Professor & Chairman of Electronic Engineering Department B.Sc. (HKU), MS, Ph.D. (Columbia), SMIEEE |
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Research Interests: Optical signal processing, nonlinear fiber/integrated optics, digital coherent communications, and optical fiber sensors |
Resume of Career
Chester Shu received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics from Columbia University in the city of New York in 1986 and 1991, respectively. He joined the Department of Electronic Engineering at CUHK in 1992 and became a full Professor in 2003. His current research focuses on fiber communications, particularly in nonlinear fiber optics and ultrafast processing of optical communication signals. He has made original contributions to optical processing with specialty fibers and has developed unique approaches to process signals with diverse bit rates, modulation formats, and polarizations. Previously, Chester worked on the optoelectronic generation, guided-wave transmission, and detection of picosecond pulse signals in his graduate research. He developed experiences on the design and characterization of multiple quantum-well semiconductor lasers while working as a graduate intern at Siemens Corporate Research Laboratories at Princeton. Before joining CUHK, he worked at a startup in Seattle and performed research on integrated electro-optic polymer waveguide modulators for photonic switching.
Chester has authored/coauthored over 300 research papers and delivered a number of technical talks. He was a topical editor of Optics Letters in the area of optical fiber communications in 2005-2011 and has served in a number of technical program committees including OFC/NFOEC and LEOS. He was the Chairman of IEEE Hong Kong LEOS (now Photonics Society) Chapter in 2006 and 2007.
Current Research Interests
Optical signal processing, nonlinear fiber/integrated optics, digital coherent communications, and optical fiber sensors
Highlights of Recent Achievements
- Demonstrated a fundamental approach for dynamic control of optical phase, resulting in significant enhancement of the processing capability of nonlinear optical elements.
- Demonstrated new processing capabilities using asymmetric interfering branches obtained from tunable optical delay and nonlinear wave mixing.
- Proposed and developed slow-light based fiber-optic temperature and strain sensors.
- Developed advanced laser sources for multi-wavelength communications and dynamic networking.
Taught Courses
- Introduction to Optical Communications
- Introduction to Lasers and Photonics
- Guided Wave Nonlinear Optics
- Ultrafast Optoelectronics
- Optical Communications and Interconnects
- Engineering Physics
- Innovations in Electronic Engineering
External Service in Recent 3 Years
- Editorial Board Member of ISRN optics, 2011
- Topical Editor of Optics Letters in Optical Fiber Communications, 2005-2011.
- Associate Editor of HKIE Transactions, 2006-2011.
- Technology Review Panel Member, ASTRI Hong Kong, 2011-present.
- Technical programme/steering/international advisory committee member of the following conferences:
- Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications 2013
- Photonics in Switching 2012
- Photonics Global Conference 2010 and 2012
- International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings 2010 and 2011
- International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks 2010 and 2011
- IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems 2010 and 2012
- The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics 2010
- Asia Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference 2010
- Optical Fiber Communications/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2008-2010
- External examiner of McGill University, National University of Singapore.
- Nanyang Technological University, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Polytechnic University, and the University of Hong Kong.
Publication for the Past 3 Years
Journal Publications
Liang Wang and Chester Shu, 'Dynamic control of phase matching in four-wave mixing wavelength conversion of amplitude- and phase- modulated signals,' to appear in IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., 2013.
Xuelei Fu, Yongheng Dai, and Chester Shu, 'Reconfigurable photonic UWB pulse generation from an optically-injected semiconductor laser,' to appear in Optics Lett. 2013.
Xiaojie Guo, Gordon K. P. Lei, Xuelei Fu, Hon Ki Tsang, and Chester Shu, 'Polarization-insensitive phase-preserving amplitude regenerator based on a fiber optical parametric amplifier with dual orthogonal pumps,' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 25, no. 4, pp.362-364, Feb 15, 2013.
Ke Xu, Liang Wang, Gordon K. P. Lei, Zhenzhou Cheng, Yimin Chen, Chi Yan Wong, Chester Shu, and Hon Ki Tsang, 'Demodulation of 20 Gbaud/s differential quadrature phase-shift keying signals using wavelength-tunable silicon microring resonators,' Optics Lett., vol. 37, no. 16, pp. 3462-3464, August 2012.
Liang Wang, Yimin Chen, Hon Ki Tsang, and Chester Shu, 'Generation of multichannel delayed pulses by four-wave-mixing-assisted stimulated Brillouin scattering slow-light system,' IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, pp.1203-1211, August 2012.
K. Xu, Gordon K. P. Lei, Stanley M. G. Lo, Zhenzhou Cheng, Chester Shu, and Hon Ki Tsang, 'Bit-rate-variable DPSK demodulation using silicon microring resonators with electro-optic wavelength tuning', IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.24 no.14, pp.1221-1223, July 2012.
Yongheng Dai and Chester Shu, 'Polarization insensitive wavelength multicasting of DPSK signal using four-wave mixing in a birefringent photonic crystal fiber,' Optics Communications, vol. 285, no. 16, pp. 3545-3548, Jul. 2012.
Xuelei Fu, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, 'Bit-Rate flexible demodulation of DPSK signals based on phase sensitive gain in cascaded four-wave mixing,' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 24, no. 12, pp.994 - 996, June 15, 2012.
Gordon K. P. Lei and Chester Shu, '4×10 Gb/s wavelength multicasting with tunable NRZ-to-RZ pulse format conversion using time- and wavelength-interleaved pulses,' Optics Communications, vol. 285, no. 10-11, pp.2525-2529, May 15, 2012.
Liang Wang and Chester Shu, 'Demonstration of distributed strain sensing with the use of stimulated Brillouin scattering-based slow light,' IEEE Photonics Journal, USA, vol. 3, no. 6, pp.1164-1170, December 2011.
K. XU, H. K. TSANG, Gordon K. P. LEI, Y. M. Chen, L. Wang, Z. Cheng, X. CHEN, and C. SHU, 'OSNR monitoring for NRZ-PSK signals using silicon waveguide two-photon absorption', IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.3 no.5, pp.968-974. October, 2011.
Gordon K. P. Lei and Chester Shu, 'Reconfigurable OTDM demultiplexing using time- and wavelength-interleaved pulses in an optical parametric amplifier,' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 23, no. 16, pp.1127 - 1129, August 15, 2011.
Yongheng Dai, Jiangbing Du, Xuelei Fu, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, 'Ultrawideband monocycle pulse generation based on delayed interference of π/2 phase-shift keying signal,' Optics Lett, vol. 36, no. 14, pp. 2695-2697, July 15, 2011.
Gordon K. P. Lei, Yongheng Dai, Jiangbing Du, and Chester Shu, 'Wavelength multicasting of DPSK signal with NRZ-to-RZ format conversion,' IET Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 14, pp. 808 - 810, July 7, 2011.
Liang Wang, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, Jiangbing Du, and Chester Shu, 'All-optical RZ-to-NRZ and NRZ-to-PRZ format conversions based on delay-asymmetric nonlinear loop mirror,' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 23, no.6, pp. 368-370, March 15, 2011.
Yongheng Dai and Chester Shu, 'Bit-rate variable DPSK demodulation based on cascaded four-wave mixing,' Optics Express, vol. 19, no.4, pp. 2952-2958, February 14, 2011.
Liang Wang, Bin Zhou, Chester Shu, and Sailing He, 'Stimulated Brillouin scattering slow-light-based fiber-optic temperature sensor,' Optics Lett, vol. 36, no. 3, pp.427-429, February 1, 2011.
Y. Gao, C. Shu, and S. He, 'Cascaded SOA configuration for NRZ-OOK to RZ-QPSK format conversion,' Optics Communications, vol. 283, no. 23, pp.4609-4613, December 1, 2010.
Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, 'Reconfigurable all-optical two-channel demultiplexer based on modified dispersion asymmetric nonlinear optical loop mirror,' IET Electronics Letters, vol. 46, pp.1613-1614, November 25, 2010.
Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, 'Reconfigurable two-channel demultiplexing using a single baseband control pulse train in a dispersion asymmetric NOLM,' Optics Express, vol. 18, no.18, pp. 18691-18696, August 30, 2010.
Y. H. Dai and C. Shu, 'Widely tunable, polarization-insensitive non-degenerate four-wave mixing wavelength conversion for DPSK signal,' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 22, no.15, pp. 1138-1140, August 1, 2010.
Ying Gao, Yongheng Dai, Chester Shu, and Sailing He, 'Wavelength interchange of phase-shift keying signal,' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 22, no.11, pp. 838-840, June 1, 2010.
Gordon K. P. Lei, Chester Shu, and Mable P. Fok, 'All-optical OTDM to WDM signal conversion using cross absorption modulation with time- and wavelength-interleaved short pulses,' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 22, no.8, pp. 571-573, April 15, 2010.
Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, Weijun Tong, and Chester Shu, 'Photonic crystal fiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer for DPSK signal demodulation,' Optics Express, vol. 18, no.8, pp. 7917-7922, April 12, 2010.
Conference Publications
Liang Wang and Chester Shu, 'Enhanced Performance of Four-Wave Mixing Wavelength Conversion Through Dynamic Control of Optical Phase,' paper JW2A.54, OFC/NFOEC Proc., Anaheim, USA, March 2013.
Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, 'Using SBS Loop for Extinction Ratio Enhancement and Flatness Improvement in Optical Comb Generation,' paper JTh2A.17, OFC/NFOEC Proc., Anaheim, USA, March 2013.
Xiaojie Guo, Gordon K. P. Lei, Xuelei Fu, Hon Ki Tsang, and Chester Shu, 'Amplitude Regeneration of 80-Gb/s Polarization-Multiplexed RZ-DPSK Signals in a Dual-Orthogonal-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier,' paper OTu2D.1, OFC/NFOEC Proc., Anaheim, USA, March 2013.
Chester Shu, Xiaojie Guo, Gordon K. P. Lei, Xuelei Fu, and Hon K. Tsang 'Polarization Considerations for Amplitude Regeneration in a Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier,' Photonics Global Conference (PGC), Singapore, paper 2-3G-3, December 2012 (invited).
Liang Wang and Chester Shu, 'Four-wave mixing bandwidth enlargement using phase-matching control by gain-transparent stimulated Brillouin scattering,' Photonics in Switching Conference, paper P02 Ajaccio, France, September 2012. (postdeadline),
Xuelei Fu, Gordon K. P. Lei, Xiaojie Guo, Hon K. Tsang, and Chester Shu, 'Nonlinear Crosstalk Between OTDM-OOK and DPSK Signals in Four-Wave Mixing Wavelength Conversion,' Photonics in Switching Conference, paper Fr-S16-017, Ajaccio, France, September 2012.
Xiaojie Guo, Gordon K. P. Lei, Xuelei Fu, Hon. K. Tsang, and Chester Shu, 'Polarization Insensitivity of Gain Saturation in Dual-Orthogonal-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier,' paper Th-S24-O08, Ajaccio, France, September 2012.
X. Chen, Gordon K. P. Lei, K. Xu, C. Y. Wong, X. Chen, Z.Z. Cheng, Chester Shu, and H.K. Tsang, 'Comparison of extinction ratio enhancement of 10 and 40 Gb/s RZ-OOK signals using pump-modulated four-wave mixing in a silicon waveguide,' 17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2012), paper 5B1-4, Busan, Korea, July 2012.
Gordon K. P. Lei, Ke Xu, Stanley M. G. Lo, Chester Shu, and Hon K. Tsang, 'Demodulation of 40 Gb/s DPSK signals using a silicon microring resonator with electro-optic wavelength tuning,' OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano-Photonics (IPR) Topical Meeting, paper IW4C.6, Colorado Springs, USA, June 2012.
Yongheng Dai, Xuelei Fu, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, 'Tunable optical delay between cascaded stages of four-wave mixing for DPSK demodulation from 25 to 40 Gb/s,' CLEO Proc., paper JW4A.67, San Jose, USA, May 2012.
Gordon K. P. Lei, Chester Shu, and H. K. Tsang, 'Amplitude noise reduction, pulse format conversion, and wavelength multicast of PSK signal in a fiber optical parametric amplifier,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper JW2A.79, Los Angeles, USA, March 2012.
Chester Shu and Jiangbing Du, 'Photonic crystal fiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer and its applications in linear processing of optical signals,' International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Guangzhou, China, December 2011 (invited).
Chester Shu and Liang Wang, 'A new class of optical fiber sensors based on stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light,' Hong Kong Optical Engineering International Conference (HKOEIC), Proceedings p.25, November 2011, Hong Kong (invited).
Chester Shu and Gordon K. P. Lei, 'Time- and wavelength-interleaved laser pulses: prospects and challenges in optical signal processing,' 2011 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP), paper ACP1-7, 830703, pp.1-5, Shanghai, China, November 2011 (invited).
Chester Shu and Liang Wang, 'Wavelength-transparent stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light and its applications in fiber sensing,' Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM 2011), paper OCSN-5, Wuhan, China, November 1-3, 2011 (invited).
Liang Wang and Chester Shu, 'Distributed fiber strain sensor using stimulated Brillouin scattering based slow light,' IEEE Photonics Conference, paper ThEE 4, pp. 929-930, Arlington, USA, October 2011.
Chester Shu, 'Optical signal processing in communications: challenges and promises,' 2011 International Symposium on Photonics and Optical Communications (SPOC), paper, Chengdu, China, July 1-2, 2011 (invited).
Christy K. Y. Fung, Xia Chen, Gordon K. P. Lei, Chester Shu, and Hon Ki Tsang, 'Silicon waveguide side-cladding distributed Bragg reflector hybrid laser,' CLEO/Pacific Proc., paper 2430-CT-4, Sydney, Australia, August-September 2011.
Ying Gao, Yanqiao Xie, Shiming Gao, Chester Shu, and Sailing He, 'High-sensitivity phase noise monitoring using a phase-asymmetric nonlinear loop mirror,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper JThA16, Los Angeles, USA, March 2011.
Liang Wang, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, Jiangbing Du, and Chester Shu, 'Delay-asymmetric nonlinear loop mirror for bit-rate variable RZ-to-NRZ format conversion,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper JWA35, Los Angeles, USA, March 2011.
Chester Shu, Yongheng Dai, and Jiangbing Du, 'Recent progress in interferometer based optical signal processing techniques,' Photonics Global Conference 2010, paper 1-3F-5, Singapore, December 2010 (invited).
Gordon K. P. Lei and Chester Shu, 'Performance investigation of processing high-speed optical signals using time- and wavelength-interleaved pulses and low-speed optoelectronics,' 2010 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP), paper SuH2, Shanghai, China, December 2010.
Liang Wang, Bin Zhou Chester Shu, and Sailing He, 'Temperature sensing using stimulated Brillouin scattering based slow light,' 2010 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP), paper FS6, Shanghai, China, December 2010.
Yongheng Dai, Jiangbing Du, Gordon Kei Pang Lei, and Chester Shu, 'Wideband clock recovery for NRZ-DPSK signals,' 2010 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP), paper FI5, Shanghai, China, December 2010.
Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei and Chester Shu, 'Reconfigurable all-optical two-channel demultiplexer based on modified dispersion asymmetric nonlinear optical loop mirror,' 2010 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP), paper ThB3, Shanghai, China, December 2010.
Chester Shu, 'Optical signal processing for next generation communication networks,' Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM 2010), paper OEDI 21, Wuhan, China, October 2010 (invited).
Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei and Chester Shu, 'Dispersion asymmetric NOLM for reconfigurable all-optical two-channel demultiplexing using single baseband control pulse,' European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P1.15, Turin, Italy, September 2010.
Yongheng Dai and Chester Shu, 'Tunable DPSK demodulation using variable optical delay in a straight-line interferometric structure,' European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P1.13, Turin, Italy, September 2010.
Chester Shu, 'Format conversion for advanced modulation format signals,' Conference Workshop WS3 All-Optical Processing of Advanced Modulation Format Signals, European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, Italy, September 2010 (invited).
Ying Gao, Jiaojiao Fu, Shiming Gao, Chester Shu, Sailing He, 'Format multiplexing from ASK and DPSK to QPSK in an assistant light controlled SOA,' 2010 OSA Photonics in Switching Topical Meeting, paper PWF4, Monterey, USA, July 2010.
Ying Gao, Jiaojiao Fu, Shiming Gao, Chester Shu, Sailing He, 'Parametric wavelength exchange for phase-shifted signal,' 2010 OSA Photonics in Switching Topical Meeting, paper PWB4, Monterey, USA, July 2010.
Xia Chen, Chao Li, Ying Gao, Lin Xu, Hon Ki Tsang, and Chester Shu, 'Characterization of integrated polarization-diversity DPSK demodulator with two-dimensional chirped grating couplers and ring resonators,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper JWA26, San Diego, USA, March 2010.
Gordon K. P. Lei and Chester Shu, '4 × 10 Gb/s Time and wavelength multicasting with NRZ to RZ format conversion using four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper JWA49, San Diego, USA, March 2010.
Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, Huifeng Wei, and Chester Shu, 'RZ-to-NRZ and NRZ-to-PRZ format conversions using a photonic crystal fiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper OMO4, San Diego, USA, March 2010.
Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, Jiangbing Du, Chester Shu, and Mable P. Fok, 'Bit-Rate tunable clock recovery of NRZ-DPSK signal based on delay-asymmetric nonlinear loop mirror and stimulated Brillouin scattering loop,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper OMT3, San Diego, USA, March 2010.
Yongheng Dai and Chester Shu, 'Polarization-insensitive wavelength multicasting of RZ-DPSK signal based on four-wave mixing in a photonic crystal fiber with residual birefringence,' OFC/NFOEC Proc., paper OWP7, San Diego, USA, March 2010.
Chester Shu and Jiangbing Du, 'Fiber-based optical processing for future communication networks,' the 6th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (ACUP 2010), pp.53-54, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2010 (invited).