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Information Session Date: 4 Feb 2023 (Sat) Venue: Online via Zoom
The Master of Arts Programme in Religious Studies (hereinafter the Programme) is the first and unique programme of its kind in Hong Kong higher education. It was established in 1998 by the Department of Religion (Department of Cultural and Religious Studies since 2004).More than 600 graduates have successfully obtained their Master of Arts in Religious Studies from this Programme in the past decades.
Considering religion an integral part of human life, thought and culture, the Programme advocates a scholarly and comparative perspective to the study of multifarious religious phenomena to achieve a sympathetic understanding of diverse religious experiences. The Programme aims to cultivate students’ ability to understand religious culture from different traditions and disciplinary knowledge so as to achieve its ultimate goal to provide student a broad and critical study in relating religious wisdom to human life and society.
The Programme adopts a proactive approach to enhance students' academic performance in religious studies. A Seminar on Academic Paper Writing is organized in the first semester every year to help students improve their academic writing in religious studies. The course "Research Paper in Religious Studies" initiated from 2010 enables our students to acquire some essential skills and methodologies of engaging a critical research paper, thus equipped them better academically for further research degree studies.
Emphasis on experiential learning is a distinctive feature of our Programme. Since religion is a living tradition in our society, fieldwork is considered as a core learning activity for students to attain a deeper understanding of people’s daily religious practices, both locally and overseas, through which students can better integrate religious theory and enhance their ability for theoryapplication in their academic study.
The Programme is principally not career-oriented. Nevertheless, it dedicates itself to motivate and inspire students to embrace a more open-minded view in appreciation of differences, which plays a vital role in understanding different religious cultures especially in a diversified and globalized society like Hong Kong.
Not only has this programme provided young scholars with solid academic foundation for their further research in religious studies, but it has also a modest effect to the religious and cultural undertakings in the society. With the establishment of the Alumni Association of the Programme in 2013, a group of committed graduates has been passionate in promoting the culture, values, and wisdom of different religious traditions to the general public through workshops, open lectures, and field trips, which is, the embodiment of lifelong learning.
Sharing by Graduates
It has been a fruitful learning experience in the past two years. It’s more than cultural and religious studies - I treasured this study journey very much for it means searching the meaning of life to me. Professors are not only knowledgeable but also devoted to guide us with their warm hearts. Most important of all, I’ve been inspired to reflect on my own values and justify my beliefs more sensibly and with confidence. I enjoyed every sharing with classmates with different perspectives and we learned to understand and respect each other’s thoughts with an open mind. Thank God for I have studied in MARS!
我作為工程及管理專業的從業員,對宗教的知識有著無比的興趣。2017終於鼓起勇氣,加入了中文大學的宗教研究碩士課程。在課程中接觸到香港不同宗教的歷史,理論及傳承,特別是與中國文化淵源甚深的道教,在漢朝時開始傳入的佛教,及後來在清朝時開始大舉傳播的天主教。課程亦包括外遊考察,2018年的目的地是台灣,通過教授的精心安排,在參學過程中對台灣宗教文化的認識有了很大的提升。MARS 課程提供了適切的學習環境,加上教授們的悉心指導,同學們都體驗了在他們有興趣的宗教範圍內的一次心靈對話與知慧的啟發。
工作上習慣了每天也計算回報和效益,想自我有些新衝擊﹑挑戰和突破,期望生命有所改變,亦源於自己對道教知識的追求,所以於2017年報讀 MARS 的課程。這個課程內容很精彩﹑豐富,充滿驚喜,令我有一種相逢恨晚的感覺。老師們熱誠及投入的教學,從不同角度切入,由理論、哲學、歷史、心理和宗教等的切面,將宗教立體化的展示在我們眼前,讓同學易於掌握,融會貫通,帶領我認識不同宗教之餘,也令我們思考更多,更加認識自己及可用全新的角度去認識自己的宗教信仰。非常感謝老師們的教導和同學們的分享互動,讓我愉快地完成這兩年的學習時光。