Photonics & Optical Communications
Solid-State Electronics and Smart Sensing
The mission of the Solid State Electronics and Photonics Group is to conduct top-notch research and to develop innovative applications at various levels from electronic/photonic materials to devices and systems. The training of postgraduate students to conduct independent research in these areas will form an integral part of this mission.
Our group is actively engaged in several major research areas, namely, advanced electronic/photonic materials & devices; nanoelectronics & nanophotonics; optoelectronics & ultrafast optoelectronic systems; optical planar and fibre devices; silicon photonics; nonlinear fiber optics and optical communications; advanced electronic packaging technologies; flexible electronics; advanced technologies for renewable energy. The group has secured more than HK$ 100 million from RGC research funds in the past decade. Besides the group is also actively involved in applied research by securing more than HK$ 25 million in industrial projects.
Teaching staff members of the group are actively participating in numerous professional activities, and have served as symposium chairs or in program committees in international conferences, as well as members of editorial boards of technical journals. Currently there are one Member of US National Academy of Engineering; two Fellows of IEEE; one Fellow of OSA. Postgraduates of the group have received a number of prestigious awards, including the Graduate Student Fellowship Award by IEEE and Young Scientist Awards by Hong Kong Institute of Science.
The research and teaching activities of the group are supported by a number of ancillary laboratories with a few state-of-the-art facilities, which are designated for material processing, device fabrication, device/material characterization, optical instrumentation and measurements, fiber-optic communications, computer simulation.