Media Coverage

  • How dodgy browser plugins, web scripts can silently rewrite that URL you were about to hit

    Media: The Register
    Analysis Clickjacking, which came to the attention of security types more than a decade ago, continues to thrive, despite defenses deployed since then by browser makers.
  • CUHK Robotics Team Triumphed at ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest in Mongolia

    Media: Asia Today
    The Engineering student robotics team Phantom Dancer from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was crowned Champion in the The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (Robocon), which was held last Sunday (August 25).
  • 亞太機械人賽 中大生奪冠

    Media: Hong Kong Economic Times
  • 中大揚威亞太機械人大賽

    Media: Sing Tao
  • 機械腳助小兒麻痹症患者行走

    Media: am730
  • Chinese researchers design smart energy harvester on human knee

    Media: XinHuaNet
    Chinese researchers have developed a device that can harvest energy from its wearer's knee and generate 1.6 microwatts of power while the wearer walks at a normal speed without any increase in effort. The study published in the latest edition of Applied Physics Letters described the device that can power gadgets like health monitoring equipment and GPS devices.
  • 中大推機械腳 助小兒麻痹患者屈膝

    Media: Sing Tao Daily
  • 裝新型機械腳 小兒麻痺漢終可屈膝

    Media: Ming Pao
    屈膝邁步向前,是普通人的本能動作,但對部分小兒麻痺症患者來說卻是「不可能的任務」。59 歲的朱先生半歲起患小兒麻痺症,右腳失去活動能力,長距離路程要以輪椅代步。去年醫管局及中文大學生物醫學工程學系研發新型機械腳,裝置可自動做出屈膝動作助患者踏步。朱先生感嘆:「知不知我渴望了多久屈膝的感覺?由半歲至50 多歲!」他說裝置減少坐輪椅時間,對患者來說非常難得。
  • 中大研電動支架 助小兒麻痹症患者步行

    Media: Oriental Daily
  • Harvesting energy from the human knee

    Media: EurekAlert!
    Imagine powering your devices by walking. With technology recently developed by a group of researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, that possibility might not be far out of reach. They describes the technology in Applied Physics Letters, from AIP Publishing. An energy harvester is attached to the wearer's knee and can generate 1.6 microwatts of power while the wearer walks without any increase in effort...
