Prof. CHAN Sau Man, Sandra
Professor (Clinical)
Professor (Clinical)
MBChB(CUHK), FRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych
Fax: (852) 2667-5464
Email: schan@cuhk.edu.hk
ORCID: 0000-0002-5916-139X
- Assistant Dean (Student support), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK (2016- )
- Chairman, Graduate School Disciplinary Committee, CUHK (2020- )
- Chairman, Special Interest Group in Clinical Neuroscience, The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
- Programme Director, Master of Science/Post-graduate Diploma in Mental Health
- Project Director, Multi-professional Case-management program for case management, Hospital Authority
- Committee Member, Committee on Complaints against Private Health Care Facilities, Department of Health (2021- )
- Chairman and convener of the DEC Sub-commitee for MMR, Executive Committee member, The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (2017- )
- Executive Committee member, HATCH (Hub of Advanced Technology for Child Health), The DH Chen Foundation
- Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists’ Research Award: Best original research on Mood Disorder 2006 “Elderly Suicide and 2003 SARS Epidemic”
- Faculty Education Award 2021
- Specialists in Psychiatry with the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists (Fellowship in 2005) and The Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) (Membership in 2001/ Fellowship in 2015)
- National Institute of Health’s ICOHRTA Fellowship ( Suicide prevention and research) with University of Rochester, USA (2002-03)
- Visiting Fellowship at Martinos Centre for Biomedical Imaging(2012)/Berenson-Allen Center for Non Invasive Brain Stimulation, Harvard Medical School (2013)
- Certified Completion of Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with The China American Psychoanalytic Alliance (CAPA) (2013-2014)
- Functional brain mapping of mood disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders
- Network-informed transcranial magnetic stimulation for psychiatric disorders
- Neuromodulation for cognitive remediation in childhood neurodevelopmental disorders
- Treatment resistant depression
- Digital mental health platform
- Resilience and developmental mental health
- Suicide prevention
- Phase I of the Commissioned Study on Mental Health Survey: Hong Kong Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Epidemiologic Survey: Age 6 to 17
(Co-I/Executive Director1378, External Grant: FHB-MHS-P1(Part 1)-CUHK) - Relationship between social motivation tendency, schizophrenia symptoms, and social functioning
(Co-I, External Grant: Research Grant Council/ GRF 14605020) - Establishing the electro-physiological basis of inner speech deficits in Schizophrenia
(Co-I, External Grant: Research Grant Council/ GRF 14601122) - Personalized prediction of transcranial magnetic stimulation clinical response in patients with treatment-refractory depression using neuroimaging biomarkers and machine learning
(PI, External Grant: Research Grant Council/ GRF 14120322) - A mobile-phone-based intervention for caregivers of adolescents – empowerment through mindfulness-based and empathy-guided continuous learning and support programme
(Co-I, External Grant: Mental Health Initiatives Fund- Phase I/ MH-0068) - Double-blind randomized controlled trial with t-DCS on pre-pubertal Autism Spectrum Disorder comorbid with ADHD
(Project supervisor under HATCH research team) - Microbiome signature in ASD- case-controlled study in pre-pubertal children
(Project supervisor under HATCH research team)
- Chan SSM, Chiu HFK, Lam LCW, Leung VPY.
Elderly Suicide and the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong SAR.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2006; 21:113-18. - Chan SSM, Lyness JM, Yeates C.
Do Cerebrovascular Risk Factors Confer Risk for Suicide in Later Life? A Case-control Study.
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2007; 15: 541-44 - Liu J, Ma H, He YL, Xie B, Xu YF, Tang HY, Li M, Hao W, Wang XD, Zhang MY, Ng CH, Goding M, Fraser J, Herrman H, Chiu HFK, Chan SSM, Chiu E, Yu X.
Mental health system in China: history, recent service reform and future challenges.
World Psychiatry 2011; 10 (3): 210-16. - Chan SSM, Leung PY, Tsoh J, Li SW, Yu CS, Yu KK, Poon TK, Pan PC, Chan WC, Conwell Y, Lam LCW, Chiu HFK.
Outcomes of a two-tiered multi-faceted elderly suicide prevention program in a Hong Kong Chinese Community.
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011;19: 185-96. - So SHW, Chan GHK, Wong CKW, Ching EWK, Lee, SSW, Wong BCW, Chen Z, Sun X, Chung, LKH, Hung AY, Wong JOY, Chan SSM.
A randomized controlled trial of metacognitive training for psychosis, depression and belief flexibility.
Journal of Affective Disorders 2020; 279(15): 388-39. - Hopman HJ, Choy HY, Ho WS, Lu H, Wong WH, Chan SSM.
The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation antidepressant response on cold cognition: a single-arm prospective longitudinal study.
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2021; 17: 1-12. - Hopman HJ (co-first author), Chan SSM (co-first author), Chu CWW, Lu H, Tse CY, Chau SWH, Lam LCW, Mak ADP, Neggers SFW.
Personalized prediction of transcranial magnetic stimulation clinical response in patients with treatment refractory depression using neuroimaging biomarkers and machine learning.
Journal of Affective Disorders 2021; 290: 261-271. - Wong OWH, Lam AMW, Lai KYC, Ma SL, Hung SF, Chan S, Wong S, Leung PWL.
An elevated anxiety level amongprepubertal autistic boys with non-treatment-seeking functional gastrointestinal disorders: A case–control study.
Autism Research 2021; 14(10): 2131-2142. - Chan VKY, Cheung ECL, Chan SSM, Knapp M, Hayes JF, Fan M, Lai FTT, Luo H, Lum T, Wong RSM, Lau LKW, Wan EYF, Wong GHY, Chan EWY, Ip P, Wong ICK, Li X.
Mortality-causing mechanisms and healthcare resource utilisation of treatment-resistant depression: A six-year population-based cohort study.
The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific 2022;22: 100426 - Wong OWH, Angela LMW, Or BPN, Lai K, Ma SL, Hung SF, Chan S, Kwong TNH, Wong S, Leung PWL.
Disentangling the relationship of gut microbiota, functional gastrointestinal disorders and autism: a case-control study on prepubertal Chinese boys.
Scientific Reports 2022: 12:10659