BEcon, MEcon, PGDE (HKU), MDiv, PhD (CUHK)
- Roman Economy
- Pauline Letters
- Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation of New Testament
- Contemporary Interpretation of New Testament in Light of Big Data
- “A Study on the Impact of Social Media Using Pattern of Christians in Hong Kong regarding Biblical Interpretations in the Big Data Era” (Direct Grant)
- “Economic ethics and teaching of Paul in the Light of New Institutional Economics: A interdisciplinary studies of literature, material cultures and biblical text concerning Roman household in early Roman Empire.” (GRF)
- “Diseases, Death and the Afterlife in Early Christianity.” (Conference Grant)
- 《基督徒時代召命的十個堅持》。香港:印象文字,2019。
- A Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation of the Letter to Philemon in Light of the New Institutional Economics: An Exhortation to Transform from Master-Slave Economic Relationship to Brotherly Loving Relationship. 2nd series of Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (WUNT II). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017.
- 《看見鄰舍、看見使命》。香港:基督徒學生福音團契,2016。
- 《經濟與信仰》。香港:基督教文藝出版社,2016。
- 《社會企業:信仰實踐與反思》。合著。香港:基督教文藝出版社,2013。
- 《尋找豐盛生命》。香港:匯美書社,2011。
- 《社企與信仰》。合著。香港:思網絡,2010。
- “Sociorhetorical Interpretation and Economics: An Exploration of the Economic Rhetoric in the New Testament in Light of New Institutional Economics,” in The Nations Strike Back: International Sociorhetorical Exploration. Edited by Vernon Robbins and Roy Jeal. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2020. (Forthcoming)
- “The Structural Problems of Hong Kong underlying the Social Movement in Light of New Institutional Economics: From Crony to Authoritarian Capitalism,” in Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology. Edited by Francis Yip and Kwok Pui Lan. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (Forthcoming.)
- “A Study on the Relationship between Social Media Using Pattern of Christian in Hong Kong and their Biblical Interpretations in Big Data Era,” in The Philosophy of Early Christianity in the Era of Digitalization. Edited by Chin Kenpa and Yip Mei Loh. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press. (Forthcoming)
- “The Inheritance of Hellenistic Culture in the Early Roman Empire in the Light of New Institutional Economics and its Implications for New Testament Interpretation: Using the Athenian Agora as an Example,” in Hellenism, Early Judaism and Early Christianity: Transmission and Transformation of Ideas. Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte. Edited by Radka Fialova, Jiri Hoblik and Petr Kitzler. DeGruyter. (2021)
- “A Christian Response to the Conflicting Relationship between Slave and Master in a Christian Household”. Scrinium 14 (2018):1-12.
- 〈在資本主義社會下的職青牧養〉,《再思青少年牧養:現況、理念與策略 》。香港:中文大學崇基學院神學院,2011。
- “Economic perspective of Sociorhetorical Interpretation”. (Paper will be published at SBL press International Voices in Biblical Studies in 2018.)
- “A Christian Response to Economic Conflict in a 1st century Roman Christian Household” Presentation Paper in Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society Conference, Melbourne, 2017.
- “Exploring economic topoi in Philemon in light of New Institutional Economics” Presentation Paper in Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity collegium session in SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, US, 2015.
- “The Economic Relationship between Masters and Slaves in the First Century in light of New Institutional Economics” Early Christianity and Ancient Economy Group. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Baltimore, US, 2013.
- “Engaging New Institutional Economics in understanding Ancient Economy: using the slavery system in Roman Empire as a test case,” Early Christianity and Ancient Economy Group. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Chicago, US, 2012.
- “An Economic Analysis of Manumission in Greco Roman Slavery System from the New Institutional Economics Perspective,” Early Christianity and Ancient Economy Group. Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012.
- “Contractual Nature of ‘Peculium’: An Economic Explanation from New Institutional Economics” Early Christianity and Ancient Economy Group. Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, London, U.K. November 2011.
- “Christ-centered exegesis of Paul’s use of ‘Koinonia’ in Philemon in light of the suppressive Greco-Roman system,” Pauline Literature Group. Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, London, U.K. November 2011
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