Postgraduate students LO, Po Wen, LI, Xintong and WANG, Jiankun received the Best Innovation Award
Mr Lo Po Wen, Mr Li Xintong and Mr Wang Jiankun, postgraduate students from Department of Electronic Engineering, supervised by Professor Max Q.-H. Meng , received the Best Innovation Award in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and China regions) on 18th Nov, 2016. The award winning project is entitled: "Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring System based on Face Recognition."
An outstanding work by the research team of Prof. XU,Jian Bin and Yan, KeYou on highly stabile perovskite solar cells has been published in CUHK Press Release.
For details, please click here.
PhD student Miss. CHI, Wen Zheng and a HKPFS recipient in EE Department received the Best Student Paper Award
Miss Chi WenZheng, a PhD student and a HKPFS recipient in the Department of Electronic Engineering, supervised by Professor Meng Q.-H. Max, received the Best Student Paper Award at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Real-Time Computing and Robotics held in Angkor Wat, Cambodia from June 6 to 10, 2016. The award winning paper is entitled: “A human-friendly robot navigation algorithm using the risk-RRT approach.”
EE Alumni CHAN, Laurence and TSANG, Martin were interviewed by CU ALUMNI MAGAZINE (Issue No. 121)
Electric vehicles (EVs) are getting more and more popular among Hong Kong drivers.EE Alumni CHAN, Laurence and TSANG, Martin started EV charging business and founded EV Power Group in 2010. Martin drives the group’s business development and Laurence steers the overall operation.
Student BU, Shi received the 2016 IEEE Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering
M.Phil. Student BU, Shi has been selected by the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) to receive the 2016 IEEE Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering. Bu Shi came from mainland China to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to pursue higher education, where he obtained his B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering (EE) in 2014.
Student ZHAO, Ping received HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize 2016
Our graduate student, ZHAO, Ping who is supervised by Prof. WU, Ke Li, published in HKIE Transactions Vol 23 No 1 with title “A New Computer-aided Tuning Scheme for General Lossy Coupled-resonator Bandpass Filters Based on the Cauchy Method” has been awarded the HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize 2016.
Student LO, Po Wen and student WANG, Chao Qun won the First-Class Award of Information Technology at ‘Challenge Cup’ National Competition Hong Kong Regional Final
Student Lo Po Wen and student Wang Chaoqun won the First-Class Award of Information Technology at ‘Challenge Cup’ National Competition Hong Kong Regional Final in Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2016. Their project is called the Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring System from Face Recognition. It aims at developing a novel physiological monitoring system based on optical recordings and face recognition technique in order to facilitate real time contactless monitoring over a long distance and enable physicians to monitor the real-time situation of multiple patients.
Prof. WANG, Xiao Gang has been awarded an honorable mention for 2016 PAMI Young Researcher Award (YRA)
Prof. WANG, Xiao Gang has been awarded an honorable mention for 2016 PAMI Young Researcher Award (YRA). This award is administered by PAMI and all the computer vision researchers who got their PhDs within 7 years are eligible to compete.
Interviews with Distinguished Alumni Award 2015 recipients by EE undergraduate students
The Distinguished Alumni Awards are to recognize those former students who have made significant contributions to society and are regarded as good role models for students.
Prof. TONG, Raymond KAI Yu won a Gold medal at the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
The project “Wearable Exoskeleton Robot for Walking” from Prof. TONG, Raymond KAI Yu (Division of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong) won a Gold medal with the congratulations of the jury (which is the highest category in the gold medal) at the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, which ran from 13 to 17 April 2016 and attracted a total of 695 exhibitors from 40 countries with 1,000 inventions.