美國波士頓學院 約瑟夫天主教哲學講座教授
莫蘭教授(PhD, DLitt, MRIA),美國波士頓學院首位約瑟夫天主教哲學講座教授,曾任都柏林大學學院哲學(形上學及邏輯)教授,歷任耶魯大學、美國西北大學、萊斯大學、 康乃狄克學院、香港中文大學、武漢大學等院校之訪問教授;2015年,擔任波士頓學院之伽達瑪講座教授。他是皇家愛爾蘭學院、國際哲學學院之當選會員,2012年獲皇家愛爾蘭學院頒授人文學科金章獎。現為哲學學會國際聯盟之前主席(2018–2023),之前擔任哲學學會國際聯盟主席(2013–2018)、第24屆世界哲學大會(2018年8月13–20日,北京)主席。2015年,獲希臘雅典大學頒授榮譽博士學位。
莫蘭教授的著作包括:The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena (1989)、Introduction to Phenomenology (2000)、The Phenomenology Reader (2002)、Edmund Husserl: Founder of Phenomenology (2005)、The Husserl Dictionary (2012)、Husserl’s Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (2012)。編著包括:Husserl’s Logical Investigations, 2 冊 (Routledge, 2001);與Tim Mooney合編:The Shorter Logical Investigations, The Phenomenology Reader (Routledge, 2002);與Lester E. Embree合編: Phenomenology. Critical Concepts in Philosophy, 5 冊 (Routledge, 2004);The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy (Routledge, 2008);與Rasmus Thybo Jensen合編:The Phenomenology of Embodied Subjectivity (Springer 2014);與Elisa Magrì合編:Empathy, Sociality, and Personhood. Essays on Edith Stein’s Phenomenological Investigations, Contributions to Phenomenology Series vol. 94 (Springer, 2017);與Marta Jorba合編:Conscious Thinking and Cognitive Phenomenology (Routledge, 2018)。
莫蘭教授是第二十七位唐君毅訪問教授。他將以「論『無』的西方哲學家:約翰內斯•司各特•艾利基納(800–877 CE)」為題主持公開演講;之後也會主持本系師生研討會,講題是「艾蒂特·史坦茵的現象學哲學」。
論「無」的西方哲學家:約翰內斯•司各特•艾利基納(800–877 CE)

艾利基納(c. 800–877 CE),生於愛爾蘭,早期中世紀基督教新柏拉圖主義哲學家。他是西方哲學史中,對「無」(nihil, non esse)的涵義討論得最為詳盡而主張最為激進的一人。艾利基納提出不少創見,包括:著名的「自然的四種區分」(西方古代及中古時期的宗教及哲學權威,並無確切可與之比擬的思想);把上帝理解為從黑暗走向光明之運動中的自身創造;「神聖的自身無知」的觀念;創造世界為神聖的自我彰顯;以及他對人類的純粹靈性本質的論述。他最為激進的主張,出現於其著作《論自然之區分》:上帝可稱為「非存在」或者「無」。本講首先檢視,艾利基納在《論自然之區分》中關於存在和非存在的「五種模態」的論述,這個論述首先在書中第一部出現,之後在第三部中再觸及。然後我會評論當前學界對《論自然之區分》的來源及其原創性的研究。有論者認為,最直接影響艾利基納的拉丁文文獻,是奧古斯丁、維多理諾和Fredigusius的作品;其實,希臘基督教神父諸如尼撒的貴格利、亞略巴古的丟尼修、懺悔者馬克西穆斯,對艾利基納的思想,尤其他視上帝為「非存在」或「無」的思想,影響亦非常深遠。我會審視相關文獻,評價艾利基納《論自然之區分》裏的創見,同時以佛教「空」的觀念互為參照。
Sheldon-Williams, I.-P. and O’Meara, J.J., (tr.) (1987). Eriugena. Periphyseon (The Division of Nature). Montreal/Paris: Bellarmin.
Moran, Dermot. (1989). The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena. A Study of Idealism in the Middle Ages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The Phenomenological Philosophy of Edith Stein

In this lecture I will introduce the phenomenological philosophy of Edith Stein (1891-1942), who was perhaps the most important female student of Edmund Husserl. Besides editing Husserl’s own texts (especially Ideas II), she was an original phenomenological thinker in her own right with striking accounts of embodiment, feelings and emotions (influenced by Scheler), empathy, the nature of the person and the meaning of spiritual life. She was a convert to Christianity and eventually became a Carmelite nun. As a Jew, she was martyred by the German National Socialists in Auschwitz in 1942. During her life, she was an activist who campaigned for women’s rights in the workplace and especially for women’s higher education. Stein is known philosophically primarily for her doctoral thesis, Zum Problem der Einfühlung /On the Problem of Empathy (1917; Stein Gesamtausgabe vol. 3), and for her contribution as research assistant (1916-1918) to Edmund Husserl, including editing his Ideas II (published posthumously in 1952 as Husserliana II). But she also published elaborate metaphysical texts, notably Potency and Act (1931) and Finite and Eternal Being (1935). Stein was in vigorous philosophical dialogue, as a respected equal, with leading philosophers of her day, especially Husserl, Scheler, Heidegger, Hedwig Conrad Martius, Roman Ingarden, Jacques Maritain, among others. Her work contains original approaches to empathy, embodiment, the phenomenology of emotional life, the unique nature of the person, the structure of social and collective intentionality, the nature of the state. In her later work, she developed an original philosophy of being and essence (including a defense of ‘individual essences’) that united the resources of phenomenology and Thomist metaphysics.
Stein, E. (1989). Zum Problem der Einfühlung. (Halle, 1917; reprinted München: Gerhard Kaffke Verlag, 1980). Trans. by W. Stein, On the Problem of Empathy. 3rd revised edition. Washington, D.C.: ICS Publication.]
Stein, E. (1922). Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften. ESGA, Bd. 6. Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder 2010. [Engl.: Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities. The Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol. 7. Transl. by M. C. Baseheart, M. Sawicki, Washington D.C.: ICS Publications]
Stein, E. (1931). Potenz und Akt: Studien zu einer Philosophie des Seins, ESGA, Vol. 10, Wien, Basel, Köln: Herder 2005. [Potency and Act. Studies toward a Philosophy of Being. Edith Stein Collected Works, Vol. 11. Transl. by W. Redmond, Washington D.C.: ICS Publications 2009.]