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College Premises

College Location
The College is situated at Campus Circuit North, close to a cluster of new developments (Area 39) that will include postgraduate research and hostel facilities. A newly constructed bicycle trail connects the CW Chu College Campus and Area 39 to the MTR University Station.
Hostel 2018

College Building

College Campus daytime small size

The College design respects the traditional CUHK building elements and is present ed in modern architectural language through a series of three linked buildings. Enclosed by the three wings is a central piazza which  creates a sense of community and identity for the small college of 300 students.

The building consists of three wings. The living accommodation are on top, for privacy and seclusion.  The dining, administrative, teaching and conference facilities occupy the base, for easy access. And the student communal facilities and activities floor is sandwiched in between, to promote interaction.


Related Press Releases and Reports

Sustainable Campus (續綠中大) No. 4 E-newsletter


