
Press Conference - Treatment efficacy of Multiple Family Therapy for Chinese families with members suffering from depression

On 2nd December 2019, a press conference was jointly organized by our research team comprising Professor Joyce Ma, Dr. Lily Xia, Mrs. Monica Yau and staff members from New Life Psychiatric Association. The findings were derived from the “Jockey Club Linking H.O.P.E.S. Project” (賽馬會家牽希望計劃), which aimed to enhance family relationship and family functioning, as well as to promote understanding and acceptance in the community for people recovering from mental illness and their families.

Press Conference - New Hope for Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder – Research Findings on Multiple Family Group Therapy

On 19th March 2016, a press conference was jointly organized by our research team comprising Professor Joyce Ma, Professor Kelly, Department of Psychiatry and Family and Group Practice Research Programme. We reported the inspirational findings of our 3-year cross-disciplinary study that assessed treatment efficacy of multiple family group (MFG) intervention for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Hong Kong.


Press Release:

CUHK Department of Social Work and The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped release research findings on the use of family-based interventions for families of adolescents with intellectual disabilities (English Version)

中大社會工作學系與香港弱智人士家長聯會 發布智障子女的成長與家庭為本介入服務研究成果 (Chinese Version)

Children with ADHD and Multiple Family Group Online Seminar Organised by CUHK Department of Social Work and Hong Kong Association for AD/HD (English Version)

中大社會工作學系與專注不足/過度活躍症(香港)協會舉辦ADHD與多家庭小組網上公開講座 (Chinese Version)

抑鬱症與家庭參與: 「多元家庭小組」研究成效分享會

CUHK Social Work and Psychiatry Research Reveals Efficacy of Multiple Family Group Therapy for Children with ADHD and Their Families (English Version)

中大社工學系與精神科學系研究發現多家庭小組治療可有效協助患有專注力不足/過度活躍症的兒童及其家庭 (Chinese Version)


Related Media Coverage:

香港傷健協會專題訪問: 後天傷殘人士的家庭支援

東網-邊緣婦女理財概念薄弱 機構推培訓助抗逆


東網-ADHD學童難專注 多家庭小組治療改善行為

太陽報 -中大小組治療 助活躍症童家庭


東方日報-家庭小組治療 助照顧過動兒

明報 - 特殊需要家庭衝破「困獸鬥」-線上交換「禮物」添歡樂


Newspaper column

(Newspaper column: Chang, C.) (16 May 2017) 。親密關係系列專欄:「緊張父母」監控抑鬱兒 愛你變成束縛你。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Wong, M. M. C.) (11 December 2017) 。家變致抑鬱 孩子要寄養 「我還能當好媽媽?」。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Ma, J. L. C. & Xia, L. L. L.) (20 November 2017) 。家庭連結 踢走抑鬱。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Wong, M. M. C) (20 November 2017) 。寄養孩子:我適應不了!。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Ng, W. C.) (28 August 2017) 。狼父狎女母啞忍 禍延全家三代人。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Wong, M. M. C) (16 January 2017) 。專家之言:暫住寄養家庭 如何減低心靈創傷?香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Ma, J. L. C., & Lo, W. K.) (19 Dec 2016) 。家有ADHD小孩 易生摩擦 家庭治療 讓親子停火。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Ma, J. L. C., & S. Y.) (25 April 2016) 。孩子是父母的守護神。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Chang, C.) (15 August 2016) 。親密關係系列專欄: 壓力爆煲亂罵人 愈鬧愈孤單。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Chang, C.) (11 January 2016) 。親密關係系列專欄: 你的期待,我的傷害。香港:明報副刊。
(Newspaper column: Leung, Y. K.) (9 May 2016) 。負面情緒 抑壓着火 鐵漢惱怒 或有苦難言。香港:明報副刊。


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