希尔兹教授多次获邀到美国、英国、新西兰、德国等地访问讲学,曾任牛津大学基督圣体学院访问学人(1992–93)、耶鲁大学访问教授(2002)、康奈尔大学访问教授(2007)、坎培拉大学厄斯金访问教授(2003)、柏林洪堡大学访问学者及高级学人(2012, 2013)。

The Aristotelian Soul
23 Sept 2013 (Mon) 3:30-6:15 YIA 201
27 Sept 2013 (Fri) 2:30-5:15 LSK 201
4 Oct 2013 (Fri) 2:30-5:15 LSK 201
De Anima contains Aristotle’s most mature reflections on the soul and its capacities. Probably composed in his second and last period in Athens, the treatise casts a long shadow: over the last two millennia there have been an estimated eight-hundred commentaries dedicated to it; and it continues to be a subject of non-antiquarian study even today. The abiding interest of Aristotle’s De Anima owes in part to the intrinsic merit of its subject matter: life, the soul and its relation to the body, perception, thought, desire, and human action. Another source of interest derives from the general framework within which Aristotle conducts his investigations into the these topics: De Anima makes full and complex use of Aristotle’s most sophisticated hylomorphism, with the result that it offers a unified framework for assaying phenomena whose close relations tend to be obscured in comparatively piecemeal approaches.
Our goal in this seminar is twofold: we will want to understand Aristotle’s often challenging contentions regarding the soul and its capacities and then to determine whether we ourselves should accept or reject the analyses he offers. Towards these ends, we will divide our discussions into four sections, beginning with an introduction to the problems of the soul, as Aristotle conceives them, and then following with consideration of three waves, or distinct applications, of hylomorphism, to: (i) soul-body relations; (ii) perception (aisthêsis); and (iii) reason (nous).

Aristotle contends that Plato was wrong to postulate the existence of a Form of the Good, which, as characterises it, is meant to be “some good beyond all other good things, something good in its own right (τι καθ’ αὑτὸ εἶναι), which is the cause of the goodness of all good things” (EN 1095a26–28). Yet he himself endorses the existence of some best and highest good (τἀγαθὸν καὶ τὸ ἄριστον; EN1094a17–21), which he conceives as the end of all intentional action. While this is not a contradiction, it brings into sharp relief the question of Aristotle’s own understanding of the summum bonum: does he in fact have a coherent, defensible conception?