丹‧扎哈维教授 |

丹‧扎哈维教授 |

樊和平教授(东南大学人文社科资 |

Beyond the Human? A Critique of Transhumanism (Online Departmental Seminar)
Prof. Thomas Fuchs |

On de Jure Atheism and a Hidden God (Departmental Seminar)
Prof. Lok-Chi Chan |

“Getting It Oneself” (Zide 自得) as an Alternative to Testimonial Knowledge and Deference to Tradition (Departmental Seminar)
Prof. Justin Tiwald |

Grounding and Fact Granularity (Departmental Seminar)
Prof. Daniel Graham Marshall |

郑承隆基金亚洲现象学中心成立二十周年纪念——返本与开来:汉语现象学研讨会 (网上)

Annihilation Mode (LAYAPRAKĀRA*) of the Universe (Departmental Seminar)
Prof. U. A. Vinay Kumar |

Continuously Thinking Animals (Departmental Seminar)
Prof. Nicholas Rimell |