College Teaching Staff - Professor LI Tjonnie Guang Feng
Professor Li (黎冠峰) received his BA and MSci in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge (2009), and his PhD in Physics from the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics (2013). Prior to joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2015, he spent two years at the California Institute of Technology as a Rubicon Postdoctoral Fellow. Professor Li's research interests are in gravitational-wave physics, and he was involved in the breakthrough detection of gravitational waves by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). His awards include the 2016 Gruber Prize in Cosmology, the 2016 Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, and the 2013 Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize. He is now an Associate Professor of the Department of Physics. More information can be found on the departmental webpage. |