
LAU, Kwok-ying
Emeritus Professor
BA (CUHK); Dip. d'études approfondies & Dr. Phil. (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) | |
Rm | 434 |
39437140 | |
kylau@cuhk.edu.hk |
Brief Biography
Born in Hong Kong, BA in Philosophy, CUHK (1979) and PhD in
Philosophy, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (1993). Currently
Professor in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, CUHK, and Programme
Director of MA in Philosophy, CUHK, as well as Director, Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology and Associate Director, Institute for the Humanities,CUHK. Serves also as founding editor-in-chief of Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (in Chinese), and founding member of the research network P.E.A.CE (Phenomenology for East-Asian CirclE).
One of the editors-in-chief of the series New Edition of LAO Sze-Kwang’s Academic Works (in 13 volumes), as well as the series LAO Sze-Kwang’s New Works (hitherto 3 volumes published), both series being published by the Chinese University Press.
Research Interests
- Phenomenology
- Contemporary French Philosophy
- Intercultural Phenomenology
- Philosophy and Critical Consciousness
- Chinese culture in the modern world: predicament and legacy
- Philosophy and Postmodernity
Selected Publications
《法國現象學的蹤跡──從沙特到德里達》,<現象學與人文科學研究叢書>,台北:漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司 (Traces of French Phenomenology: From Sartre to Derrida, Taipei: Azoth Books Co., Ltd.), 2018, 446 pp.
Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh, series “Contributions to Phenomenology” (Dordrecht: Springer, 2016), xii + 256 pp.
- Border-Crossing: Phenomenology, Interculturality and Interdisciplinarity, eds. Kwok-ying Lau and Chung-Chi Yu, Series “Orbis Phaenomenologicus Perspektiven” (Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2014), xii + 231pp.
- Phenomenology and Human Experience, eds. Chung-chi Yu and Kwok-ying Lau, series “Libri nigri” (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Baut GmbH, 2012), xiv + 197 pp.
- Identity and Alterity. Phenomenology and Cultural Traditions, eds. Kwok-ying Lau, Chan-Fai Cheung and Tze-Wan Kwan, series “Orbis Phaenomenologicus Perspektiven” (Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2010), xii + 379 pp.
- 《萬戶千門任卷書──勞思光先生八十華誕祝壽論文集》,劉國英、伍至學、林碧玲合編(香港:中文大學出版社)(Across a Hundred Schools and Doctrines: A Festschrift for Lao Sze-kwang in Honour of His Eightieth Birthday, ed. by Lau Kwok-ying, Wu Zhi-xue and Lin Biling, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press), 2010,viii + 557pp.
《修遠之路──香港中文大學哲學系六十周年系慶論文集·同寅卷》,劉國英、張燦輝編,香港:中文大學出版社(Ponder over Yonder: Essays in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Philosophy, CUHK—Faculty’s Contributions, ed. by Kwok-ying Lau and Chan-Fai Cheung, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2009,xii + 632 pp.
- 《求索之迹──香港中文大學哲學系六十周年系慶論文集·校友卷》,劉國英、張燦輝編(香港:中文大學出版社)(Traces across Interlaces: Essays in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Philosophy, CUHK—Alumni’s Contributions, ed. by Kwok-ying Lau and Chan-Fai Cheung, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2009,xii + 518 pp.
- Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives, eds. Kwok-ying Lau and John J. Drummond, series “Contributions to Phenomenology” (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007), viii + 175 pp.
- 《夜闌風靜人歸時:陳特老師紀念集》, 劉國英、周保松主編(香港 : 從心會社), 2005,88pp.
《無涯理境──勞思光先生的學問與思想》,劉國英、張燦輝合編(香港:中文大學出版社) (Infinite Horizons: Professor LAO Sze-Kwang as Scholar and Philosopher, ed. LAU Kwok-ying and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2003,vi + 340 pp.
《在求真的道路上──賀沈宣仁教授七秩之慶》,黎志添、劉國英、張燦輝合編(香港:中華書局 )(On the Way to Truth: Festschrift for Professor Philip Shen’s Seventieth Birthday, ed. LAI Chi-Tim, LAU Kwok-ying and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co.),2003,2 + 346pp.
《永久和平的倡議者:康德作品選讀》(人文經典隨身讀系列:8),劉國英導讀及選讀(台北:誠品書店)(Philosopher of Perpetual Peace: Introduction to Kant and His Works, Classics in Humanities Series, No. 8, Introductory Essay & Selected Readings by LAU Kwok-ying, (Taipei: Eslite), 1999), 223 pp.
- “Image-picture vs Image-fiction: Is Sartre Ignorant of Productive Imagination?”, in Saulius Geniusas (ed.), Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination: Studies in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), Chapter 8, pp. 147-161.
- <歷史與現象學還原──胡塞爾《危機》中的歷史還原道路>(“History and Phenomenological Reduction: Husserl’s Historical Road to Reduction in the Crisis”), in《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 7, <從邏輯到歷史:胡塞爾專輯>(From Logic to History, Special Issue on Husserl), 2018, pp. 71-108.
- “Différance, Lack and Écart: Elements of the Logic of Heterogeneity”, in Kontexte des Leiblichen / Contexts of Corporality, hrsg. Cathrin Nielsen, Karel Novotný, Thomas Nenon (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2016), pp. 443-456.
- <他人的先在性──列維納斯對西方哲學傳統的顛覆> ,《中國現象學與哲學評論》,第十九輯 (Journal of Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Vol. 19),上海:上海譯文出版社 (Shanghai: The Shanghai Translation Publication Press),2016,pp. 181-209。
- “War, Peace and Love. The Logic of Lévinas”, Social Imaginaries, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 103-126.
<自然、文化與歷史─李維史陀結構人類學的哲學意涵及其對現象學的挑戰>,刊《世界: 歐洲與亞洲的共通哲學旨趣》,黃冠閔、張國賢編(台北:政大出版社,2015),頁25-48。
<攝影圖像現象學引論> (“Introduction to Phenomenology of Photographic Image”),刊《網路傳媒與文化--意象、圖像與虛擬影像》,游淙祺主編(台北:華泰文化,2015),頁79-91。
- “The Madness of Vision: The Painter as Phenomenologist in Merleau-Ponty”, in Corporeity and Affectivity: Dedicated to Maurice Merleau-Ponty, eds. K. Novotný, P. Rodrigo, J. Slatman and S. Stöller (Leiden-Boston: Brill Verlag, 2014), pp. 161-181.
- <梅洛龐蒂錯解海德格?──重探《存在與時間》與胡塞爾的關係及基本存在論計劃的一些缺失>(“Did Merleau-Ponty Misunderstand Heidegger? Revisiting the Relationship between Sein und Zeit and Husserl’s Phenomenology and some Omissions of the Project of Fundamental Ontology”), in 《現象學與人文科學》,第5期,<海德格:詮釋現象學及其蛻變-《存在與時間》專輯> (Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, No. 5, special issue on Heidegger: Hermeneutic Phenomenology and its Mutation), 2014, pp. 163-192.
- <歷史理性與歷史判斷──與《歷史之懲罰》相關的哲學議題>(“Historical Reason and Historical Judgment: Philosophical Issues related to Lao Sze-Kwang’s Punishment of History) ,《中國文哲研究通訊》,23卷,4期,2013,「勞思光教授逝世週年專輯」(Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Special Issue at the Occasion of the First Anniversary of Professor Lao Sze-Kwang’s Death),頁91-102。
- <勞思光:當代中國的批判思想家和世界意義的哲學家>,《南京大學學報》,第50卷,第2期,2013,頁92-99。
- <現象學態度與美感態度:敵對還是共謀?>,《意象》,第四期 (現象學與藝術討論會專輯)(北京:北京大學出版社),2013,頁9-22。
- Japanese translation of “Self-transformation and the Ethical Telos: Lao Sze-Kwang, Foucault and Husserl”, in Journal of Innovative Ethics, published by Project Innovative Ethics, Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University, Vol. 5, 2012, pp. 1-34.
- “Chiasme du visible et de l’imaginaire: Esquisses pour une approche phénoménologique de la photographie”. Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought, 14 (2012) : 491–500.
- 〈悼念張鼎國教授──一個優雅超逸的哲學心靈〉。《現象學與人文科學》「沙特──存在與辯證思維」專輯,4 (2011): 323–327。
- “Four Forms of Primordial Spatiality Essential to the Understanding of Architecture: a Phenomenological Sketch”, in Phenomenology 2010, vol. 1: Selected Essays from Asia and Pacific: Phenomenology in Dialogue with East Asian Tradition, ed. YU Chung-Chi (Bucharest: Zeta Books / Paris: Arghos-Diffusion, 2010), pp. 177-199.
- <曠野心靈的牧歌──悼念李維史陀> (“Pastoral of the Savage Mind: Lévi-Strauss in memoriam”),《現象學與人文科學》,第4期(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, No. 4), 2010, pp. 295-316.
- “Patočkovo pojetí Evropy: interkulturní úvaha”, in Myšlení Jana Patočky očima dnešni fenomenologie, ed. Ivan Chvatik (Prague: OIKOYMENH, 2009), pp. 475-492.
- “Interplay Between the Visible and the Imaginary: Notes towards a Phenomenological Approach to Photography”, in Kairos: Phenomenology and Photography, by Chan-Fai CHEUNG, with essays by Hans-Rainer Sepp and Kwok-ying Lau (Hong Kong: Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology, Research Institute for Humanities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009), pp. x-xiii.
- <直觀自然的遺忘:胡塞爾對現代科學的解構> (“Forgetting of Intuitive Nature: Husserl’s Deconstruction of Modern Science”), 《中央大學人文學報》(National Central University Journal of Humanities), Vol. 38 (2009), pp. 1-36.
- “La folie de la vision: le peintre comme phénoménologue chez Merleau-Ponty”, Chiasmi International. Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought, New Series No. 10, 2008 (Milano: Mimesis Edizioni), pp. 163-182.
- <海德格是納粹主義哲學家嗎?海德格哲學的政治意涵>(“Is Heidegger a Nazist Philosopher? Political Implications of Heidegger‘s Philosophy”),《現象學與當代哲學》創刊號 (Journal of Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy), 2007, no. 1, pp. 91-120.
- 劉 國英,伊藤 周史 訳,<視覚の狂気 –メルロ=ポンティにおける現象学者としての画家>, Japanese translation of “The Madness of Vision: the Painter as Phenomenologist in Merleau-Ponty”, in 《思索》 Shisaku (Meditations) (Sendai: The Association of the Philosophical Studies, Tohoku University), No. 40, 2007, pp. 45-79.
- “Non-familiarity and Otherness: Derrida’s Hermeneutics of Friendship and Its Political Implications”. In Cheung Chan-Fai and Yu Chung-Chi, eds., Phenomenology 2005, 1, Selected Essays from Asia, Part 2 (1st ed.), pp. 417–440. Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2007. Also in Tze-wan Kwan, ed., Responsibility and Commitment. Eighteen Essays in Honor of Gerhold K. Becker (1st ed.), pp. 173–188. Waldkirch, Germany: Edition Gorz, 2008.
<胡塞爾論佛教>(“Husserl on Buddhism”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 3, 2006,<現象學與佛家哲學專輯>(Special Issue on Phenomenology and Buddhist Philosophy), pp. 9-26.
<一種新的人文主義烏托邦──萊維納斯百年追思>(“A New Humanist Utopia: Centenary of Lévinas”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 3, 2006, pp. 323-335.
<去心理學化的心靈研究──現象學心理學的貢獻>(“De-psychologized Study of the Psyche: The Contribution of Phenomenological Psychology”),《應用心理研究》(Research in Applied Psychology),No. 30, 2006 (Taipei), pp. 1-5, 16-17。
<後現代思潮是保守主義嗎?──對哈貝馬斯的一些嚮應>(“Is Postmodernism Conservatism? Some responses to Habermas”),《復旦哲學評論》(Fudan Philosophical Review),Vol. 3, 2006 (Shanghai), pp. 277-290.
<現象學可以還中國哲學一個公道嗎?--試讀老子>(“To What Extent Can Phenomenology Do Justice To Chinese Philosophy?—Attempt at a Phenomenological Reading of Lao-Tzu”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 2, 2005, <現象學與道家哲學專輯>(Special Issue on Phenomenology and Taoist Philosophy), pp. 9-35.
<一門豐饒的現象學人學:悼念保羅·利科(1913-2005) >(“A Rich Phenomenology of the Human: Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) in memoriam”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 2, 2005, pp. 417-424.
- <解構死亡──現象學的進路及其蛻變> (“Deconstruction of Death—the Phenomenological Approach and its Transformation”),《凝視死亡──死與人間的多元省思》,梁美儀、張燦輝合編,香港:中文大學出版社 (“Gazing into Death: Multi-disciplinary Perspective”, ed. LEUNG Mei-Yee and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2005,pp. 19-38。
- “Intersubjectivity and Phenomenology of the Other: Merleau-Ponty’s Contribution”, in Space, Time, Culture, ed. David Carr and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, (Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004), pp. 135-158.
- <印象主義繪畫的現代性格與現象學意涵>,創刊號 (“Impressionist Painting as Modern Art and its Phenomenological Significance”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 1, 2004, pp. 125-153.
- <解構就是希望--悼念雅克德里達(1930-2004) >(“Deconstruction as Hope: Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)”),《現象學與人文科學》創刊號 (Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 1, 2004, pp. 275-287.
- <勞思光先生與中國式的批判精神>(“LAO Sze-Kwang and Critical Spirit of the Chinese Style”),刊於《無涯理境──勞思光先生的學問與思想》,劉國英、張燦輝合編,香港:中文大學出版社 (“Infinite Horizons: Professor LAO Sze-Kwang as Scholar and Philosopher”, ed. by LAU Kwok-ying and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press), 2003, pp. 3-28.
- <視見之瘋狂──梅洛龐蒂哲學中畫家作為現象學家>(“The Madness of Vision: The Painter as Phenomenologist in Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy”),刊《視覺的思想:現象學與藝術國際學術研討會論文集》, 孫周興、高士明編(杭州:中國美術學院出版社 (in The Thinking of Perception: Proceedings of the International Conference on Phenomenology and Art, ed. SUN Zhouxing and GAO Ximing, Hangzhou: Chinese Academy of Art Press),2003), pp. 26-40。
- <超越現代、捨棄現代、還是現代的再出發?——李歐塔的後現代哲學>(“Overcoming Modernity, Abandoning Modernity or Recommencement of Modernity ? The Postmodern Philosophy of J.-F. Lyotard”), 香港:《社會理論學報》,第四卷,第一期 (Hong Kong: Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 4, No. 1), 2001, pp. 121-146;republished as <超越現代、捨棄現代、還是現代的再出發?——利奧塔的後現代哲學>,刊 《現代性、後現代性社會理論:詮釋與評論》,謝立中、阮新邦編,北京:北京大學出版社(“Modernity and Postmodernity: Interpretations and Comments”, eds. Xie Lizhong & Yuen Sun-Bong, Beijing: Peking University Press),2004, pp. 390-410.
- <肉身、空間性與基礎存在論:海德格爾《存在與時間》中肉身主體的地位問題及其引起的困難> (“Body-proper, Spatiality and Fundamental Ontology: The Problem of the Status of the Body-Subject in Being and Time and its Difficulties”),《中國現象學與哲學評論》﹐第四輯 (Journal of Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Vol. 4)﹐上海:上海譯文出版社 (Shanghai: The Shanghai Translation Publication Press),2001, pp. 53-77.