News Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

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GPGC & MPUP Alumni Day and Career Development Talks


Committed to fostering the career development of our students, GPGC once again collaborated with MSSc in Public Policy to launch the GPGC & MPUP Alumni Day & Career Development Talks on 25 February 2023 via zoom.

During the event, speakers took turns sharing their experience in career planning and job searching skills.



Alumni Speaker

Career Field

Based in


James Cai Jiangye (MPUP)


Hong Kong


Mr. YAN Hao (GPGC)

Multinational consumer goods and retail



Ms. DING Xuerong (GPGC)




Mr. YAN Haowen (GPGC)

Think Tank/Internet



Mr. YUAN Yujie (MPUP)






Hong Kong


Ms. JI Yifei (GPGC)


Hong Kong


Ms. WANG Yuping (GPGC)


Hong Kong


The programme sincerely thanks our alumni for their contribution to this successful event. We hope to see them all in our next activity.


zoom2023 1



Alumni day poster 2




Outstanding Student Award


Congratulations to Mr. Li Siqi, GPGC 2022 alumnus on his being awarded with the 2022 Outstanding Students Award by the Office of Student Affairs of CUHK! Siqi’s remarkable achievements in arts is well recognized inside and outside the University!

Siqi studied film directing in Communication University of China during 2017-2021 and then pursued his Master of Social Science in GPGC during 2021-2022. His representative short film "Waiting-Battlefield of Youth" (in Chinese《此間的少年》) has won Best Song and Special Jury Award in Los Angeles Film Awards (LAFA) in August 2022.


LI Siqi Prof. Vivian ZHAN

LI Siqi Prof. Vivian ZHAN 2



Academic Lecture: "Europe-China Relations Today: From Global Strategic Partnership to Systemic Rivalry?"


On December 1, GPGC organized a public lecture in which Prof. Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Emeritus Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University shared his observations concerning the latest developments of EU-China relations. In the two-hour lecture, Prof. Cabestan examined how and where does the EU cooperate and compete with China, how does the EU-China systemic rivalry impact their partnership in the context of geostrategic and ideological tensions and economic decoupling between Washington and Beijing, and explored the uncertain future of EU-China relations. Prof. Cabestan had a lively discussion with the participants after the lecture. .

The Lecture was followed by special GPGC Admission Q&A session by Programme Director of GPGC, Prof. Vivian Zhan.


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ICAC Visit


Hong Kong is known as one of the few clean societies in the world. The ICAC has played a leading and indispensable role in controlling corruption. With the kind referral by Professor Gong Ting, instructor of GPGC5103, GPGC organized a visit to the Headquarter of ICAC on 17 November 2022!

Mr Woo Ying-ming, SBS, CSDSM, the Commissioner of ICAC met and interacted with students on site. ICAC staff also enthusiastically introduced the work of the ICAC, and led the students to visit the exhibition hall, the reporting center, the detention center and other facilities.

By visiting ICAC, students will learn more about Hong Kong's anti-corruption experience and strategies and how its success in corruption prevention has contributed to good governance.


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GPGC Admission Scholarship 2022/23


The GPGC programme is happy to announce that 5 of our GPGC students, Ms. CHEN Xiaotong, Ms. LIN Luhan, Ms. LIU Shuru, Ms. ZHAO Yuqi and Ms. ZHENG Zinan, are awarded admission scholarship this year.

Each year, the programme awards admission scholarships to outstanding new students. To be eligible, students should have obtained excellent academic performance in prior study and be able to demonstrate strong interest and enthusiasm in learning about public administration in Greater China region. Subject to the final endorsement by the Programme Committee, top 10% of the student group will be nominated to receive the scholarship.

Congratulation to our awardees and we wish everyone a fruitful learning experience in CUHK.


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CUHK GPGC - Admission 2023 / 24


Review of applications has already started. Early applications are encouraged.

 Applications must be made online. Please visit the website of the Graduate School, CUHK for details.


 gpgc adm 2023 updated



 GPGC Orientation Day (September 1, 2022)


Last Thursday, September 1 2022, fifty members of the 2022-23 entry received a formal welcome session at the GPGC Programme's annual Orientation. Professor Vivian Zhan, Programme Director of GPGC, kicked off the event by giving a warm welcoming speech to the participants. GPGC is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Throughout the 10 years, the Programme has achieved remarkable success. GPGC graduates have taken up vital roles in government bodies, financial institutions, business sectors, media and educational institutions. Quite some graduates pursued PhD studies in world-class universities such as Harvard, MIT and Peking University. Professor Zhan encouraged the new students to become a person of H.O.P.E, i.e., a person of High aspiration, Open mind, Professional, and Exploration.


This year, we are honored to have Professor Jean-Pierre Cabestan (Senior Researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research), Professor Chen Feng (Professor Emeritus of Hong Kong Baptist University) and Professor Gong Ting (Adjunct Professor of City University of Hong Kong) to join its teaching team. Started with a self-introduction session, the professors shared with students their valuable experience and unique insight on postgraduate studies.


Upon the end of the Orientation, Dr. Brenda Liu, the Programme Manager introduced important academic matters to the students and addressed students’ questions.


We wish all GPGC students a fruitful academic year ahead!



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Academic Lecture: New Book Published by Prof Zhan Jing Vivian


China's Contained Resource Curse

How Minerals Shape State-Capital-Labor Relations


New Book Symposium

Date: 26 April 2022 (Tue)

Time: 3-5pm

Format: Zoom Webinar



Book Information:

This is the first monograph on the socioeconomic and political impacts of minerals on contemporary China. This book takes a novel perspective on the resource curse by disaggregating the society into three key actors, the state, capital, and labor.

It tells nuanced stories about the distinctive effects of mineral resources on the state-capital-labor triad in China, a resource-rich country that has been largely overlooked in the resource curse discourse.

Taking a subnational approach, this research zooms in on local situations and identifies clear causal channels through which mineral resources affect local development and governance as well as the welfare of local citizens. Characterizing mining industries as pro-capital and anti-labor, this research also highlights the redistributive roles that the state can play to address the unfair game.

It reveals the Chinese state’s strategies to contain the resource curse and also pinpoints some pitfalls of the China model, which offer important policy implications for China and other resource-rich countries.

Author Information:

Prof. Zhan specializes in comparative political economy, contemporary Chinese politics, intergovernmental relations, local governance, and development studies. Her pioneering research on China’s resource sector and resource policies has been published in journals such as the China Quarterly, Environmental and Resource Economics, and the Extractive Industries and Society and received the CUHK Research Excellence Award. Prof. Zhan is also the Programme Diector of MSSc in Government and Politics (Greater China), CUHK.





Published book Prof Zhan



Academic Lecture: "Crisis in Ukraine "


The crisis in Ukraine has become global attention. On March 5, the programme organised an academic lecture and invited Prof. Qin Hui, a former professor of the History Department of Tsinghua University and a famous scholar, to give an academic lecture entitled "Crisis in Ukraine ". In the two-hour lecture, Prof. Qin started by comparing the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 and the annexation of Sudetenland by Germany in 1938, and analysed the historical context of the Ukraine and Ukraine-Russia relations in depth, responding to several popular views, and analysed the deficiencies of modern international law and international political rules. Prof. Qin had a lively discussion with the participants.


Public Lecture by Prof Qin Hui 05032022



MPUP & GPGC Alumni Day on 5 March 2022

Committed to fostering the career development of our students, GPGC once again collaborated with MSSc in Public Policy to launch the MPUP & GPGC Alumni Day on 5 March 2022, via zoom.

During the event, speakers took turn to share their experience in career planning and job searching skills.

To cope with those who are planning further study, the programme invited 2 GPGC and MPUP alumni who are now PhD candidate at Beijing University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University to talk about admission tips and how they manage to receive offer from these prestigious universities.


Alumni day 1


The programme sincerely thanks our alumni for their contribution in making this event possible.



Taught Master Programme Information Session

Public Lecture



Poster 22 Oct 2021


The MSSc Programme in Public Policy (MPUP) & MSSc Programme in Government and Politics (Greater China) (GPGC)

will co-organise a Taught Master Programme Information Session on 3 December 2021, with details as follow:


  • Date: 3 December 2021 (Friday)
  • Time: 2:30 – 5:15 pm
  • Format: Face-to-face AND Zoom
  • Venue: Rm 209A-B, Cheng Yu Tung Building




Prospective students who are interested in learning about the programme are strongly encouraged to join.

For students and visitors who are interested in international relation, Prof. Gunter Schubert, Chair Professor of Greater China Studies at the University of Tübingen and Associate Research Professor at the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, will deliver a public lecture on the same day to report some of his observations concerning EU’s stance under the current U.S.-China relation.



Squeezed between Scylla and Charybdis? The European Union's Quest of Strategic Autonomy in Times of U.S.-China Showdown Politics



Against the background of an intensifying geopolitical shift and deteriorating U.S.-China relations, the European Union (EU) struggles to determine its future direction in the arena of international politics. Squeezed between its traditional ally and a rising power at the commanding heights of the world economy, the EU ponders the concept of ‘strategic autonomy’ without being able to spell out, for the time being, what this could or should mean in terms of concrete policy. Meanwhile, pressure from both the U.S. and China on the European Union to take stances is increasing. Heterogeneity in the Union doesn’t help, as national interests of member states diverge in many instances and impede consistent policy-making. Being no specialist on European politics, the speaker reports on some of his observations concerning the EU’s internal strife to find common ground for a consistent foreign policy and invites the audience to discuss about the impact of a dramatically changing geopolitical environment on regional order in East Asia.



Gunter Schubert, PhD, is Chair Professor of Greater China Studies at the University of Tübingen and Associate Research Professor at the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. He specializes in Chinese local governance and state-business relations, cross-strait political economy, Taiwan domestic politics and the change of regional and global order under the impact of China’s rise. Prof. Schubert currently teaches at CUHK’s Department of Government and Public Administration and the Center of Chinese Studies.  



GPGC Admission Scholarship 2021/22


The GPGC programme is happy to announce that 4 of our incoming students, Mr. Chen Yuan, Mr. Li Siqi, Ms. Liang Wenjia and Ms. Wang Shiyuan, are awarded admission scholarship this year.

Each year, the programme awards admission scholarships to outstanding new students. To be eligible, students should have obtained excellent academic performance in prior study and be able to demonstrate strong interest and enthusiasm in learning about public administration in Greater China region. Subject to the final endorsement by the Programme Committee, top 10% of the student group will be nominated to receive the scholarship. The award amount is HK$20,000 per student.

Congratulation to our awardees and we wish everyone a smooth start in CUHK.


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29Oct2021 02


GPGC Orientation Day (September 4, 2021)




A group of GPGC students met the first time on campus to attend the GPGC Orientation in a sunny and warm Saturday. Prof. Vivian Zhan, Prof. Tsao King Tao, Dr. Jackson Yeh and Mr. Ivan Choy joined the event physically while Prof. Gunter Schubert and Dr. James Downes attended the real time online gathering.




In the welcoming speech delivered by Prof. Vivian Zhan, GPGC Programme Director, she reminded students to become a person of H.O.P.E., which in simple translation, a person of High aspiration, Open mind, Professional, and Exploration.


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5   6



The program then followed by greeting and self-introduction of GPGC teachers. Prof. Michel Bonnin also sent his warm remarks to the students via a pre-recorded video. Then, Dr. Brenda Liu, the Programme Manager, gave advice on important academic matters and resources provided by the University. Lastly, teachers and students were assigned to small group to mingle and get to know each other before the start of the academic year.


We wish all GPGC students a healthy and fruitful academic year ahead.



Introduction - New Instructor of GPGC5001 Institution and Reform in Contemporary China


In order to open the horizon of our students, we've invited Professor Gunter Schubert , Chair Professor from University of Tübingen, Germany to be Adjunct Professor of GPA Department and teach one required course, GPGC5001 Institution and Reform in Contemporary China, in Term 1 of 2021/22. Below is a short bio of Prof Schubert:


Gunter Schubert is Professor of Greater China Studies at the Department of Chinese Studies and an Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen. He is also the founder and director of the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) at this university and holds a position as Associate Research Professor at the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies (GEAS), Freie Universität Berlin. His research covers local governance and policy implementation in the PRC, the reform of China’s private sector and state-business relations, cross-strait political economy with a focus on Taiwanese entrepreneurs operating in China, and Taiwan domestic politics. Prof. Schubert conducts regular fieldwork in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. He has published extensively in English, German, French and Chinese. For further details see


Prof Gunter Schubert



GPA50th Anniversary Celebration Banquet (August 15, 2021)


GPA is celebrating its 50th Anniversary!


Our recent graduate and one of awardees of the GPGC Academic Distinction Award 2021, Ms. Yeung Yik Ling and Alumni representative Ms. Zhang Zhuo were invited to join the banquet held at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong on 15 August 2021. Prof. Carlos Lo, Department Head of GPA, started the ceremony by delivering an opening speech that highlighted the history of the GPA Department and the diversity its teachers, students and alumni in terms of value, expertise and profession. During the dinner, Yikling and Zhuo grasped the opportunity to meet with other alumni of GPA and build up social network with guests and participants. It was an enjoyable night for all.


Originally founded in 1970, the Department of Government and Public Administration has gone from strength to strength in nurturing young talents and future leaders in Hong Kong through service in teaching, research and community engagement programmes.


GPGC students with Prof Zhan Jing and Dr. Liu 2



GPGC - MPUP Alumni Day & Career Development Talks (Mar 6, 2021)


GPGC makes every effort in connecting our current students and alumni. We organize Alumni Day and Career Development Talks every year since 2016, and now it has become one of the most memorable traditions of the programme. This year GPGC co-organized the GPGC & MPUP Alumni Day & Career Development Talks with the MSSc Programme in Public Policy (MPUP) in the form of webinar via Zoom on 6 March 2021 (Sat).


Six alumni from the two programmes, including Mr. Luyao LIN (GPGC), Ms. Xinchun WU (GPGC), Mr. Haowen YAN (GPGC), Mr. Dachuan YANG (GPGC), Ms. Yawen YANG (GPGC) and Ms. Emma KUANG (MPUP), were invited to share about their career planning on the Alumni Day. As the alumni are currently working in different fields, ranging from the Internet, Finance, Consumer Goods & Retail, Media, Think Tank to the Government, each of them had shed light on their unique job search experience along with practical tips on preparation for the recruitment process respectively.


In addition to understanding the career prospects in a wide range of sectors, students benefited a great deal from the predecessors’ advice on a growth mindset and attitude which are key qualities to successful career development.


Alumni Day 2021

Alumni Day 2021 participants


Career Workshop on CV and Cover Letter Writing (Nov 28, 2020)


With the mission to nurture future competent policy professionals and leaders, the TPg Programme Office of the Department of Government and Public Administration (GPA) organized the CV and Cover Letter Writing Workshop in the form of webinar via Zoom exclusively for students of the Department of GPA on 28 November 2020 (Sat), to equip them with the essential job search skills.


WMs. Sharon Wong, an experienced trainer from the Independent Learning Centre (ILC), CUHK was invited to host the Workshop to furnish participants with skills and strategies in preparing their CV and Cover Letter. During the Workshop, participants grasped the opportunity to consult Ms. Wong for her professional advice on polishing their CV and Cover Letter.



GPGC in GPA Biannual Newsletter December 2020, Department of Government and Public Administration


The latest issue of GPA e-newsletter has sharing information about MSSc in GPGC. It is now available here. We hope you enjoy reading. Please stay tuned with us for further programme updates and development.


CUHK GPGC - Admission 2021


Review of applications has already started. Early applications are encouraged.


Applications must be made online. Please visit the website of the Graduate School, CUHK via for details.


GPGC poster 2021



Public Lecture & Admission Consultation Session (December 7, 2020)


GPGC is delighted to invite you to join our Public Lecture and Admission Consultation Session for 2021 Entry.


Time: 2:30pm-5:45pm, 7th December (Monday, Hong Kong)
Venue: Online via Zoom (Zoom Meeting Link will be provided after registration)



PART I 2:30-4:30pm Public lecture on「反思新冠疫情——“劇情反轉”與制度比較」(Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic: “Plot Twist” and Institutional Comparison) by Prof Qin Hui.

PART II 4:45- 5:45pm Admission Consultation Session for GPGC and MPUP programme (by Prof Zhan Jing and Prof Carlos Lo)


The lecture will be conducted in Putonghua. Please see the attached poster for registration details.


20201207 Seminar by Prof Qin finalized


GPGC Orientation Day (August 29, 2020)


GPGC organized an Online Orientation for new students of the 2020 entry on 29 August 2020, which furnished students with important programme information and let them meet the course teachers and their fellow classmates online.


While Prof. Zhan Jing, Prof. Qin Hui, Prof. Tsao King Kwun and Prof. Chow Po Chung attended the real time online gathering and gave welcoming speeches, Prof. Michel Bonnin sent his warm remarks to the students from Paris via a prerecorded video. Despite the fact that the session was organized online via Zoom due to special arrangements in response to COVID-19, teachers and students enjoyed the flexible setting, and grasped the opportunity to exchange ideas.


We wish all GPGC students a healthy and fruitful academic year ahead.




Update From GPGC Alumni


ZHANG Ye (GPGC 2014/15) is just accepted by the world-leading Ph.D. programme in Political Science of MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology and will be relocated from New York to Boston this fall. Congratulations!


“If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem,” this is what ZHANG Ye believes. She described political science as a discipline providing students with holistic education academically and practically. She thanked GPGC for further developing her critical thinking abilities, a spirit of service, and brought her new academic inspiration and linkages, which have had a significant impact on her academic achievements.


GPGC Alumni Day 2020 (Mar. 28)


GPGC strives to make connections between our alumni and students. We organize Alumni Day activities every year since 2016, and now it becomes one of the most memorable tradition of the programme. This year we have two activities as below:


1. Career Talks


We are honored to have alumni from GPGC and MPUP, another taught master programme of the GPA Department to share valuable experience in their careers. The webinar details are as follows:


Date: 28 March 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Format: Webinar


Speaker:    Career Field:    Based in: 
Ms. Xuefei FENG (GPGC)    Finance    Changsha 
Ms. Meiying JIANG (GPGC)   Government   Shenzhen
Mr. Luyao LIN (GPGC)   Government   Guangzhou
Ms. Xinchun WU (GPGC)   Media   Hong Kong
Mr. Hao YAN (GPGC)   Business Administration     Guangzhou
Ms. Nicole LIN (MPUP)   NGO   Hong Kong


2. On-line Lecture for GPGC Alumni and Students by Prof. Qin Hui.


Date: 28 March 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 8:00pm - 10:00 pm
Topic: Educated Youth in Guangxi during the Cultural Revolution
Speaker: Professor Qin Hui


Professor Qin is a leading scholar of modern Chinese history and political development and a retired professor of the History Department in Tsinghua University. He is most highly regarded for his pathbreaking comparative study of peasant politics in Russia and China. He is also one of the most influential thinkers on contemporary China.


A Letter For GPGC Families (Nov. 25, 2019)


Dear GPGCers,


We are writing to confirm that the CUHK campus in Shatin has resumed operation on November 25, 2019 and all offices are now functioning as normal. However, please be aware that the University Station of MTR remains closed. Thus, the best way to access our campus is by public bus service (to the University Station bus exchange or the entrances on Tai Po Road), private car or taxi. Only the main entrance on Tai Po road is open to vehicles. Please be sure to bring your CU Link card or alumni card when you visit campus. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us before your visit.


Furthermore, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the entire GPGC family for your understanding and support during the past few weeks. Universities are places nurturing new generations and new ideas. Throughout history, quite some renowned universities, such as UC Berkeley and Peking University, have contributed to or been involved in social movements of their times. They have survived and thrived afterwards. We trust that CUHK has full intellectual and organizational capacity to handle its challenges. We also believe that GPGC will continue to grow and make its unique contributions to enhancing the communication and mutual understanding among the educated young people in Greater China areas.


Sincerely yours,
Vivian ZHAN & Brenda LIU
MSSc in Government and Politics (Greater China)



Public Lecture (31-10-2019, Thursday)


May 4th public lecture QH OCT312019



Public Lecture (Oct.3rd, Thursday)

GPGC poster 20191003


GPGC Orientation Day (Sep. 7, 2019)

Prof. Vivian Zhan, Prof. Qin Hui, Prof. Tsao King Kwun and Dr. Yeh Kuo Hao attended the gathering and gave warm welcoming speeches. This year our entrance scholarship goes to Mr. Jiang Zhongming. Please click here for the photos of that event.


Faculty Updates

Professor Lianjiang Li, Programme Director of GPGC from 2017 to 2019, is now a CASBS Fellow at Stanford University in the 2019-2020 Academic Year. Prof. Vivian Zhan is named as new Programme Director of MSSc in GPGC from 2019 to 2021.

Vivian Zhan is an Associate Professor of the Department of Government and Public Administration at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her BA in English and International Studies from Foreign Affairs College of China, and her PhD in political science from University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests span comparative political economy, contemporary Chinese politics, and research methodology, with a focus on post-Mao reforms, intergovernmental relations and local governance. She is also interested in informal institutions and their impact on political and economic behaviours.

Please clink the below link for a recent interview Prof. Zhan conducted in Belgrade with Politika, a Serbian newspaper (you may need google translation to read the content).


Programme Information Seminar For Mainland Undergraduates

Dr. Liu Chun Brenda, Programme Manager of GPGC delivered an information seminar in 15th (Monday) for a group comprised of mainland undergraduates from Humanities, Education and Social Science invited by the Business School of CUHK.

Besides a general introduction on CUHK MSSc programmes, Dr. Liu especially introduced the features of GPA Department and the GPGC programme. She also give the young students advices on how to pursue further study as well as chasing their own dreams. Please click here for some snapshot of that day.


Alumni Homecoming & Career Development Day 2019

GPGC Programme organized Alumni Homecoming & Career Development Day on Mar. 30 at Yun Chi Hsien, New Asia College. This year we invited 10 alumni from public sector, finance, consulting, IT companies and law firm to give current students in-depth sharing on career development. The Programme Manager presented awards to Top 3 GPA Ranking students. She was also glad to announce that one graduate of the 17/18 cohort and one current student have recently received admission offers from PhD programmes of CUHK and HKU. Congratulations! Click here to see photos from the lovely Saturday.


Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program 2019/20

(Application Deadline: 31 January 2019)

The Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) awards up to 105 scholarships to high-caliber students in Asia each year to study abroad in leading universities across East Asia. Scholars are welcome to pursue the designated degree programs at any of the Anchor Universities (AU) or Participating Universities (PU), which include The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
Coverage of the Scholarship
The scholarship offers each student up to US$25,000 per year or a total of US$50,000 per scholar, which may be used towards university tuition, accommodation costs, and personal living expenses.
BXAI Summer Program costs (for accommodation, food, and round-trip economy class flights) are separately covered by BXAI.


Students are eligible for the AFLSP if they are:
(1) Asian students interested in pursuing a full-time degree program at AU; OR
(2) Prospective and existing Asian students of PU from Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.
AFLSF Scholarship only supports Asian students who wish to study abroad in Asia at one of the AUs or PUs. For example, prospective and existing Asian students from Mainland China, Macao SAR, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea who will study full-time taught Master’s degree programs at CUHK in the academic year 2019/20 are eligible for this exercise of AFLSP.
Scholars must commit to attending the 3-week BXAI Summer Program.
Please visit BXAI’s website at for all eligibility, selection criteria and commitments.
Application Procedures
Students interested in applying for the AFLSP at AU should contact the relevant university direct.
Students interested in applying for the AFLSP at PU should: (1) apply for admission directly with the university (prospective students only), and (2) complete the BXAI online application form on BXAI’s website (both prospective and existing students) on or before 31 January 2019.
Further details of application procedures are also obtainable from BXAI’s website.


Please contact the Bai Xian Asia Institute at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (852) 3958 4788.



Staff Updates

Dr. Li Hak Yin will be leaving our Department in December 2018. He will be a visiting research fellow of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore from Dec 2018 to Mar 2019, he will then take up an associate professorship of the Institute for International Strategy at Tokyo International University in Apr 2019. Dr. Li has been teaching GPGC programme since 2016. We thank him for his exceptional service to the programme, and we wish him every success in the future.



IMG 4448



Dean’s List 2017-18

GPGC programme is very happy to announce that THREE newly graduated alumni are granted Dean’s List (2017-18) of the Faculty of Social Science. They are YANG Yingxuan, XU Lan and LEE Pui Yeung. They are also awarded GPGC Dean’s List Scholarship. Congratulations!

Click here for their photos



Invitation: Prof. Qin Hui’s Talk On The Great Cultural Revolution (Nov. 26)

Professor Qin Hui, Adjunct Professor of GPGC, will give a talk (in Putonghua) on his co-authored book 「中外學者談文革」at 12:00 noon on November 26 (Monday). Anyone interested are welcome to join.




Application For Admission 2019/20

Applications for GPGC programme 2019/20 are accepted from NOW on. Please check our Graduate School’s website to process on-line application:

Important notice for non-local applicants: When preparing your official transcripts, please make sure that first, there’s a stamp of “Registration Section” on your official transcripts; second, there’s an official statement about the Grading Scheme; and third, your average Grade Point Average (GPA) during undergraduate study. Official transcripts should be sent directly to relevant Graduate Division in a sealed envelope from the issuing university. Applicants who obtained degrees from universities in Mainland China are required to provide an Online Verification Report (中國高等教育學歷認證報告) issued by the CHESICC (學信網).

If you exchanged abroad and your courses and grades are listed on your home institution's transcript, then you do not need to upload a separate study abroad transcript. If the coursework and grades for your study abroad program are not listed on your home institution's transcript, then you are required to provide a separate transcript from your study abroad program that shows the coursework and grades.

Click here for our Programme Poster 2019/20



「研究生的苦與美 」《在學術界謀生存》作者李連江教授講座








地點:中文大學康本學術園LT3 (近港鐵站D出口)




Prof. Li 講座Poster V2 RGB



GPGC Orientation Day (Sep. 1 2018)


Prof. Carlos Lo, Prof. Qin Hui, Prof. Li Lianjiang, Prof. Michel Bonnin and Dr. Li Hak-yin attended the gathering and gave warm welcoming speeches. This year Luo Hanning, Wang Xichen and Zhu Xinrong were granted “Government and Politics (Greater China) Scholarship.” Please click here for the photos of that day.



GPGC Welcomes New Teaching Staff


GPGC welcomes Prof. Qinhui to its staff for the 2018-19 academic year. Prof. Qin Hui is a full professor retired from the Department of History, Tsinghua University and one of the leading historian and public intellectuals in China. Prof. Qin started from writing on Ming and Qing agriculture, and since has expanded to contemporary issues ranging from politics to economics and philosophy. He has published numerous scholarly books, which include among others 《走出帝制:從晚清到民國的歷史回望》、《農民社會與農民文化研究》、《田園詩與狂想曲:關中模式與前近代社會的再認識》、《經濟轉軌與社會公正》、《農民中國:歷史反思與現實選擇》、《傳統十論:本土社會的制度、文化及其變革》、《十年滄桑:東歐諸國的經濟社會轉軌與思想變遷》(all published in Chinese).


Prof. Qin 1 s


Prof. Qin 2 s




Alumni Day & Career Talk 2018

GPGC Programme organized Alumni Day & Career Talk on April 15 at United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre. This year we invited 5 alumni from education/media, finance, insurance, human resources consulting and IT companies to give current students an in-depth consultation on career development. The Programme Manager was also proud to share with alumni that one graduate of 15/16 and two current students have recently received admission offers from Mphil/PhD programmes of prestigious universities such as The University of Tübingen, Germany and National University of Singapore. Congratulations! Prof. Li Lianjiang and Tsao King Kwun attended the gathering. Click here to see photos from the Sunday.



Updates Of Our Teaching Staff

Prof. Vivian Zhan, Associate Professor and Acting Programme Director of GPGC 2014/15 have been invited to give the following talks in the past few months. If any of the information is useful for you, feel free to use it.

• “礦產資源與中國地方治理和發展”, Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Zhejiang University, China (2018-03) (
• “以反腐促改革:中國反腐重點領域的變遷”, School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China (2018-03) (
• “模棱之道:中國政府間信息不對稱研究”, School of Political Science and Public Administration, East China University of Politics and Law, China (2018-03) (
• “資源衝突應對的中國經驗 “, School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, China (2018-03) (
• “China's Foreign Policy” & “China: A Global Power” in Faculty Training Workshop organized by United Board, Harvard-Yenching Institute & Christ University, Christ University, India (2018-01)
• “China's Resource Curse: Minerals, Local Governance and Development”, Division of Social Science, the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong (2017- 12) (
• “從改革視角看中國反腐重點領域的變遷”, School of Public Administration, Nanchang University , China (2017-11) (
• “Political Research Methods and Contemporary Chinese Political Studies”, Institute of Advanced Studies of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chongqing University, China (2017 -10)
• “The Art of Political Ambiguity: Top-down Intergovernmental Information Asymmetry in China”, Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Chongqing University, China (2017-09)



New Admission Deadline For 2018/19 Intake

For administrative reasons, our admission deadline for 2018/19 has been updated to 30 April 2018 on both Admission Website & Online Application System of the Graduate School.



Guest Lecture: Mr. Busby GPGC5003

Mr. Busby, a political officer from US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau joined Dr. Li Hak Yin’s GPGC5003 class on March 19 for a talk on US-HK relations and HK between China and the West. The talk is well received by the students.

 IMG 7311s

IMG 2635s



Attending Seminar On Mainland-HK Relations (Nov. 6)

More than 20 GPGC students attended a forum which was delivered by former chief executive Leung Chun-ying to discuss Mainland-Hong Kong relations at HKCEC on Nov. 6 2017. Please click here for some photos of that day.



Visiting Phoenix Television (October 21 2017)

Invited by Brightway Hong Kong, and led by the Programme Manager, GPGC students visit the Phoenix TV at Tai Po Industrial Estate. They were warmly received by the Public Relations Manager, who guided the group around the Global News Centre, exhibition corridors and studio. Through a dialogue with the Deputy Head of Phoenix Chinese Channel, students learnt how the Hong Kong-based Chinese television broadcaster built its fame among highly-educated intellectuals in Mainland China, as well as the challenges it faces. Click here for some photos of that day.



GPGC Orientation And Academic Consultation Was Conducted On Sep. 2 2017

Professor Li Lianjiang, the Acting Programme Director of GPGC attended the gathering together with Prof. Michel Bonnin, Prof. Tsao King Kwun, Prof. Chow Po-chung, Dr. Yeh Kuo-hao, and Dr. Liu Chun. This year Chen Xin, Chen Xinyu and Chen Yuting were granted “Government and Politics (Greater China) Scholarship.” Please click here for the photos of that day. 



Public Seminar

MSSc in GPGC is pleased to announce that we’ve invited Professor Wang Zhengxu from Fudan University to deliver a seminar at USC in June 7. All are welcome!


Seminar Prof. Wang ZX 2017



Alumni Day 2017

GPGC Alumni Day 2017 took place on Mar. 18 at SCR Clubhouse CUHK. We were so thrilled to welcome 12 alumni who are based in Hong Kong to come back and reconnect with old friends and current students. Click here to see photos from the weekend.



Dean’s List 2016-17

GPGC programme is very happy to announce that FIVE alumni are granted Dean’s List in the year of 2016-17. They are ZHOU Shunzi, LIU Mengqi, HAN Jiawei, SHI Shuai, and LI Teng. Congratulations!



Scholarships Have Been Set Up For Excellent Applicants And Graduates!

The Programme Committee of GPGC has decided to set up two scholarships for students of the Programme with effect from 16/17 academic year. The first scholarship is named “Government and Politics (Greater China) Research Scholarship.” It is to honor the top 10 percent of enrolled students of the Programme who have achieved excellent academic records in their previous study and deploy high potential in the research on government and politics (Greater China). This year FOUR recipients were singled out by our Admission Committee based on their past academic performance. Each of them is granted a check of HK$10,000 and a certification.

Congratulations to Xinyao, Li Mi, Yuxuan and Yongshi! Please click here for photos.

Another scholarship is “Dean’s List Scholarship.” GPGC will grant each excellent graduate, whose name is on Dean’s List, a scholarship of HK$5,000.



Orientation Day (Sep. 1, 2016)

Same as previous years, GPGC organized an orientation programme for new postgraduate students this year on September 1st before semester starts. Please click here for the photos of that day.



GPGC Alumni Day 2016

GPGC Programme organized the first ever Alumni Day activity on April 16 2016. We were so thrilled to welcome over 20 Hong Kong-based alumni back to campus to reconnect with old friends, teachers and current students. The function also served as career development consultation for our current students. Click here to see photos of the weekend.