How to Use Gamification to Make Student Engaged to Your Course?
How to keep our students engaged and motivated to the class is a crucial question for all instructors. Gamification is very useful in raising students’ motivation toward learning. Professor Yeh started working on gamification for his on-campus courses since 2010. He has developed numerous games and tools for his courses with great success. Due to his great design in gamification for education, Professor Yeh and his team were awarded the Overall Award of the Wharton-QS “Reimagine Education” among 427 teams from 43 countries. It is one of the most prestigious awards for innovations in higher education. In this talk, Professor Yeh will provide case studies of his various course designs with in-depth details. Similar approaches can be generalized to other courses to make students more engaged and motivated toward learning.
The seminar on “Successful case studies from Professor Yeh’s courses in the National Taiwan University” will be held at LT4, YIA from 2:00pm to 3:30pm on 15 May 2015. For registration of the seminar, please go to the CLEAR website at