The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on academic dishonesty. While "academic dishonesty" is the overall name, there are several sub-categories as follows:

(i) Plagiarism
(ii) Undeclared multiple submissions
(iii) Employing or using services provided by a third party to undertake ones’ submitted work, or providing services as a third party
(iv) Distribution/ Sharing/ Copying of teaching materials without the consent of the course teachers to gain unfair academic advantage in the courses
(v) Violating rules 15 or 16 of the University's Examination Rules (Annex 1) or rule 9 or 10 of the University's Online Examination Rules (Annex 2)
(vi) Cheating in tests and examinations (including violation of rules 17 or 18 of the University’s Examination Rules or rule 11, 12, 13, 14 or 16 of the University's Online Examination Rules)
(vii) Impersonation fraud in tests and examinations (including violation of rule 19 of the University's Examination Rules or rule 15 of the University's Online Examination Rules)
(viii) All other acts of academic dishonesty

Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University.

Everyone should make himself/herself familiar with the content of this website and thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.


(i) 抄襲
(ii) 未有聲明重覆使用作業
(iii) 聘用或使用第三者服務以助其完成提交的作業,或作為第三者提供服務
(iv) 未經科目老師事先同意下分發/分享/複製教學材料以在該科目獲得不公平的學術優勢
(v) 違反大學考試試場規則(附件一)第十五或第十六條或違反大學網上考試規則(附件二) 第九或第十條
(vi) 測驗及考試作弊(包括違反大學考試試場規則第十七或第十八條或違反大學網上考試規則第十一、第十二、第十三、第十四或第十六條)
(vii) 在測驗及考試中冒充他人的作弊行為(包括違反大學考試試場規則第十九條或違反大學網上考試規則第十五條)
(viii) 所有其他違反學術誠信行為




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Last updated in December 2022


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