Course info:
Time:Monday 7:00 – 9:30pm Classroom: Zoom Meeting* and LHC G04 (confirmed) from Sept. 20 Course Email:
*Zoom info: link (Meeting ID: 920 7518 5570, Passcode: 824225)
Dr. Lyu, Rung-Tsong Michael Engineering Building 927 TEL: 3943 8429
Office Hour:
2-4pm Wednesday or by appointment
Mr. CHEN, Zhuangbin Engineering Building 101A
Homework (2 assignments, 20%): 1. Assignment 1: assigned on Sept. 24, due on Oct. 11 (covers Topics 1-4) 2. Assignment 2: assigned on Oct. 11, due on Oct. 25 (covers Topics 5-7) 3. Discussions allowed but no plagiarism. 4. Policy on Late Submission: 1) Late within 2 days - 30% deduction; 2) Late after 2 days - not allowed. Midterm (40%): 1. Time: Nov. 01, 2021 (Monday), 2.5 hours, 7-9:30pm (covers Topics 1-8) 2. Venue: Science Centre L1 Group Presentation and Report (40%): 1. Group presentation: 7-9:30pm, Nov. 29, 2021 (Monday), face-to-face mode 2. Project final report: 23:59:59pm Dec. 6, 2021 (Monday)
Please join the Piazza of ECLT5820 Fall 2021 through this link. Questions regarding this course can be posted there.
Major reference book:
The major reference book is available online, please find it here.
Group | SID1 | SID2 | SID3 |
1 | 1155169171 | 1155160950 | 1155152768 |
2 | 1155166730 | 1155169172 | 1155162617 |
3 | 1155162639 | 1155162613 | 1155166446 |
4 | 1155166688 | 1155166375 | 1155164941 |
5 | 1155169398 | 1155169186 | 1155162635 |
6 | 1155166858 | 1155162452 | |
7 | 1155161089 | 1155161072 | 1155164895 |
Date | Topics | PPT | Exercise | Homework | Reading |
6/9 | Topic 1: Characterization of Distributed Systems | lyuDS0 lyuDS1 | Ch.1, 2 | ||
13/9 | Topic 2: Communication and Remote Procedure Call | lyuDS2 | exer2 exer2_ans | Ch.3, 4, 5, 6 | |
20/9 | Topic 3: Security | lyuDS3 | exer3 exer3_ans | Ch.11 | |
27/9 | Topic 4: Naming, Trading and P2P Systems | lyuDS4 | exer4-1 exer4-1_ans | HW1 HW1_sol | Ch.10, 13 |
4/10 | Topic 5: Time, Coordination and Agreement | lyuDS5 | exer5 exer5_ans | Ch.14, 15 | |
11/10 | Topic 6: Concurrency Control | lyuDS6 | exer6 exer6_ans | HW2 HW2_sol | Ch.16a |
18/10 | Topic 7: Transactions | lyuDS7 | exer7 exer7_ans | Ch.16b, 17a | |
25/10 | Topic 8: Fault Tolerance and Replication | lyuDS8 | exer8 exer8_ans | Ch.17b, 18 | |
8/11 | Topic 9: Mobile, Ubiquitous Computing and RFID | lyuDS9 | Ch.19 | ||
15/11 | Topic 10: Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Ethereum | lyuDS10 | Notes | ||
22/11 | Topic 11: Cloud Computing | lyuDS11 | exer11 | Ch.21 |