Common Sleep Problems in Adolescents: Intervention and Prevention
Common Sleep Problems in Adolescents: Intervention and Prevention
Academic Lecture 27JAN2022
Common Sleep Problems in Adolescents: Intervention and Prevention
Dr. Rachel CHAN
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry

Chronotherapeutic treatments in sleep and mood disorders
Chronotherapeutic treatments in sleep and mood disorders
Academic Lecture 3DEC2021
Chronotherapeutic treatments in sleep and mood disorders
Prof. Joey Wing Yan CHAN, Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry

Emerging determinants of mental health and the evolution of mental health in Hong Kong under the COVID-19 pandemic
Emerging determinants of mental health and the evolution of mental health in Hong Kong under the COVID-19 pandemic
Academic Lecture 25NOV2021
Emerging determinants of mental health and the evolution of mental health in Hong Kong under the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Michael Yuxuan NI, Associate Professor
Division of Community Medicine and Public Health Practice

How Do Doctors Heal? Reimaging Care in Medicine and Psychiatry
How Do Doctors Heal? Reimaging Care in Medicine and Psychiatry
The Inaugural Char-Nie Chen Distinguished Lecture
How Do Doctors Heal? Reimaging Care in Medicine and Psychiatry
Prof. Arthur KLEINMAN, MD
Esther and Sidney Rabb Professor of Anthropology,
Professor of Medical Anthropology in Global Health and Social Medicine,
Professor of Psychiatry,
Harvard Medical School
RECORDING (CUHK Authentication Required)

The non-social aspects of autism
The non-social aspects of autism
Academic Lecture 21OCT2021
The non-social aspects of autism
Dr. Oscar Wing Ho WONG
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry

First Episode Psychosis: updates in young persons management of schizophrenia
First Episode Psychosis: updates in young persons management of schizophrenia
Academic Lecture 30SEP2021,
First Episode Psychosis: updates in young persons management of schizophrenia
Prof. COGHILL David
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Royal Children’s Hospital
Melbourne Financial Markets Foundation
Chair of Developmental Mental Health
Depts. of Paediatrics and Psychiatry

Treating insomnia in youth: What works
Treating insomnia in youth: What works
Academic Lecture 23SEP2021
Treating insomnia in youth: What works
Dr. Shirley X LI
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology

Stimulation and simulation: unlocking the potential of personalized brain-based treatments
Stimulation and simulation: unlocking the potential of personalized brain-based treatments
Academic Lecture 26AUG2021
Stimulation and simulation: unlocking the potential of personalized brain-based treatments
Dr. Hanna LU, Research Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry

The mediating effect of self-management on the relationship between trust in mutual aid group members and well-being among young patients with chronic illness
The mediating effect of self-management on the relationship between trust in mutual aid group members and well-being among young patients with chronic illness
Academic Lecture 22JUL 2021,
The mediating effect of self-management on the relationship between trust in mutual aid group members and well-being among young patients with chronic illness
Prof. Steven Sek Yum NGAI
Chairperson & Professor
Dept. of Social Work

Simultaneous Dual-Task Cycling Exercise Training on Cognitive function for the Elderly
Simultaneous Dual-Task Cycling Exercise Training on Cognitive function for the Elderly
Academic Lecture, 24JUN2021
Simultaneous Dual-Task Cycling Exercise Training on Cognitive function for the Elderly
Prof. Raymond Kai Yu TONG,
Professor and Programme Director & Division Head of Biomedical Engineering,

Achieving movement flexibility in a modular motor system for development, skill learning, and recovery from injury
Achieving movement flexibility in a modular motor system for development, skill learning, and recovery from injury
Academic Lecture, 27MAY2021
Achieving movement flexibility in a modular motor system for development, skill learning, and recovery from injury
Prof. Vincent C. K. CHEUNG, Associate Professor,
School of Biomedical Sciences,

Mindfulness-based interventions for mental health problems: An update on current evidence
Mindfulness-based interventions for mental health problems: An update on current evidence
Academic Lecture, 2MAR202
Mindfulness-based interventions for mental health problems: An update on current evidence
Prof. Samuel Yeung Shan WONG,
School Director & Chair of Executive Committee,
JC School of Public Health and Primary Care,

Pain, Sounds, Confusion: A random walk in a Neurosurgery Ward
Pain, Sounds, Confusion: A random walk in a Neurosurgery Ward
Academic Lecture 25FEB2021
Pain, Sounds, Confusion: A random walk in a Neurosurgery Ward
Prof. George Kwok Chu WONG, Professor
Division of Neurosurgery
Department of Surgery

Reinforcement learning and effort allocation abnormalities in first-episode psychosis
Reinforcement learning and effort allocation abnormalities in first-episode psychosis
Academic Lecture, 28JAN2021
Reinforcement learning and effort allocation abnormalities in first-episode psychosis
Dr. Wing Chung CHANG, Associate Professor,
Department of Psychiatry,

Are delusions hard to change?
Are delusions hard to change?
Academic Lecture, 28JAN2021
Are delusions hard to change?
Dr. Suzanne Ho Wai SO, Associate Professor,
Department of Psychology,

From Optical Unconscious to Mental Imagery: How Scientists Have Been Catching up with Filmmakers’ Agendas on Trauma
From Optical Unconscious to Mental Imagery: How Scientists Have Been Catching up with Filmmakers’ Agendas on Trauma
Academic Lecture, 10DEC2020,
From Optical Unconscious to Mental Imagery: How Scientists Have Been Catching up with Filmmakers’ Agendas on Trauma
Prof. Harry Yi-Jui WU, Assistant Professor & Director,
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit,
LKS Faculty of Medicine,

Can we prevent mental and neurodegenerative disorders from sleep and circadian perspectives?
Can we prevent mental and neurodegenerative disorders from sleep and circadian perspectives?
Academic Lecture, 29OCT2020
Can we prevent mental and neurodegenerative disorders from sleep and circadian perspectives?
Prof. YK WING, Professor & Chairman,
Department of Pyschiatry,

From demons to the brain: Interface between epilepsy and psychiatric illness and the use of antiepileptics in psychiatry
From demons to the brain: Interface between epilepsy and psychiatric illness and the use of antiepileptics in psychiatry
Neuroscience Seminar, 22OCT2020
From demons to the brain: Interface between epilepsy and psychiatric illness
and the use of antiepileptics in psychiatry
Dr. Evelyn WONG, Associate Consultant,
Department of Psychiatry,

Drug discovery for COVID-19
Drug discovery for COVID-19
Academic Lecture, 24SEP2020,
Drug discovery for COVID-19
Prof. Billy Wai Lung NG, Assistant Professor,
School of Pharmacy,

The Philosophy of Natural Sciences in Psychiatry
The Philosophy of Natural Sciences in Psychiatry
Neuroscience Seminar, 20AUG2020
The Philosophy of Natural Sciences in Psychiatry
Dr. HM LAI, Clinical Lecturer,
Department of Psychiatry,

The application of RNA-Seq in Psychiatry
The application of RNA-Seq in Psychiatry
Neuroscience Seminar, 30JUL2020
The application of RNA-Seq in psychiatry,
Dr. SL MA, Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychiatry,

Psychopharmacology for substance use and impulsive disorders &
Antipsychotics for non-psychotic disorders
Psychopharmacology for substance use and impulsive disorders &
Antipsychotics for non-psychotic disorders
Neuroscience Seminar, 11JUN2020
Psychopharmacology for substance use and impulsive disorders,
Dr. Steven CHAU, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, CUHK
Antipsychotics for non-psychotic disorders,
Dr. Oscar WONG, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, CUHK

Prescribing in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders
Prescribing in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders
Neuroscience Seminar, 14MAY2020
Prescribing in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Dr. Caroline SHEA, Associate Consultant,
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Team,
Department of Psychiatry,

What is an antidepressant in modern day psychiatry? Is neurochemical imbalance a myth?
1st part: Mechanisms of antidepressant 2nd part: Prescribing for aging brains
What is an antidepressant in modern day psychiatry? Is neurochemical imbalance a myth?
1st part: Mechanisms of antidepressant 2nd part: Prescribing for aging brains
Neuroscience Seminar, 09APR2020
What is an antidepressant in modern day psychiatry? Is neurochemical imbalance a myth?
1st part: Mechanisms of antidepressant
2nd part: Prescribing for aging brains
Prof. Sandra CHAN, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, CUHK
Dr. Allen LEE, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, CUHK

Bipolarity and Creativity
Bipolarity and Creativity
Neuroscience Seminar, 12MAR2020
Bipolarity and Creativity
Prof. Arthur MAK, Associate Professor,
Department of Psychiatry,

“When ATM is broken cash withdraws fail”—The role of ATM kinase in responding to cellular ATP demand and selective Purkinje cell neurodegeneration in Ataxia Telangiectasia
“When ATM is broken cash withdraws fail”—The role of ATM kinase in responding to cellular ATP demand and selective Purkinje cell neurodegeneration in Ataxia Telangiectasia
Academic Lecture, Dec 12, 2019
“When ATM is broken cash withdraws fail”—The role of ATM kinase in responding to cellular ATP demand and selective Purkinje cell neurodegeneration in Ataxia Telangiectasia
Prof. Hei Man CHOW, Assistant Professor,
School of Life Sciences,

Liver and Psychiatry
Liver and Psychiatry
Academic Lecture: October 24, 2019
Liver and Psychiatry
Prof. Vincent WONG, Professor & Head of Division,
Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology,
Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, CUHK

How Our Reality is Distorted by Social Media — A Computer Science Perspective
How Our Reality is Distorted by Social Media — A Computer Science Perspective
Academic Lecture: September 5, 2019
How Our Reality is Distorted by Social Media — A Computer Science Perspective
Dr. Gabriel Fung, Research Fellow,
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management,

Measuring steroid hormones in biological samples: challenges for the clinical laboratory
Measuring steroid hormones in biological samples: challenges for the clinical laboratory
Academic lecture, August 22, 2019
Measuring steroid hormones in biological samples: challenges for the clinical laboratory
Dr. CS HO, Adjunct Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemical Pathology,

Translational Psychiatry: a personal reflection
Translational Psychiatry: a personal reflection
Academic Lecture, July 11, 2019
Academic Lecture, July 11, 2019
Translational Psychiatry: a personal reflection
Dr. CM Lee, Director,
Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services,

Holistic pathway to functional recovery in MDD
Holistic pathway to functional recovery in MDD
Academic Lecture – June 27, 2019
Holistic pathway to functional recovery in MDD
Prof. Pratap CHOKKA ,
Department of Psychiatry,
University of Alberta