Associate Professor of Practice in Cultural Management
M.F.A (LABA, Italy), M.I.H.T (GMU, Italy),
LL.M. (UCLan, UK), Ph.D. (USW, UK)
KKB 211
Benny Lim is Associate Professor of Practice in Cultural Management and Director of the Master of Arts in Cultural Management programme with the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also Visiting Professor with the Design School of Taylor’s University (Malaysia) and Adjunct Professor of Communication and Media Studies with UniPegaso (Italy).
Prior to his current appointments, Benny was in the senior leadership team of both Berjaya University College and KDU University College in Malaysia. He was a Visiting Scholar of Peking University’s Institute of Cultural Industries (2019-2020), Honorary Research Fellow of University of Nottingham’s (Malaysia) Asia Research Institute (2019), and Visiting Assistant Professor of Macau’s Institute of Tourism Studies (2015-2016).
Over the past two decades, Benny has produced and conceptualised over 70 different performances and arts festivals. He served on the advisory committee of CUHK Shenzhen’s auditorium and concert hall development. He was also a Board Member of Hong Kong Justice Centre between 2014 and 2016. Currently, Benny is the Board Chair of Along the Edge Limited, a non-profit arts organisation in Hong Kong, as well as a member the Programme Sub-committee of The Teng Company.
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Dr. Lim Kok Wai Benny | Research keywords in Cultural Studies: Performing Arts