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Master of Arts in Cultural Management
Teaching Staff

Master of Arts in Cultural Management - Teaching Staff

Teaching Staff

Emphasizing on providing quality education, all courses are taught by professionals with extensive practical experience and theoretical knowledge in various areas of cultural management.


Programme Director


Faculty Members


Faculty Members (Other Departments/Units)

  • Prof. Josh YIU (Associate Professor & Director of CUHK Art Museum)
  • Prof. Winton AU (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, CUHK)


Adjunct Professors

  • Prof. Oscar HO (Adjunct Associate Professor)
  • Prof. Katrien JACOBS (Adjunct Associate Professor)
  • Prof. SER Shaw Hong (Adjunct Associate Professor)
  • Prof. Yi Hsuan YANG (Adjunct Assistant Professor)


Part time Lecturer

  • Dr. Ashley WONG (Term 2)