WONG Hay 黃熙
Assistant Professor
TEL: 852 - 3943 0401
Room 318, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building

Hay Wong (HW) read Mechanical Engineering and obtained both B.A and M.Eng degrees from the University of Cambridge, UK (2008-12). Following graduation, he worked as a Research Engineer at Stryker Orthopaedics – a Fortune 500 US medical devices manufacturer (2012-14). HW then pursued his industry-sponsored Ph.D at the University of Liverpool under Prof. Chris Sutcliffe and Dr. Peter Fox (2014-19). After working briefly as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Liverpool, he joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong as an Assistant Professor in 2020.

HW’s research interests include metal additive manufacturing, quality control, and instrument/ prototype development (mechanical, electronics, and software). His Ph.D work on in-situ monitoring of the Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing process has earned him 2 international patents-pending and 2 IET Innovation Awards. HW is the first/ solo author of 8 published peer-reviewed journal articles. He serves on the judging panel for the IET E&T Innovation Awards 2020, whilst being a referee for both the Elsevier Additive Manufacturing Journal and the Wiley & Hindawi Scanning Journal.

Research Interests
  • Smart and Additive Manufacturing
  • In-Situ Process Monitoring and Quality Control
  • Instrument Development
Teaching by Years
MAEG2020 Engineering Mechanics
MAEG4010 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

Journal Papers (in the recent five years)

  1. H Wong, Pilot investigation of surface-tilt and gas amplification induced contrast during electronic imaging for potential in-situ electron beam melting monitoring, Elsevier, Additive Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101325 (2020)
  2. H Wong, Bitmap generation from computer-aided design for potential layer-quality evaluation in electron beam additive manufacturing, Emerald, Rapid Prototyping, DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-05-2019-0146 (2020)
  3. H Wong, R. Garrard, P. Fox, K. Black, C. Sutcliffe, Material characterisation using electronic imaging for electron beam melting process monitoring, Elsevier, Manufacturing Letters DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2019.12.005 (2020)
  4. H Wong, K. Dawson, R. Aswathanarayanaswamy, L. Howlett, R. Jones, C. Sutcliffe, Multi-laser powder bed fusion benchmarking – initial trials with Inconel 625, Springer, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-019-04417-3 (2019)
  5. H Wong, D. Neary, E. Jones, P. Fox, C. Sutcliffe, Benchmarking spatial resolution in electronic imaging for potential in-situ electron beam melting monitoring, Elsevier, Additive Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2019.100829 (2019)
  6. H Wong, D. Neary, E. Jones, P. Fox, C. Sutcliffe, Pilot feedback electronic imaging at elevated temperatures and its potential for in-process electron beam melting monitoring, Elsevier, Additive Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2019.02.022 (2019)
  7. H Wong, D. Neary, S. Shahzad, E. Jones, P. Fox, C. Sutcliffe, Pilot investigation of feedback electronic image generation in electron beam melting and its potential for in-process monitoring, Elsevier, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.10.016 (2019)
  8. H Wong, D. Neary, E. Jones, P. Fox, C. Sutcliffe, Pilot capability evaluation of a feedback electronic imaging system prototype for in-process monitoring in electron beam additive manufacturing, Springer, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-018-2702-6 (2019)

US/PCT Patents

  1. System and Process for In-Process Electron Beam Profile and Location Analyses. Publication number: US 11,117,195 B2; Date of Patent: Sep 2021 (granted)
  2. Device and Process for In-Situ Fabrication Process Monitoring and Feedback Control. Publication Number: US 11,532,760 B2; Date of Patent: Dec 2022 (granted)

Honours and Awards

  1. Member of the judging panel, IET E&T Innovation Awards 2020
  2. Med-Tech Innovation Awards 2020 – 3D Printing (Finalist)
    Organiser: Rapid News Group, UK
  3. IET Innovation Awards 2019: Young Innovator
    Organiser: Institution of Engineering and Technology, worldwide
  4. IET Innovation Awards 2019: Manufacturing Technology
    Organiser: Institution of Engineering and Technology, worldwide
  5. SERAS Symposium Best Oral Presentation 2019
    Conference: University of Liverpool, UK