
Academic Staff

Wilkinson Daniel Wong GONZALES

Assistant Professor
B.S.Ed. English (DLSU Philippines), M.A. English Language and Linguistics (NUS Singapore), M.A. Linguistics, Post-graduate Certificates in Data Science and Cognitive Science, Ph.D. Linguistics (UMich, Ann Arbor)

Tel 3943 7109
Office Fung King Hey 321
Link Google Scholar

Administrative Post:
Digital Technology Coordinator
Board Secretary

Research Interests
sociolinguistics, language variation and change, multilingualism and language contact, world Englishes, corpus linguistics, language documentation, quantitative approaches, analysis of Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) and social media, experimental and computational approaches
Selected Publications
Journal articles (selected)
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. Hybridization. In Ariane Macalinga Borlongan (Ed.) Philippine English: Development, Structure, and Sociology of English in the Philippines. London: Routledge.
Hiramoto, Mie, Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales, Jakob Leimgruber, Jessica Choo, Junjie Lim. From Malay to Colloquial Singapore English: A case study of sentence-final particle sia. In A. Ngefac, H. Wolf & T. Hoffmann (eds.) World Englishes and creole languages today: Existing paradigms and current trends in action, 117-130. Lincom.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong, Mie Hiramoto, Jakob Leimgruber, Jun Jie Lim. Is it in Colloquial Singapore English: What variation can tell us about its conventions and development. English Today, Cambridge University Press.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong, Mie Hiramoto, Jakob Leimgruber, Jun Jie Lim.The Corpus of Singapore English Messages (CoSEM). World Englishes, Wiley.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. Filipino, Chinese, neither, or both? The Lannang identity and its relationship with language. Language & Communication 77: 5-16. Elsevier.
Leimgruber, Jakob, Jun Jie Lim, Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales, Mie Hiramoto. Ethnic and gender variation in the use of Colloquial Singapore English discourse particles English Language and Linguistics Cambridge University Press.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong & Rebecca Lurie Starr.Vowel system or vowel systems? Variation in the monophthongs of Philippine Hybrid Hokkien in Manila. Journal of Pidgin and Creole LanguagesCambridge University Press.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong & Mie Hiramoto. Two Englishes diverged in the Philippines? A substratist account of Manila Chinese English. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 35(1): 125–159. John Benjamins.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong & Shirley Dita. Split infinitives across world Englishes: A corpus-based investigation. Asian Englishes 20(3): 242–267. Routledge.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. . Language contact in the Philippines: The history and ecology from a Chinese Filipino perspective. Language Ecology 1(2): 185–212. John Benjamins.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. Chinese Filipinos tag their questions, kiam si? Some notes on tag questions in Philippine Hybrid Hokkien. Philippine ESL Journal 19: 84–99. ELE Publishing.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. Philippine Englishes. Asian Englishes 19(2): 79–95. Routledge.
Borlongan, Ariane Macalinga & Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales. Openings of telephone conversations in Philippine English. Asian Journal of English Language Studies 5: 1–14.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. Trilingual code-switching using quantitative lenses: An exploratory study on Hokaglish. Philippine Journal of Linguistics 47: 106–128.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong & Flores, Eden. Filipino ESL learners’ attitudes toward cooperative learning and their relationship to reading comprehension. TESOL International Journal 11(2): 70-90.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong & Torres, Patrisha Lliane. Looking at CIRC through quantitative lenses: Can it Improve the reading comprehension of Filipino ESL learners? Philippine ESL Journal 15: 67-98.

Handbook Chapters
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. Hybridization. In Ariane Macalinga Borlongan (Ed.) Hybridization. In Ariane Macalinga Borlongan (Ed.) Philippine English: Development, Structure, and Sociology of English in the Philippines. London: Routledge.London: Routledge.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. . Interactions of Sinitic languages in the Philippines: Sinicization, Filipinization, and Sino-Philippine language creation. In Zhengdao Ye (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies. London: Palgrave-MacMillan.

Chapters in Edited Volumes
Hiramoto, Mie, Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales, Jakob Leimgruber, Jessica Choo, Junjie Lim. From Malay to Colloquial Singapore English: A case study of sentence-final particle sia. In A. Ngefac, H. Wolf & T. Hoffmann (eds.) World Englishes and creole languages today: Existing paradigms and current trends in action,117-130. Lincom.

Edited Volumes
Dita, Shirley & Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography Manila: C&E Publishing.

Book Reviews
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. [Book note] Yakpo, Kofi & Pieter C. Muysken eds. (2017) Boundaries and bridges: Language contact in multilingual ecologies. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter Inc., 2017. Pp. 443. Hb. £90.99. Language in Society 47(3). Cambridge University Press.
Gonzales, Wilkinson Daniel Wong. [Book review] Languages in contact, by Lisa Lim & Umberto Ansaldo. Asian Englishes 18: 173–175. Routledge.

Media Engagement
Guest speaker. Cultural practices of the Lannangs. Tuko Chronicles, the official podcast of the Folklore Studies Program of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman. January 15, 2022.
Guest Speaker, Zininaga (Heritage/Inheritance) Radio, Cagayan Museum and Historical Research Center.
Speaker, Lannang 101: History, identity, and basics of Lánnang-uè. AsianFest Series. The Lannang Archives, Chinoy Learning, Lucky Chinatown Mall, ChinoyTV. 21 August 2020.
Invited Talks, Colloquia, Workshops and Conference Papers
Invited Lecture Speaker, Harnessing the power of social media in linguistic analysis:
A diachronic and sociolinguistic study of Philippine English(es) using the Twitter Corpus of Philippine Englishes. The 36th Annual Meeting of Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 36) De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines; National University, Manila, Philippines, and the Lasallian Institute for Development and Educational Research (LIDER).. October 20-22, 2022.
Colloquium Speaker. Sociolinguistic variation in a mixed language? A corpus-based analysis of Lánnang-uè conjunctions and prepositions. Department of Linguistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. USA. April 15, 2022.
Speaker. Variation in Lánnang-uè conjunctions and prepositions: A sociolinguistic, computational, corpus-based investigation. Department of English, Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR. January 20, 2022.
Speaker. Quantitative research methods in sociolinguistics 101. Department of English, Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR. January 27, 2022.
Speaker. TEDxUofM 2022. Power Center for the Performing Arts, Ann Arbor, February 18, 2021. (Declined)
Guest speaker, Special Lecture, Philippine English(es): Perspectives, approaches, analytical tools. LIN 692 (Instructor: Dr. Leah Gustilo), De La Salle University. July 24, 2021.
Guest speaker, Special Lecture, Beyond the Philippine English monolith: Approaches to investigating hybridity, variation, and change. Linguistic Society of the Philippines and De La Salle University - Department of English and Applied Linguistics. July 12, 2021.
Guest Speaker, The Lannangs: History, identity, culture, and language. University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Speaker, Wh-fronting in Philippine Hybrid Hokkien questions: A contact-induced innovative feature? Department of Linguistics, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, the Philippines, 19 July 2019.
Panel presenter, At the Chinese and Philippine peripheries: Chinese Filipino identity creation and linguistic practices. Views from the Margins: Language Politics in the Sinophone. Chair: Mie Hiramoto and Andrew Wong. International Pragmatics Association Conference. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR. June 9-14, 2019.
Speaker, Is Philippine Hybrid Hokkien a language? Evidence from nominal affixation mixing. Department of Linguistics, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, the Philippines, 17 July 2018 (postponed)
Speaker, Guest Lecture, Language contact
EL1101 The Nature of Language; Module chair: Dr. Leslie Lee, National University of Singapore, April 2018.
Speaker, Special Lecture. Contemporary views in analyzing language: Englishes and corpora. Department of English and Applied Linguistics, National University, Sampaloc, Manila, the Philippines. July 5, 2017.
Workshop Facilitator, Corpora in language research: Using AntConc as a tool for linguistic analysis. Module Chair: A/P Shirley Dita. Module: Structure of English. De La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines. July 5, 2017.
Speaker, Hokaglish: The new language of the Filipino-Chinese, Department of Linguistics, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, the Philippines, June 19, 2017.
Speaker, Special Lecture-Workshop, Analyzing language using corpora: The case of split infinitives across world Englishes, Department of English and Applied Linguistics, Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education, De La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines, June 16, 2017.
Discussant, Panel, Disjuncts in World Englishes, 2017 Linguistic Society of the Philippines National Conference and General Meeting, Far Eastern University, Manila, the Philippines, April 6-8, 2017. (with Shirley Dita)
Speaker, Special Lecture, Hokaglish: An emerging language.
EL3211 Languages in contact. Module chair: A/P Mie Hiramoto. National University of Singapore, March 23, 2017.
Speaker, Guest Lecture, Hokaglish: An emerging language.
HG4042 How and Why Languages Differ Module chair: Professor Randy LaPolla Nanyang Technological University, March 6, 2017.
Discussant, Panel, Using corpora in language research. 2016 Linguistic Society of the Philippines National Conference and General Meeting, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, the Philippines, April 7-9, 2016. (with Shirley Dita)
Workshop Facilitator, Corpus Linguistics: What, When, How. Module Chair: Dr. Andrew Bernardo, UST Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, the Philippines, November 2015.
Editorships and Editorial Boards
Principal Associate Editor, Journal of English and Applied Linguistics
Copy Editor, Philippine Journal of Linguistics.
Professional qualifications
Licensed Professional Teacher. Licensure Examination for Teachers, Philippine Board Examination for Professional Teachers – Secondary Level, Professional Regulation Commission, Manila, the Philippines, Taken March 2016, Awarded June 2016. link
Awards and Honors
The Deborah Keller-Cohen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Michigan, May 2021. link
Graduate Students’ Teaching Award (GSTA), National University of Singapore, December 2018.
The Braj B. Kachru Student Award, 23rd International Association of World Englishes (IAWE) Conference , International Association for World Englishes, June 2018.
Distinction Award (Rank 1 - English specialization, Rank 6 - overall, 53,090 exam takers), Licensure Examination for Teachers, Philippine Board Examination for Professional Teachers – Secondary Level, Professional Regulation Commission, Manila, the Philippines, Taken March 2016, Awarded June 2016.
Eduardo Cojuanco, Jr. Award for Teaching Innovation, De La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines, February 2016.
Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award, De La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines, February 2016.
Jose Rizal Award – Jose Rizal Honors Society, De La Salle University. Manila, the Philippines, February 2016.
Lieberthal-Rogel Travel and Research Fellowship (Summer 2021, $5000), Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan
International Institute Student Fellowship (Summer 2021, $3000). International Institute, University of Michigan
Humanities Research Fellowship (Summer 2021 to Fall 2021, $22,434). Rackham Graduate School. University of Michigan
International Institute Student Fellowship (Summer 2019, $2000). International Institute, University of Michigan
Lieberthal-Rogel Travel and Research Fellowship (Summer 2019, $5000), Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan
Michigan Fellowship ($10,000), Department of Linguistics, College of Literature Science and the Arts, University of Michigan
President's Graduate Fellowship (declined), National University of Singapore.
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Department of English Language and Literature, Graduate Studies Division, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, August 2017-2018
Programs & Tools
Twitter Corpus of Englishes in Hong Kong TCOEHK Corpus Suite (Python). Hong Kong English counterpart of the TCOPE Corpus Suite.
Twitter Corpus of Philippine Englishes TCOPE Corpus Suite (Python). An application that compiles and preprocesses COPE, allows for data querying, which is used to subset the corpus. Includes sociolinguistic demographic prediction support using Deep Learning with Wang et al’ 2019 M3 application
TweetCorp (Python). A wrapper application that, from a simple query GUI interface, scrapes, preprocesses, and tokenizes Twitter tweets by sentence using a mix of rule-based and neural network splitting algorithms before compiling them into a CSV corpus file. Includes sociolinguistic demographic prediction support using Deep Learning with Wang et al’ 2019 M3 application
SpeechSuite (Python). An application that uses speech detection, segmentation, LSTM-based network embedding, and spectral clustering to transcribe, diarize, and tag American English audio. Under development: Support for Philippine English and Filipino (in collaboration with Federico Ang)
SubCorp (Python). A tool that creates a tagged (sociolinguistic) corpus based on SRT files from YouTube.
CorpTool (Python). An application that uses machine learning models (e.g., Conditional Random Fields) to automatically tag corpora of under-documented languages for part-of-speech.
EasyYTGet (Python). A free application that automatically downloads videos and audios given a list of links or a link.
Financial Data Extractor (Python). A tool that takes in a list of SEC-registered companies and returns a CSV with extracted financial information (e.g., revenue segmentation by region) from 10-Q/10-K filings. Developed for Digital Alpha Technologies, Inc. New York, USA.