Microwave & Wireless Communications
Energy Conversion
The research focus of the Circuits & Systems group is to introduce state-of-the-art innovations, which cover various technologies such as digital, analog & mixed-signal ICs, MMIC/RFIC, antennas, electromagnetic modelings and integrated multi-chip-modules into the design and implementation of modern electronic products/systems such as smartcard, RFID, software radio and WiMAX.
Our group is also actively engaged in industrial projects including the development of advanced RFID systems and components for consumer electronics products. In the last few years, the group has received over HK$ 25 Million from external funding agencies including industry and ITC (government-owned).
Our department is the first among all institutions in Hong Kong to introduce ASIC design into our undergraduate program and as a specialised field of research. Our major facility includes the most advanced RF Radiation Research Lab that is equipped with a 128-probe SATIMO near field spherical scanner, the most comprehensive communication tester and DASY5 dosimetric assessment systems which allows compliance testing of mobile phones with SAR limits. It is CTIA compliant and supports both TIS (Total Isotropic Sensitivity) and TRP (Total Radiated Power) measurements. It is ideal for testing mobile terminals, base station antennas as well as automotive antennas.
The VLSI and the microwave research laboratories are installed with a large number of workstations, PCs and a comprehensive and industrial standard suite of design software including Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, ADS (advanced design system) and CST. State-of-the-art testing equipment such as logic analyzer, network/spectrum analyzer, multi-function signal generator, digital scopes, probe station, SAR tester and EMC chamber are also available.