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Academic Research
Thesis of the Graduate Research Students

Academic Research - Thesis of the Graduate Research Students

Ph.D. in Cultural Studies

「生活」系譜學: 常用詞「生活」在清末民初(1815—1925)的跨文化生成系譜研究

Cheng Tung Yue 陳東禹

Ph.D. 2022



Zhang Zongyi 張宗藝

Ph.D. 2022


Rituals of Resistance Mediated Images among the Hong Kong Youth

Alberto Gerosa

Ph.D. 2022



Law Tsin Fung Angela 羅展鳳

Ph.D. 2022


From CEPA to Laam-caau: The Evolution of Anti-Economic Integration Discourses in Post-Handover Hong Kong (1997-2022)

Yu Po Sang 俞寶生

Ph.D. 2022



Zhang Zhen 張振

Ph.D. 2022



Chan Hiu Ting 陳曉婷

Ph.D. 2021



Tong Qi 童祁

Ph.D. 2021



Yang Ru 楊儒

Ph.D. 2021



Chiu Kit Fung 趙傑鋒

Ph.D. 2020



Ko Chun Kit 高俊傑

Ph.D. 2020


Against the Commercial: Film Governance of Nanjing Nationalist Government, 1927-1937

Li Pin 李頻

Ph.D. 2020



Lu Xin 陸欣

Ph.D. 2020



Yang Mingchen 楊明晨

Ph.D. 2020


The Total Art of Pussy Riot and the Dialectics of Imperfection

Svetlana Ilinskaya

Ph.D. 2019



Lai Kwok Wai 黎國威

Ph.D. 2019


The Cultural Politics of Fear: The Collective Fear of Communism in Cold War and Post-Cold War Hong Kong (1967-2018)

Li Cho Kiu 李祖喬

Ph.D. 2019



Tang Ching Kin 鄧正健

Ph.D. 2019


A Semiotic Study on Character Pairing Fandom in Chinese Cyberspace

Zhang Kaixuan 張凱旋 (Gender Studies)

Ph.D. 2019


Formulaic Intimacy: The Rise of Relationship Experts in Contemporary China

Liu Haiping 劉海平 (Gender Studies)

Ph.D. 2019


(Dis)Orientating Desires: The Queer Exotic and Lesbian Diaspora in Transnational Chinese Cinemas

Ong Yuin Ting 翁筠婷 (Gender Studies)

Ph.D. 2018


性別、類型與現代性: 華語銀幕女俠形象

Ni Ziquan 倪子荃 (Gender Studies)

Ph.D. 2018


Li Siyi 李思逸
Ph.D. 2018
Zheng Fei 鄭菲
Ph.D. 2018



Leung Po Shan Anthony 梁寶珊

Ph.D. 2017


Film Propaganda as Medium of Perception: Early Rural Screening in Maoist China (1949-1965)

Guo Yanping 郭燕平

Ph.D. 2017


The Gender Politics of Breast Cancer in Hong Kong

Pang Ka Wei 彭家維

Ph.D. 2017



Xi Yiyang 席藝洋

Ph.D. 2017


Lala Movement and Pragmatic Resistance in China

Hou Lixian 侯麗嫻

Ph.D. 2016



Yi Lianyuan 易蓮媛

Ph.D. 2016


Articulating the "L" Word Globally in a Cyber "Garden of Eden": Online Chinese Queer Fandom of Western Media and Celebrities

Zhao Jing 趙婧 (Gender Studies)

Ph.D. 2016


Re-articulating “Culture” after the Big Migration of 1949 from Mainland China: Community-based Practices among Mainland Immigrants in Hong Kong and Northern and Southern Taiwan

Li Danzhou 李丹舟
Ph.D. 2015


Run Deep: The voice, authorship, and musicianship of Chinese female rock musicians (1979-2012)

Qu Shuwen 曲舒文

Ph.D. 2015



Yuan Mengqian 袁夢倩

Ph.D. 2015


Zhou Shuyan 周舒燕 (Gender Studies)
Ph.D. 2014


打造香港傷殘/性別新文化 --- 搭建傷殘女性主義

Wong Choi Fung 黃彩鳳 (Gender Studies)
Ph.D. 2014


Li Xiaoyu 李瀟雨
Ph.D. 2014


Zhou Lulu 周潞鷺
Ph.D. 2014


Bifurcated Time: Aesthetics and Politics of Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Cinema
Wang Yuanyun 王苑媛
Ph.D. 2014


Decapitalising Development: Mui Wo, Lantau Island in the Age of Global Capitalism
Tang Kin Ling 鄧健苓
Ph.D. 2014


Mapping the Sexual Landscape: A Study of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (1950s – 1980s)

Cho Man Kit 曹文傑 (Gender Studies)

Ph.D. 2013


Risk, Modernity and the Discursive Construction of Pollution in 1970s and 1980s Hong Kong
Lam Yee Man 林綺雯 
Ph.D. 2013  


Lam Yuen Man 林婉雯 
Ph.D. 2012


体制与亚体制 – 重读中国独立电影的独立性 
Li Tie Cheng  李鐵成 
Ph.D. 2012


「國族」統攝「性別」? –近代中國知識分子的性別與國族論述 
Ling Tsz Wai Wade 凌子威 
Ph.D. 2012


Zhou Weiwei 周蔚蔚 
Ph.D. 2012


Crossing the Transnationality of Hong Kong Cinema Co-production with Policy, Film Business, and Individual Practitioners
Chan Ka Ming 陳嘉銘
Ph.D. 2011


白話之聲﹕白話現代性與中國早期的電影文化 (1930-1937)
Vernacular Sound: Vernacular Modernity and the Early Chinese Film Culture (1930-1937)

Wei Ping 魏萍 
Ph.D. 2011


Mytological Approach to Oe Kenzaburo and Gao Xingjian's Novels --- Myth-making in The Silent Cry and Soul Mountain
Wan Mu 萬牧
Ph.D. 2011


The Mythical Real Transboyhood: Re-Mapping Worlds of Queer Masculinity in English Speculative Fiction

Hung Ling Ling 
Ph.D. 2010


Li Yafei
Ph.D. 2008


領袖權與有機知識份子的形成: 瞿秋白與二十世紀初的革命政治
Cheung Likkwan
Ph.D. 2007


Gender Performativity on the Stage: Leading Female Impersonators & Cantonese Opera of Hong Kong

Chan Chak Lui (Gender Studies) 
Ph.D. 2005


Xiang-guo-si: Living between the Scared and the Profane in Ancient China

Duan Yuming
Ph.D. 2003


Cyberfeminism, the Body and the Virtual: Towards an Intercultural Perspective
Chan Kit Sze
Ph.D. 2002