- 现象学
- 诠释学
- 德国哲学
- 古希腊伦理学
- 比较哲学
- “Understanding, Historically Effected Consciousness, and Phenomenology in Gadamer”. In Chung-chi Yu and Kwok-ying Lau, eds., Phenomenology and Human Experience, pp. 111–135. Nordhausen, Germany: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2012.
- “时间性、死亡与歷史:后海德格的反思” (Temporality, Death and History: Reflection after Heidegger). In Chung-chi Yu, ed., Phenomenology 2010: Phenomenology in Dialogue with East Asian Tradition, Volume 1, pp. 345–366. Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2010.