




MPhil, PhD (CUHK)

(852) 3943-6534


Guo C. (PI). Cross-border differences in the disaster literacy of the general public in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: A case study of typhoon emergency response (粵港澳大灣區公眾災害素養的跨邊界差異:以颱風災害為例). Young Scientist Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目). Ref. 4210012105. Jan 2022 – Dec 2024. Amount: RMB 300,000.

Wei H.(PI), Guo C. (Co-I) and Ho H.C. (Co-I). Towards People-centric Smart City Development: Investigating the Citizens’ Preferences and Perceptions about Smart-city Services in Hong Kong. Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme. Ref. 2021.A6 .185.21D. Apr 2022 to Mar 2023. Amount: HKD 469,401.

Chan E.Y.Y. (PI), Chan G.K.W. (Co-I), Guo C. (Co-I), Wong C. (Co-I), Liu S. (Co-I), Huang Z. (Co-I), Mark C.K.M. (Co-I). Teaching public health in disaster and emergency response with massive open online course and face-to-face classrooms: Building a global humanitarian response community. Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. May 2017 to Apr 2018. Amount: HKD118,900.

Chan E.Y.Y. (PI), Goggins W.B. (Co-I), Chan G.K.W. (Co-I), Guo C. (Co-I) and Lam H.C.Y. (Co-I). Between extremes: Threatening heat and cold. Funded by RC’s One-off Funding Allocation – Impact Write-up Scheme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Jan 2017 to Dec 2017. Amount: HKD 99,950.


Journal articles and book chapters

Guo C.*, Li S.* and Chan S.S.S. (2022). Long-tern effects of disaster exposure on health care workers’ resilience: A comparison of the Wenchuan earthquake-exposed and unexposed groups. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 67: 102658.

Molassiotis A.*, Guo C., West C. and Loke A.Y. * (2022). Identifying the priorities of nursing research for disaster management: A Delphi study and international survey. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 74:102935.

Li S., Guo C. * and Chan S. (2022). ICD-11 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Complex PTSD Among Hospital Medical Workers in China: Impacts of Wenchuan Earthquake Exposure, Workplaces, and Sociodemographic Factors. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12:735861.

Loke A.Y., Guo C., Jung Y. and Mao X. (2022). Role of the advanced or specialized nurse: In public health, advanced practice, and military services. In J. Langan (Ed.). Preparing Nurses for Disaster Management: A Global Approach. ISBN: 9780323776769

Guo C.*, Sim T., and Su G. (2021). Individual disaster preparedness in drought-and-flood-prone villages in Northwest China: Impact of place, out-migration and community. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1649).

Sim T., Han Z., Guo C.*, Yu J., Lau J., and Su G. (2021). Disaster preparedness, perceived community resilience, and place of rural villages in Northwest China. Natural Hazards, 108: 907–923.

Ho H.C.*, Wong P.Y.P., and Guo C.* (2021). Identity impacts of social and environmental perceptions on preparedness and knowledge of air pollution risk: A study of adolescent males in an urbanized, high-density city. Sustainable Cities and Society, 66:102678.

Molassiotis A.*, Guo C., Abu-Odah H., West C. and Loke A.Y. (2021). Evolution of disaster nursing research in the past 30 years (1990 -2019): A bibliometric and mapping analysis. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 58: 102230.

Loke A.Y., Li S., and Guo C.* (2021). Mapping a postgraduate curriculum in disaster nursing with the International Council of Nursing’s Core Competencies in Disaster Nursing V2.0: The extent of the program in addressing the core competencies. Nurse Education Today, 106: 105063.

Loke A.Y.*, Guo C. and Molassiotis A. (2021). Development of disaster nursing education and training programs in the past 20 years (2000-2019): A systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 99: 104809.

Guo C., Sim T., and Ho H.C.* (2020). Impact of information seeking, disaster preparedness and typhoon emergency response on perceived community resilience in Hong Kong. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50: 101744.

Guo C.*, Sim T., and Ho H.C. (2020). Evaluation of risk perception, knowledge, and preparedness of extreme storm events for the improvement of coastal resilience among migrants: A lesson from Hong Kong. Population, Space and Place, 26: e2318.

Rodgers J.*, Su G., Qi W., Milledge D., Densomre A., Davis C., England P., Young J., Cao Y., Chakos A., Li X., Sim T., So E., Parsons B., Sun L. Yu J. and Guo C. (2019). Creating an earthquake scenario in China: A case study in Weinan City, Shaanxi province. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 40: 101253.

Yu J., Sim T., Guo C.*, Han Z., Lau J., and Su G. (2019). Risk perception and adaptation intentions to earthquake risk in rural area of China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 40:101253.

Rodgers J., Su G., Sim T., England P., Young J., Qi W., Li X., Li Z., Liu Y., Qi M., Sun L., Gao J., Wang D., Shi W., Guo C., Yu J., Feng X., Ma J., Chen K., Cao Y., Parsons B., So E., Chakos A., Davis C., Densmore A., Milledge D., Lai S.K., & Liu S. (2019). Home Coming: A story about how a strong earthquake affects a family with “left-behind” children (version for the general public). Beijing: Seismological Press. ISBN: 9787502851606.

Rodgers J., Su G., Sim T., England P., Young J., Qi W., Li X., Li Z., Liu Y., Qi M., Sun L., Gao J., Wang D., Shi W., Guo C., Yu J., Feng X., Ma J., Chen K., Cao Y., Parsons B., So E., Chakos A., Davis C., Densmore A., Milledge D., Lai S.K., & Liu S. (2019). Home Coming: A story about how a strong earthquake affects a family with “left-behind” children (version for the government officials). Beijing: Seismological Press. ISBN:

Chan E.Y.Y.*, Wang S.S., Ho J.Y.E., Huang Z., Liu S. and Guo C. (2017). Socio-demographic predictors of health and environmental co-benefit behaviours for climate change mitigation in urban China. PLoS ONE, 12(11): e0188661.

Chan E.Y.Y.*, Huang Z., Mark C.K.M. and Guo C. (2017). Patterns of weather information acquisition and health significance during extreme cold weather: A cross-sectional survey in a sub-tropical metropolis. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 8(2):134-144.

Chan E.Y.Y.*, Guo C., Lee P., Liu S., Mark C.K.M. (2017). Health emergency and disaster risk management (Health-EDRM) in remote ethnic minority areas of rural China: The Case of a Flood-Prone Village in Sichuan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 8(2):156-163.

Guo C.* and Shen J. (2016). Gender and migration: Employment of rural migrants in South China’s factories. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 22(3): 228-248.

(*Corresponding author for journal articles)


Research reports

Guo C., Mulquin M., Coallier F., Wang F., Lawrence P. et al. (2021). Technology report: City information modelling and urban digital twins. Geneva: International Electrotechnical Commission.

Guo C., Chan E.Y.Y. and Chung P.P.W. (2017). Disaster response and health risk management during 2010 Hainan flooding in China. In R. Shaw, E.Y.Y. Chan, L. Fang, L. Lu, P. Shi, S. Yang, G.K.W. Chan, J. Wong (Ed.), Co-designing DRR solutions: towards participatory action and communication in science, technology and academia (pp. 33-34). Hong Kong, China: ASTAAG, IRDR and CCOUC.



Guo C. (2 Dec 2021) Understanding City Information Modelling and Urban Digital Twins. IEC-International Electrotechnical Commission.

Teaching Fields

  • Geography of China
  • Population and migration
  • Urban geography
  • World development

Research interests

  • Ageing and health
  • Disaster risk reduction
  • Population and migration
  • Resilience
  • Smart cities

Services/ Posts

  • Registered member of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Systems Committee of Smart Cities
  • Outgoing liaison representative of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Systems Committee of Smart Cities in ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience