event in Guangdong Province, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 223-241. [link]

Yim S.H.L., Wang M.Y., Gu Y., Yang Y., Dong G.H., Li Q. (2019). Effect of Urbanization on Ozone and Resultant Health Effects in the Pearl River Delta Region of China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 11568-11579. [link]

Yang Y., Zheng Z., Yim S.H.L., Roth M., Ren G., Gao Z., Wang T., Li Q., Shi C., Ning G., Li Y.B. (2019). PM2.5 Pollution Modulates Wintertime Urban-Heat-Island Intensity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megalopolis, China. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(1), e2019GL08428. [link]

Xing X., Hu L., Guo Y., Bloom M.S., Li S., Chen G., Yim S.H.L., Gurram N., Yang M., Xiao X., Xu S., Wei Q., Yu H., Yang B., Zeng X., Chen W., Hu Q., Dong G.H. (2019). Interactions between ambient air pollution and obesity on lung function in children: The Seven Northeastern Chinese Cities (SNEC) Study. Science of the Total Environment, 699, 134397. [link]

Ning G., Yim S.H.L., Wang S., Duan B., Nie C., Yang X., Wang J., Shang K. (2019). Synergistic effects of synoptic weather patterns and topography on air quality: a case of the Sichuan Basin of China. Climate dynamics, 53(11), 6729-6744. [link]

Liu Z., Ming Y., Wang L., Bollasina M., Luo M., Lau N.C., Yim S.H.L. (2019). A Model Investigation of Aerosol-Induced Changes in the East Asian Winter Monsoon. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(16), 10186-10195. [link]

Guo J., Xu H., Liu L., Chen D., Peng Y., Yim S.H.L., Yang Y., Li J., Zhao C., Zhai P. (2019). The trend reversal of dust aerosol over East Asia and the North Pacific Ocean attributed to large-scale meteorology, deposition and soil moisture. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 10450-10466. [link]

Yim S.H.L., Gu Y., Shapiro M., Stephens B. (2019). Air quality and acid deposition impacts of local emissions and transboundary air pollution in Japan and South Korea. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 13309-13323. [link]

Yang Y., Yim S.H.L., Haywood J., Osborne M., Chan J.C.S., Zeng Z., Cheng J.C.H. (2019). Characteristics of heavy particulate matter pollution events over Hong Kong and their relationships with vertical wind profiles using high-time-resolution Doppler Lidar measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124(16), 9609-9623. [link]

Lui K.H., Jones T., BéruBé K., Ho S.S.H., Yim S.H.L., Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Tian L., Min D.W., Ho K.F. (2019). The effects of particle-induced oxidative damage from exposure to airborne fine particulate matter components in the vicinity of landfill sites on Hong Kong. Chemosphere, 230, 578-586. [link]

Zhang C., Guo Y., Xiao X., Bloom M.S., Qian Z., Rolling C.A., Xian H., Lin S., Li S., Chen G., Jalava P., Roponen M., Hirvonen M.R., Komppula M., Leskinen A., Yim S.H.L., Chen D.H., Ma H.,, Zeng X.W., Hu L.W., Liu K.K., Yang B.Y., Dong G.H. (2019). Association of Breastfeeding and Air Pollution Exposure With Lung Function in Chinese Children. JAMA Network Open, 2(5), e194186. [link]

Yang B.Y., Markevych I., Heinrich J., Bloom M.S., Qian Z., Geiger S.D., Vaughn M., Liu S., Guo Y., Dharmage S.C., Jalaludin B., Knibbs L.D., Chen D., Jalava P., Lin S., Yim S.H.L., Liu K.K., Zeng X.W., Hu L.W., Dong G.H.(2019). Residential greenness and blood lipids in urban-dwelling adults: The 33 Communities Chinese Health Study. Environmental Pollution, 250, 14-22. [link]

Zeng Z., Mao F., Wang Z., Guo J., Gui K., An J., Yim S.H.L., Yang Y., Zhang B., Jiang H. (2019). Preliminary evaluation of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder water vapor over China against high-resolution radiosonde measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124(7), 3871-3888. [link]

Yang B.Y., Guo Y., Bloom M.S., Xiao X., Qian Z., Liu E., Howard S.W., Zhao T., Wang S.Q., Li S., Chen D.H., Ma H., Yim S.H.L., Liu K.K., Zeng X.W., Hu L.W., Liu R.Q., Feng D., Yang M., Xu S.L., Dong G.H.(2019). Ambient PM1 air pollution, blood pressure, and hypertension: Insights from the 33 Communities Chinese Health Study. Environmental Research, 170, 252-259. [link]

Wang M.Y., Yim S.H.L., Wong D.C., Ho K.F. (2019). Source contributions of surface ozone in China using an adjoint sensitivity analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 662, 385-392. [link]

Wang Y., Chan A., Lau N.C., Li Q., Yang Y., Yim S.H.L. (2019). Effects of urbanization and global climate change on regional climate in the Pearl River Delta and thermal comfort implications. International Journal of Climatology, 39, 2984-2997. [link]

Yim S.H.L., Hou X., Guo J., Yang Y. (2019). Contribution of local emissions and transboundary air pollution to air quality in Hong Kong during El Niño-Southern Oscillation and heatwaves. Atmospheric Research, 218, 50-58. [Link]

Tian Y.P., Zeng X.W., Bloom M.S., Lin S., Wang S.Q., Yim S.H.L., Yang M., Chu C., Gurram N., Hu L.W., Liu K.K., Yang B.Y., Feng D., Liu R.Q., Nian M., Dong G.H. (2019). Isomers of perfluoroalkyl substances and overweight status among Chinese by sex status: Isomers of C8 Health Project in China. Environment International,124,130-138. [Link]

Yang B.Y., Guo Y., Morawska L., Bloom M.S., Markevych I., Heinrich J., Dharmage S.C., Knibbs L.D., Lin S., Yim S.H.L., Chen G., Li S., Zeng X.W., Liu K.K., Hu, L.W., Dong G.H. (2019). Ambient PM1 air pollution and cardiovascular disease prevalence: Insights from the 33 Communities Chinese Health Study. Environment International, 123, 310-317. [Link]

Chen X.C., Chow J.C., Ward T.J., Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Watson J.G., Lau N.C., Yim S.H.L., Ho K.F. (2019). Estimation of personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) of ambient origin for healthy adults in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 654, 514-524. [Link]

Hou X., Chan C.K., Dong G.H., Yim S.H.L. (2019). Impacts of transboundary air pollution and local emissions on PM2.5 pollution in the Pearl River Delta region of China and the public health, and the policy implications. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 034005. [Link].


Ning G., Wang S., Yim S.H.L., Li J., Hu Y., Shang Z., Wang J., Wang J. (2018). Impact of low-pressure systems on winter heavy air pollution in the northwest Sichuan Basin, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 13601-13615. [Link].

Yang Y., Zheng X., Gao Z., Wang H., Wang T., Li Y., Lau G.N.C., Yim S.H.L. (2018). Long-Term Trends of Persistent Synoptic Circulation Events in Planetary Boundary Layer and Their Relationships with Haze Pollution in Winter Half-Year over Eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 123(19), 10,991-11,007. [Link]

Tong C.H.M., Yim S.H.L., Rothenberg D., Wang C., Lin C.Y., Chen Y.D., Lau N.C. (2018). Projecting the impacts of atmospheric conditions under climate change on air quality over Pearl River Delta region. Atmospheric Environment, 193, 79-87. [Link]

Gu Y., Wong T.W., Law S.C.K., Dong G.H., Ho K.F., Yang Y., Yim S.H.L. (2018). Impacts of Sectoral Emissions in China and the Implications: Air Quality, Public Health, Crop Production, and Economic Costs. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 8. [Link]

Yang B.Y., Bloom M.S., Markevych I., Qian Z., Vaughn M.G., Cummings-Vaughn L.A., Li S., Chen G., Bowatte G., Perret J.L., Dharmage S.C., Heinrich J., Yim S.H.L., Lin S., Tian L., Yang M., Liu K.K., Zeng X.W., Hu L.W., Guo Y. Dong G.H. (2018). Exposure to ambient air pollution and blood lipids in adults: The 33 Communities Chinese Health Study. Environment International, 119, 485-492. [Link]

Lawrence W.R., Yang M., Zhang C., Liu R.Q., Lin S., Wang S.Q., Liu Y., Ma H., Chen D.H., Zeng X.W., Yang B.Y., Hu L.W., Yim S.H.L., Dong G.H. (2018). Association between Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution and Sleep Disorder in Chinese Children: The Seven Northeastern Cities (SNEC) Study. Sleep, 41(9), zsy122. [Link]

Lee H.H., Iraqui O., Gu Y., Yim S.H.L., Chulakadabba A., Tonks A.Y.M., Yang Z., Wang C. (2018). Impacts of air pollutants from fire and non-fire emissions on the regional air quality in Southeast Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 6141-6156. [link]

Liu Z., Yim S.H.L., Wang C., Lau N.C. (2018). The impact of the aerosol direct radiative forcing on deep convection and air quality in the Pearl River Delta region. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(9), 4410-4418. [link]

Tong C.H.M., Yim S.H.L., Rothenberg D., Wang C., Lin C.Y., Chen Y., Lau N.C. (2018). Assessing the Impacts of Seasonal and Vertical Atmospheric Conditions on Air Quality over the Pearl River Delta Region. Atmospheric Environment, 180, 69-78. [link]

Chen X.C., Ward T.J., Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Chow J.C., Lau G.N.C., Yim S.H.L., Ho K.F. (2018). Determinants of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in adult subjects in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 1165-1177. [link]
Chan C.S., Ranasinghe R.S.A., Ho S.S.H., Ho K.F., Yim S.H.L., Sugathapala A.G.T., Lee S.C., Hung W.T., Huang Y., Zhang H. (2018). Evaluation of hazardous airborne carbonyls in five urban roadside dwellings: A comprehensive indoor air assessment in Sri Lanka. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 9(2), 270-277. [link]

Luo M., Hou X., Gu Y., Lau N.C., Yim S.H.L. (2018). Trans-boundary Air Pollution in a City under Various Atmospheric Conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 618, 132-141. [link]


Chen X.C., Jahn H.J., Engling G., Ward T.J., Kraemer A., Ho K.F., Yim S.H.L., Chan C.Y. (2017). Chemical characterization and sources of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the megacity of Guangzhou, China. Environmental Pollution, 231 (Part 1), 871-881. [link]


Gu Y. and Yim S.H.L. (2016). The air quality and health impacts of domestic trans-boundary pollution in various regions of China. Environment International, 97, 117-124. [Link]


Yim S.H.L., Lee G.L., Lee I.H., Allroggen F., Ashok A., Caiazzo F., Eastham S.D., Malina R., Barrett S.R.H. (2015). Global, regional and local health impacts of civil aviation emissions. Environmental Research Letters 10 034001. [Link]


Yim S.H.L., Fung J.C.H., Ng E.Y.Y. (2014). An assessment indicator for air ventilation and pollutant dispersion potential in an urban canopy with complex natural terrain and significant wind variations. Atmospheric Environment, 94, 297-306. [Link]

Chong U., Yim S.H.L., Barrett S.R.H., Boies A.M. (2014). Air Quality and Climate Impacts of Alternative Bus Technologies in Greater London. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(8), 4613-4622. [Link]

Ashok A., Dedoussi I.C., Yim S.H.L., Balakrishnan H., Barrett S.R.H. (2014). Quantifying the air quality-CO2 tradeoff potential for airports. Atmospheric Environment, 99, 546-555. [Link]

Wolfe P.J., Yim S.H.L., Lee G., Ashok A., Barrett S.R.H., Waitz I.A. (2013). Near-Airport Distribution of the Environmental Costs of Aviation. Transport Policy, 34, 102-108. [Link]

Caiazzo F., Malina R., Staples M.D., Wolfe P.J., Yim S.H.L., Barrett S.R.H. (2014). Quantifying the Climate Impacts of Albedo Changes due to Biofuel Production: A Comparison with Biogeochemical Effects. Environment. Research. Letter. 9 024015 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/2/024015. [Link]


Yim S.H.L., Stettler M.E.J., Barrett S.R.H. (2013). Air Quality and Public Health Impacts of UK Airports. Part II: Impacts and Policy Assessment. Atmospheric Environment, 67, 184-192. [Link]

An K., Fung J.C.H., Yim S.H.L. (2013). Sensitivity of Inflow Boundary Conditions on Downstream Wind and Turbulence Profiles through Building Obstacles Using a CFD Approach. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 115, 137-149. [Link]

Ashok A., Lee I.H., Arunachalam S., Waitz I.A., Yim S.H.L., Barrett S.R.H. (2013). Development of A Response Surface Model of Aviation’s Air Quality Impacts in the United States. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 445-452. [Link]

Caiazzo F., Ashok A., Waitz I.A., Yim S.H.L., Barrett S.R.H. (2013). Air Pollution and Early Deaths in the United States. Part I: Quantifying the Impact of Major Sectors in 2005. Atmospheric Environment, 79, 198-208. [Link]


Yim S.H.L., Barrett S.R.H. (2012). Public Health Impacts of Combustion Emissions in the United Kingdom. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(8), 4291-4296. (The second runner-up of the best environmental policy paper in ES&T in 2012) [Link]

Barrett S.R.H., Yim S.H.L., Gilmore C.K., Murray L.T., Kuhn S.R., Tai A.P.K., Yantosca R.M., Byun D., Ngan F., Li X.S., Levy J., Ashok A., Koo J., Wong H.M., Dessens O., Balasubramanian S., Fleming G.G., Pearlson M.N., Wollersheim C., Malina R., Arunachalam S., Binkowski F.S., Leibensperger E.M., Jacob D.J., Hileman J.I. and Waitz I.A. (2012). Public Health, Climate and Economic Impacts of Desulfurizing Jet Fuel. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(8), 4275-4282. [Link]

Zhao F., Liu D., Yim S.H.L. Inverse Fluid Convection Problems in Enclosures. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012 (2012): 1–2. [Link]

Ren C., Spit T., Lenzholzer S., Yim S.H.L., Heusinkveld B., van Hove B., Chen L., Kupski S., Burghard R., Katzschner L. (2012). Urban Climate Map System for Dutch Spatial Planning. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18, 207-221. [Link]

2011 or before

Yim S.H.L., Fung J.C.H., Lau A.K.H. (2010). Use of High-resolution MM5/CALMET/CALPUFF System: SO2 Apportionment to Air Quality in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 44(38), 4850-4858. [Link]

Yim S.H.L., Fung J.C.H., Lau A.K.H. (2009). Mesoscale Simulation of Year-to-Year Variation of Wind Power Potential over Southern China. Energies, 2(2), 340-361. [Link]

Yim S.H.L., Fung J.C.H., Lau A.K.H., Kot S.C. (2009). Air Ventilation Impacts of the “Wall Effect” Resulting from the Alignment of High-rise Buildings. Atmospheric Environment, 43(32), 4982-4994. [Link]

Yim S.H.L., Fung J.C.H., Lau A.K.H., Kot S.C. (2007). Developing a high-resolution wind map for a complex terrain with a coupled MM5/CALMET system. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D05106, doi:10.1029/2006JD007752. [Link]

Book Chapter

Yim S.H.L. (2014). Meteorological modelling and its future development for Urban Climatic Map Studies. Ng, E.Y.Y. and Ren C. (eds.), The Urban Climate Map – for sustainable urban planning, Earthscan / Taylor & Francis, chapter 26, in press.

Code Publication

Yim S.H.L. and Barrett S.R.H. (2014). The Rapid Dispersion Code, LAE029140991-N. Available at:

Teaching Fields

  • Urban Environmental Sustainability
  • Environmental Management and Policy
  • Earth Environmental Simulation

Research interests

  • Regional and Urban Air Quality
  • Air pollutant exposure
  • Urban Climatology
  • Climate-air quality Interactions

Services/ Posts



  • Board Secretary, GRM, CUHK
  • Chairperson, Green Committee, GRM, CUHK
  • Chairperson, Scholarship and Student Exchange Committee, GRM
  • Member, Executive Committee, GRM, CUHK
  • Member, Supporting Staff Committee, GRM, CUHK
  • Member, Equipment Grant Committee, GRM, CUHK
  • Member, Staff-Student Consultative Committee, GRM, CUHK
  • Member, Admissions and School Partnership Committee, GRM, CUHK


  • Chairperson, Physical Education Committee, Chung Chi College, CUHK
  • Chairperson, Executive Committee, Chung Chi College Staff Club, Chung Chi College, CUHK
  • Member, CC70 Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee, Chung Chi College, CUHK


  • Research Fellow, Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre, CUHK (by courtesy)
  • Research Fellow (Honorary), Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK
  • Fellow, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, CUHK


  • Member, Senate Committee on Physical Education, CUHK
  • Member, The University Health Service Committee, CUHK


  • Hong Kong Convention Ambassador, Hong Kong Tourist Board
  • Invited committee member, the National Advisory Board on Atmospheric Science Discipline in Higher Education (2018-2022), the Ministry of Education of China [中國教育部大气科学类专业教学指导委员会(2018-2022)特聘委員]
  • Editorial board member, Scientific Reports – Nature
  • Guest editor of Atmosphere
  • Member, Environmental Education and Community Action Projects Vetting Subcommittee, Environment and Conservation Fund, the Government of the Hong Kong SAR
  • Member, Working Group on Application of Air Quality Modelling in HK EIAs, Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD), the Government of the Hong Kong SAR
  • Member, the Sub-Group on Air Science & Health of the Working Group on the Review of Air Quality Objectives, Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD), the Government of the Hong Kong SAR
  • Member, Scientific Review Committee, MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives 2018-2019
  • Member, Technical Committee for the 11th Asian Aerosol Conference
  • Member, International scientific committee of ICEMEE2019
  • Member, International Organizing Committees, Collaborative Conference on Geosciences
  • Member, the Road Transport Dialogue Platform organized by the Business Environment Council (2018)


Development of air quality forecast model using 3DREAMS and ground measurements

Transboundary air pollution under future emission scenarios and the projected health impacts