Areas of Expertise
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Nursing education
- Telehealth
Awards & Honours
Sub Category | Awards & Honours |
Award | Y. K. Pao Foundation Exchange Award, Y. K. Pao Foundation Centre for Nursing Excellence in Chronic Illness Care (2021) |
Award | Teacher of the Year Award – Bachelor of Nursing Year 3, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK (2019/20) |
Award | Outstanding Academic Award for Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK (2019/20) |
Award | Outstanding Academic Award for Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK (2018/19) |
Award | Best Poster Presentation Award, The First Cochrane Hong Kong Symposium, The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK (2019) |
Award | BL Wong Prize in Nursing Studies, School of Nursing, HKU (2011) |
Award | Lau Wing Kai Memorial Prize, School of Nursing, HKU (2010) |
Award | M. Y. Tsai Memorial Scholarship, New Asia College, CUHK (2006) |
Award | Dean’s List (Merit), The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK (2005) |
Honour | Honour Society Member, Y. K. Pao Foundation Centre for Nursing Excellence in Chronic Illness Care (2021) |
Honour | Member, Pi Iota Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (2021) |
Honour | Ordinary Member, Hong Kong College of Education and Research in Nursing, Hong Kong Academy of Nursing |
Honour | Honorary Advanced Practice Nurse, New Territories East Cluster (2015) |