
- 現象學
- 當代法國哲學
- 後現代哲學
- 康德之政治哲學及歷史哲學
- 中國文化與現代世界困境與出路
- 哲學與跨文化理解
《法國現象學的蹤跡──從沙特到德里達》,<現象學與人文科學研究叢書>,台北:漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司 (Traces of French Phenomenology: From Sartre to Derrida, Taipei: Azoth Books Co., Ltd.), 2018, 446 pp.
Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh, series “Contributions to Phenomenology” (Dordrecht: Springer, 2016), xii + 256 pp.
- Border-Crossing: Phenomenology, Interculturality and Interdisciplinarity, eds. Kwok-ying Lau and Chung-Chi Yu, Series “Orbis Phaenomenologicus Perspektiven” (Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2014), xii + 231pp.
- Phenomenology and Human Experience, eds. Chung-chi Yu and Kwok-ying Lau, series “Libri nigri” (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Baut GmbH, 2012), xiv + 197 pp.
- Identity and Alterity. Phenomenology and Cultural Traditions, eds. Kwok-ying Lau, Chan-Fai Cheung and Tze-Wan Kwan, series “Orbis Phaenomenologicus Perspektiven” (Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2010), xii + 379 pp.
- 《萬戶千門任卷書──勞思光先生八十華誕祝壽論文集》,劉國英、伍至學、林碧玲合編(香港:中文大學出版社)(Across a Hundred Schools and Doctrines: A Festschrift for Lao Sze-kwang in Honour of His Eightieth Birthday, ed. by Lau Kwok-ying, Wu Zhi-xue and Lin Biling, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press), 2010,viii + 557pp.
《修遠之路──香港中文大學哲學系六十周年系慶論文集·同寅卷》,劉國英、張燦輝編,香港:中文大學出版社(Ponder over Yonder: Essays in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Philosophy, CUHK—Faculty’s Contributions, ed. by Kwok-ying Lau and Chan-Fai Cheung, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2009,xii + 632 pp.
- 《求索之迹──香港中文大學哲學系六十周年系慶論文集·校友卷》,劉國英、張燦輝編(香港:中文大學出版社)(Traces across Interlaces: Essays in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Philosophy, CUHK—Alumni’s Contributions, ed. by Kwok-ying Lau and Chan-Fai Cheung, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2009,xii + 518 pp.
- Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives, eds. Kwok-ying Lau and John J. Drummond, series “Contributions to Phenomenology” (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007), viii + 175 pp.
- 《夜闌風靜人歸時:陳特老師紀念集》, 劉國英、周保松主編(香港 : 從心會社), 2005,88pp.
《無涯理境──勞思光先生的學問與思想》,劉國英、張燦輝合編(香港:中文大學出版社) (Infinite Horizons: Professor LAO Sze-Kwang as Scholar and Philosopher, ed. LAU Kwok-ying and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2003,vi + 340 pp.
《在求真的道路上──賀沈宣仁教授七秩之慶》,黎志添、劉國英、張燦輝合編(香港:中華書局 )(On the Way to Truth: Festschrift for Professor Philip Shen’s Seventieth Birthday, ed. LAI Chi-Tim, LAU Kwok-ying and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co.),2003,2 + 346pp.
《永久和平的倡議者:康德作品選讀》(人文經典隨身讀系列:8),劉國英導讀及選讀(台北:誠品書店)(Philosopher of Perpetual Peace: Introduction to Kant and His Works, Classics in Humanities Series, No. 8, Introductory Essay & Selected Readings by LAU Kwok-ying, (Taipei: Eslite), 1999), 223 pp.
- “Image-picture vs Image-fiction: Is Sartre Ignorant of Productive Imagination?”, in Saulius Geniusas (ed.), Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination: Studies in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), Chapter 8, pp. 147-161.
- <歷史與現象學還原──胡塞爾《危機》中的歷史還原道路>(“History and Phenomenological Reduction: Husserl’s Historical Road to Reduction in the Crisis”), in《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 7, <從邏輯到歷史:胡塞爾專輯>(From Logic to History, Special Issue on Husserl), 2018, pp. 71-108.
- “Différance, Lack and Écart: Elements of the Logic of Heterogeneity”, in Kontexte des Leiblichen / Contexts of Corporality, hrsg. Cathrin Nielsen, Karel Novotný, Thomas Nenon (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2016), pp. 443-456.
- <他人的先在性──列維納斯對西方哲學傳統的顛覆> ,《中國現象學與哲學評論》,第十九輯 (Journal of Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Vol. 19),上海:上海譯文出版社 (Shanghai: The Shanghai Translation Publication Press),2016,pp. 181-209。
- “War, Peace and Love. The Logic of Lévinas”, Social Imaginaries, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 103-126.
<自然、文化與歷史─李維史陀結構人類學的哲學意涵及其對現象學的挑戰>,刊《世界: 歐洲與亞洲的共通哲學旨趣》,黃冠閔、張國賢編(台北:政大出版社,2015),頁25-48。
<攝影圖像現象學引論> (“Introduction to Phenomenology of Photographic Image”),刊《網路傳媒與文化--意象、圖像與虛擬影像》,游淙祺主編(台北:華泰文化,2015),頁79-91。
- “The Madness of Vision: The Painter as Phenomenologist in Merleau-Ponty”, in Corporeity and Affectivity: Dedicated to Maurice Merleau-Ponty, eds. K. Novotný, P. Rodrigo, J. Slatman and S. Stöller (Leiden-Boston: Brill Verlag, 2014), pp. 161-181.
- <梅洛龐蒂錯解海德格?──重探《存在與時間》與胡塞爾的關係及基本存在論計劃的一些缺失>(“Did Merleau-Ponty Misunderstand Heidegger? Revisiting the Relationship between Sein und Zeit and Husserl’s Phenomenology and some Omissions of the Project of Fundamental Ontology”), in 《現象學與人文科學》,第5期,<海德格:詮釋現象學及其蛻變-《存在與時間》專輯> (Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, No. 5, special issue on Heidegger: Hermeneutic Phenomenology and its Mutation), 2014, pp. 163-192.
- <歷史理性與歷史判斷──與《歷史之懲罰》相關的哲學議題>(“Historical Reason and Historical Judgment: Philosophical Issues related to Lao Sze-Kwang’s Punishment of History) ,《中國文哲研究通訊》,23卷,4期,2013,「勞思光教授逝世週年專輯」(Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Special Issue at the Occasion of the First Anniversary of Professor Lao Sze-Kwang’s Death),頁91-102。
- <勞思光:當代中國的批判思想家和世界意義的哲學家>,《南京大學學報》,第50卷,第2期,2013,頁92-99。
- <現象學態度與美感態度:敵對還是共謀?>,《意象》,第四期 (現象學與藝術討論會專輯)(北京:北京大學出版社),2013,頁9-22。
- Japanese translation of “Self-transformation and the Ethical Telos: Lao Sze-Kwang, Foucault and Husserl”, in Journal of Innovative Ethics, published by Project Innovative Ethics, Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University, Vol. 5, 2012, pp. 1-34.
- “Chiasme du visible et de l’imaginaire: Esquisses pour une approche phénoménologique de la photographie”. Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought, 14 (2012) : 491–500.
- 〈悼念張鼎國教授──一個優雅超逸的哲學心靈〉。《現象學與人文科學》「沙特──存在與辯證思維」專輯,4 (2011): 323–327。
- “Four Forms of Primordial Spatiality Essential to the Understanding of Architecture: a Phenomenological Sketch”, in Phenomenology 2010, vol. 1: Selected Essays from Asia and Pacific: Phenomenology in Dialogue with East Asian Tradition, ed. YU Chung-Chi (Bucharest: Zeta Books / Paris: Arghos-Diffusion, 2010), pp. 177-199.
- <曠野心靈的牧歌──悼念李維史陀> (“Pastoral of the Savage Mind: Lévi-Strauss in memoriam”),《現象學與人文科學》,第4期(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, No. 4), 2010, pp. 295-316.
- “Patočkovo pojetí Evropy: interkulturní úvaha”, in Myšlení Jana Patočky očima dnešni fenomenologie, ed. Ivan Chvatik (Prague: OIKOYMENH, 2009), pp. 475-492.
- “Interplay Between the Visible and the Imaginary: Notes towards a Phenomenological Approach to Photography”, in Kairos: Phenomenology and Photography, by Chan-Fai CHEUNG, with essays by Hans-Rainer Sepp and Kwok-ying Lau (Hong Kong: Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology, Research Institute for Humanities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009), pp. x-xiii.
- <直觀自然的遺忘:胡塞爾對現代科學的解構> (“Forgetting of Intuitive Nature: Husserl’s Deconstruction of Modern Science”), 《中央大學人文學報》(National Central University Journal of Humanities), Vol. 38 (2009), pp. 1-36.
- “La folie de la vision: le peintre comme phénoménologue chez Merleau-Ponty”, Chiasmi International. Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought, New Series No. 10, 2008 (Milano: Mimesis Edizioni), pp. 163-182.
- <海德格是納粹主義哲學家嗎?海德格哲學的政治意涵>(“Is Heidegger a Nazist Philosopher? Political Implications of Heidegger‘s Philosophy”),《現象學與當代哲學》創刊號 (Journal of Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy), 2007, no. 1, pp. 91-120.
- 劉 國英,伊藤 周史 訳,<視覚の狂気 –メルロ=ポンティにおける現象学者としての画家>, Japanese translation of “The Madness of Vision: the Painter as Phenomenologist in Merleau-Ponty”, in 《思索》 Shisaku (Meditations) (Sendai: The Association of the Philosophical Studies, Tohoku University), No. 40, 2007, pp. 45-79.
- “Non-familiarity and Otherness: Derrida’s Hermeneutics of Friendship and Its Political Implications”. In Cheung Chan-Fai and Yu Chung-Chi, eds., Phenomenology 2005, 1, Selected Essays from Asia, Part 2 (1st ed.), pp. 417–440. Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2007. Also in Tze-wan Kwan, ed., Responsibility and Commitment. Eighteen Essays in Honor of Gerhold K. Becker (1st ed.), pp. 173–188. Waldkirch, Germany: Edition Gorz, 2008.
<胡塞爾論佛教>(“Husserl on Buddhism”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 3, 2006,<現象學與佛家哲學專輯>(Special Issue on Phenomenology and Buddhist Philosophy), pp. 9-26.
<一種新的人文主義烏托邦──萊維納斯百年追思>(“A New Humanist Utopia: Centenary of Lévinas”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 3, 2006, pp. 323-335.
<去心理學化的心靈研究──現象學心理學的貢獻>(“De-psychologized Study of the Psyche: The Contribution of Phenomenological Psychology”),《應用心理研究》(Research in Applied Psychology),No. 30, 2006 (Taipei), pp. 1-5, 16-17。
<後現代思潮是保守主義嗎?──對哈貝馬斯的一些嚮應>(“Is Postmodernism Conservatism? Some responses to Habermas”),《復旦哲學評論》(Fudan Philosophical Review),Vol. 3, 2006 (Shanghai), pp. 277-290.
<現象學可以還中國哲學一個公道嗎?--試讀老子>(“To What Extent Can Phenomenology Do Justice To Chinese Philosophy?—Attempt at a Phenomenological Reading of Lao-Tzu”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 2, 2005, <現象學與道家哲學專輯>(Special Issue on Phenomenology and Taoist Philosophy), pp. 9-35.
<一門豐饒的現象學人學:悼念保羅·利科(1913-2005) >(“A Rich Phenomenology of the Human: Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) in memoriam”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 2, 2005, pp. 417-424.
- <解構死亡──現象學的進路及其蛻變> (“Deconstruction of Death—the Phenomenological Approach and its Transformation”),《凝視死亡──死與人間的多元省思》,梁美儀、張燦輝合編,香港:中文大學出版社 (“Gazing into Death: Multi-disciplinary Perspective”, ed. LEUNG Mei-Yee and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press),2005,pp. 19-38。
- “Intersubjectivity and Phenomenology of the Other: Merleau-Ponty’s Contribution”, in Space, Time, Culture, ed. David Carr and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, (Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004), pp. 135-158.
- <印象主義繪畫的現代性格與現象學意涵>,創刊號 (“Impressionist Painting as Modern Art and its Phenomenological Significance”),《現象學與人文科學》(Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 1, 2004, pp. 125-153.
- <解構就是希望--悼念雅克德里達(1930-2004) >(“Deconstruction as Hope: Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)”),《現象學與人文科學》創刊號 (Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences), No. 1, 2004, pp. 275-287.
- <勞思光先生與中國式的批判精神>(“LAO Sze-Kwang and Critical Spirit of the Chinese Style”),刊於《無涯理境──勞思光先生的學問與思想》,劉國英、張燦輝合編,香港:中文大學出版社 (“Infinite Horizons: Professor LAO Sze-Kwang as Scholar and Philosopher”, ed. by LAU Kwok-ying and CHEUNG Chan-Fai, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press), 2003, pp. 3-28.
- <視見之瘋狂──梅洛龐蒂哲學中畫家作為現象學家>(“The Madness of Vision: The Painter as Phenomenologist in Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy”),刊《視覺的思想:現象學與藝術國際學術研討會論文集》, 孫周興、高士明編(杭州:中國美術學院出版社 (in The Thinking of Perception: Proceedings of the International Conference on Phenomenology and Art, ed. SUN Zhouxing and GAO Ximing, Hangzhou: Chinese Academy of Art Press),2003), pp. 26-40。
- <超越現代、捨棄現代、還是現代的再出發?——李歐塔的後現代哲學>(“Overcoming Modernity, Abandoning Modernity or Recommencement of Modernity ? The Postmodern Philosophy of J.-F. Lyotard”), 香港:《社會理論學報》,第四卷,第一期 (Hong Kong: Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 4, No. 1), 2001, pp. 121-146;republished as <超越現代、捨棄現代、還是現代的再出發?——利奧塔的後現代哲學>,刊 《現代性、後現代性社會理論:詮釋與評論》,謝立中、阮新邦編,北京:北京大學出版社(“Modernity and Postmodernity: Interpretations and Comments”, eds. Xie Lizhong & Yuen Sun-Bong, Beijing: Peking University Press),2004, pp. 390-410.
- <肉身、空間性與基礎存在論:海德格爾《存在與時間》中肉身主體的地位問題及其引起的困難> (“Body-proper, Spatiality and Fundamental Ontology: The Problem of the Status of the Body-Subject in Being and Time and its Difficulties”),《中國現象學與哲學評論》﹐第四輯 (Journal of Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Vol. 4)﹐上海:上海譯文出版社 (Shanghai: The Shanghai Translation Publication Press),2001, pp. 53-77.