Digital and Computational Psychiatry

Digital and Computational Psychiatry
Digital Psychiatry
Digital Psychiatry

Advancing adolescent bedtime by using motivational interviewing and text reminders – A randomized controlled trial

Dr Rachel N.Y. CHAN
Assistant Professor (Non-clinical)

Small data learning for Alzheimer’s Disease: From digital biomarker to early detection and intervention

Dr. Allen T C LEE,
Assistant Professor (Clinical)

The role of big data in addressing the determinants of non-communicable diseases in the ageing era – collaboration between CUHK and Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) partners

Dr. Allen T C LEE,
Assistant Professor (Clinical)

Machine learning technologies for advancing digital biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. Allen T C LEE,
Assistant Professor (Clinical)

An Artificial Intelligence chatbot for sleep education

Dr Tim M.H. LI
Research Assistant Professor

Identifying suicide risk using natural language processing and machine learning of clinical interviews of depression

Dr Tim M.H. LI
Research Assistant Professor

A mobile-phone-based intervention for caregivers of adolescents – empowerment through mindfulness-based and empathy-guided continuous learning and support programme

Dr. Oscar W.H. WONG
Assistant Professor (Clinical)
Prof. Sandra S.M. CHAN
Professor (Clinical)

Risk screening for prodromal Parkinson’s disease in elderly using smartphone

Dr. Yaping LIU
Assistant Professor (Non-clinical)