Sharing Session on a Group-based Self-Determination Enhancement Intervention for People with Intellectual Disability


Professor Phyllis King Shui WONG, Assistant Professor of the Department, has conducted the first evidence-based local study aimed at examining a group-based self-determination enhancement intervention for people with intellectual disability (ID) with a randomized controlled trial (RCT) method since January 2020. The intervention aims to help people with ID to develop their self-determination competence through a systematic learning process of goal setting and attaining. On 24 June 2022, the Department held an online Sharing Session on a Group-based Self-Determination Enhancement Intervention for People with Intellectual Disability, which was attended by more than 640 practitioners and parents from the disability field and special schools and social work students and teachers from higher education institutions.

In the sharing session, Prof. Wong and her research team introduced the intervention content and reported the research findings. Miss Wong Siu Yin, a study participant who has ID, was invited as a guest to share her journey in achieving her personal goal (i.e. teaching Zentangle) through this project. A parent and a social worker also shared their gains and reflection from this study.

Attendees commented that the sharing session was inspiring and the self-determination intervention method was practical. Many practitioners requested a copy of the published protocol of the intervention, hoping to try it out in their services. Their responses reflect the study has made an impact on the local services for people with disabilities.

You are welcome to visit the following website to learn more about the Group-based Self-Determination Enhancement Intervention for People with Intellectual Disability:



A group photo of sharing guests



A group photo of participants