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教职员 - 教职员




Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Edinburgh
M.Sc. (Social Anthropology), University of Edinburgh
B.Phil. (Religious Studies and Philosophy), Fudan University

关于 郭婷教授

郭婷现任香港中文大学文化与宗教系助理教授。她研究亚洲及跨国亚裔群体的宗教、政治与性别。她受训於爱丁堡大学宗教系,有关人工智能、超越人类自我的心灵和欧洲世俗化的博士论文曾获爱丁堡大学创新奖,博士毕业后开始从比较研究的视角考察世界各地的世俗及后世俗主义。她同时是多伦多大学Wycliffe College的挂名助理教授。


她正在撰写学术专著Politics of Love: Religion, Secularism, and Love as a Political Discourse in Modern China。她的论文曾刊於《美国宗教学会期刊》、《宗教学方法与理论》、《批判宗教研究》、《今日人类学》、《宗教与电影》。她和几位朋友共同主持一档叫「时差」的华语播客。

    • 宗教与性别
    • 宗教,政治,社会运动
    • 世俗主义
    • 华语语系研究
    • 交互视角下的东亚解殖
    1. 爱作为现代中国的政治话语
    2. 香港的宗教与身分 
    3. 东亚的 #MeToo运动,性别暴力,社会行动
    4. 海外华语群体的保守主义
  • Peer-reviewed Articles
    1. (Forthcoming) “Double Decolonization: Identity Politics and the Study of Religion in the Context of #StopAsianHate.” Special issue on the identity turn, Implicit Religion.
    2. (Forthcoming) “‘Eastern Religions are More Spiritual than Western Religions’.” In Stereotyping Religion: Critiquing Clichés, volume II, edited by Craig Martin and Brad Stoddard. London: Bloomsbury.
    3. (Forthcoming) “Intimate Negotiations: Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth Century Shanghai.” Cambridge World History of Sexualities.
    4. (Forthcoming in 2023) “Cosmopolitan (Dis)Illusion: Migration, State Policies, and the Mirage of the Shanghai Exception.” Made in China Journal.
    5. (Forthcoming in 2023) “Beyond Sing Hallelujah to the Lord: Diffused Religion and Religious Co-Optations through Hong Kong.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion.
    6. 2022 “Lost in Žižek, Redeemed in Cloud Atlas: Buddhism and Other Tales of ‘Asian Religions’ in Western Cinema and Affective Circulation.” In Representing Religion and Film: A Critical Introduction, edited by Tenzan Eaghll and Rebekka King. London: Bloomsbury.
    7. 2022 “‘So Many Mothers, So Little Love’: Confucian Hegemony, Parental Governance, and the Discourse of Motherly Love in Hong Kong.” Special issue on power and identity, Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, volume 34:1–2, pp. 3–24.
    8. 2021 “Christianity and Sinophone Trumpism.” Reflexion 42, pp. 243–250.
    9. 2020 “Politics of Love: Love as a Religious and Political Discourse in Modern China through the Lens of Political Leaders.” Critical Research on Religion, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 39–52.
      Media coverage: Los Angeles Review of Books, Sixth Tone
    1. 2022 Liang Shih-chiu Literary Award, Taiwan (nominated) 
    2. 2022 Research Grant Enhancement Fund, University of Toronto 
    3. 2021 Pedagogies of Inclusive Excellence Fund, University of Toronto
    4. 2020 – Associate Editor, Religious Studies Project
    5. 2021 – Co-host, in-betweenness 时差podcast (@shichapodcast)
    6. 2022 – Steering Committee, Indian and Chinese Religions Compared Unit, American Academy of Religion
    7. 2022 – Steering Committee, Chinese Religions Unit, American Academy of Religion
    8. 2023: SSHRC Connection Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada (co-applicant)