Table of Contents

Area 1: Software Engineering

  1. “Test Selection for Result Inspection via Mining Predicate Rules,”, Wujie Zheng, M.R. Lyu, and Tao Xie, in Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009), New Ideas and Emerging Results, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009. paperpresentationposter
  2. “An Assessment of Testing-Effort Dependent Software Reliability Growth Models,” C.Y. Huang, S.Y. Kuo, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 56, no. 2, June 2007, pp. 198-211.[paper]
  3. “Software Reliability Engineering: A Roadmap”, M.R. Lyu, Future of Software Engineering, in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering, Minneapolis, 20-26 May 2007. [paper] [presentation]
  4. “Incorporating Fault Debugging Activities into Software Reliability Models: A Simulation Approach,” S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 55, no. 2, June 2006, pp. 281-292.[paper]
  5. “Optimal Release Time for Software Systems Considering Cost, Testing-Effort, and Test Efficiency,” C.Y. Huang and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 54, no. 4, December 2005, pp. 583-591.[paper]
  6. “Optimal Testing Resource Allocation, and Sensitivity Analysis in Software Development,” C.Y. Huang and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 54, no. 4, December 2005, pp.592-603. [paper]
  7. “A Simulation Approach to Structure-Based Software Reliability Analysis,” S.S. Gokhale and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 31, no. 8, August 2005, pp. 643-656. [paper]
  8. “A Generic Environment for COTS Testing and Quality Prediction,” X. Cai, M.R. Lyu, and K.F. Wong, Testing Commercial-off-the-Shelf Components and Systems, S. Beydeda and V. Gruhn (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, pp. 315-347. [paper]
  9. “An Experimental Evaluation on Reliability Features of N-Version Programming,” X. Cai, M.R. Lyu and M.A. Vouk, in Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2005), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-11, 2005. (presentation) [paper][presentation]
  10. “A Novel Method for Early Software Quality Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine”, F. Xing, P. Guo, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2005), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-11, 2005. [paper][presentation]
  11. “Comparison of Methods of Controlling Two Types of Error Ratio Applied to Software Reliability Prediction,” F. Xing, P. Guo and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of NASAC'2005, Nanjing, China, October 18-20 2005. [paper]
  12. “The Effect of Code Coverage on Fault Detection under Different Testing Profiles,” X. Cai and M.R. Lyu, ICSE 2005 Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Software Testing (A-MOST), St. Louis, Missouri, May 15-21, 2005.[paper]
  13. “Reliability Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Software Reliability Growth Modeling Based on Software Module Structure,” J. H. Lo, C. Y. Huang, I. Y.Chen, S. Y. Kuo, and M.R. Lyu, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 76, issue 1, April 2005, pp. 3-13.[paper]
  14. “Analysis of Software Fault Removal Policies Using a Non-Homogeneous Continuous Time Markov Chain,” S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi, Software Quality Journal, vol. 12, issue 3, September 2004, pp. 211-230. [paper]
  15. “An Empirical Study on Reliability Modeling for Diverse Software Systems,” X. Cai and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 15th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE¡¦2004), Saint-Malo, France, November 2-5 2004, pp.125-136. [paper][presentation]
  16. “Software Reliability Growth Models Incorporating Fault Dependency with Various Debugging Time Lags,” C.Y. Huang, C.T. Lin, S.Y. Kuo and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC' 2004), Hong Kong, September 28-30 2004, pp. 186-191. [paper][presentation]
  17. “Expected-Reliability Analysis for Wireless CORBA with Imperfect Components,” X. Chen and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2004 Pacific-Rim Dependable Computing, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, March 3-5 2004, pp. 207-215. [paper][presentation]
  18. “Optimal Allocation of Testing-Resource Considering Cost, Reliability, and Testing-Effort,” C.-Y. Huang, J.-H. Lo, S.-Y. Kuo, M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2004 Pacific-Rim Dependable Computing, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, March 3-5 2004, pp. 103-112. [paper][presentation]
  19. “A New Software Testing Approach Based on Domain Analysis of Specifications and Programs,” R. Zhao, M.R. Lyu, and Y. Min, Proceedings 14th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2003), Denver, Colorado, November 17-20 2003, pp. 60-70. [paper][presentation]
  20. “An Empirical Study on Testing and Fault Tolerance for Software Reliability Engineering,” M.R. Lyu, Z. Huang, K.S. Sze, and X. Cai, Proceedings 14th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2003), Denver, Colorado, November 17-20 2003, pp. 119-130. This paper received the ISSRE¡¦2003 Best Paper Award. [paper][presentation]
  21. “Domain Testing Based on Character String Predicate,” R. Zhao, M.R. Lyu, and Y. Min, in Proceedings 12th Asian Test Symposium (ATS'2003), Xi'an, China, November 17-19 2003, pp. 96-101. [paper][presentation]
  22. “Character String Predicate Based Automatic Software Test Data Generation,” R. Zhao and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC¡¦2003), Dallas , Texas , November 6-7 2003 , pp. 255-262. [paper][presentation]
  23. “Sensitivity Analysis of Software Reliability for Component-Based Software Applications ,” J.-H. Lo, C.-Y. Huang, S.-Y. Kuo, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 27th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC '2003), Dallas, Texas, November 3-6 2003, pp. 500-505. [paper]
  24. “Component-Based Embedded Software Engineering: Development Framework, Quality Assurance and A Generic Assessment Environment” X. Cai, M.R. Lyu, K.-F.Wong, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, 2002, pp. 107-133. [paper]
  25. “Optimal Allocation of Test Resources for Software Reliability Growth Modeling in Software Development,” M.R. Lyu, S. Rangarajan, and A.P.A. van Moorsel, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 51, no. 2, June 2002, pp. 183-192. [paper]
  26. “Software Reliability Theory,” M.R. Lyu, Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Wiley, 2002, pp. 1611-1630. [paper]
  27. “Optimal Allocation of Testing Resources for Modular Software Systems,” C.Y. Yu, J.H. Lo, S.Y. Kuo, and M.R. Lyu, Proc. 13th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE¡¦2002), Annapolis, MD, November 12-15 2002, pp.129-138. [paper]
  28. “Optimal Resource Allocation and Reliability Analysis for Component-Based Software Applications,” J.H. Lo, S.Y. Kuo, M.R. Lyu, and C.Y. Huang, Proc. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2002), Oxford, England, August 26-29 2002, pp.7-12. [paper]
  29. “A Framework for Modeling Software Reliability, Using Various Testing-Efforts and Fault-Detection Rates” S.Y. Kuo, C.Y. Huang, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 50, no. 3, September 2001, pp. 310-320. [paper]
  30. “Effect of Code Coverage on Software Reliability Measurement,” M.Chen, M.R. Lyu, and E. Wong, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 50, no. 2, June 2001, pp. 165-170. [paper]
  31. “A Case Study on Stacked Generalization with Software Reliability Growth Modeling Data,” P. Guo and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Shanghai, China, Nov. 14-18 2001, pp. 1321-1326. [paper]
  32. “ComPARE: A Generic Quality Assessment Environment for Component-Based Software Systems,” Xia Cai, M.R. Lyu, Kam-Fai Wong and Mabel Wong, in Proceedings International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE¡¦2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp.348-354. [paper]
  33. “Simulation Techniques for Component-Based Software Reliability Modeling with Project Application,” Ruohao Huang, M.R. Lyu and Karama Kanoun, in Proceedings International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE¡¦2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp. 283-289. [paper]
  34. “Component-Based Software Engineering: Technologies, Development Frameworks, and Quality Assurance Schemes,” X. Cai, M.R. Lyu, K.F. Wong, and R. Ko,in Proceedings Asian-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'2000), Singapore, December 2000, pp. 372-379. [paper]
  35. “Software Quality Prediction Using Mixture Models with EM Algorithm,” P. Guo and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings First Asia-Pacific Conference in Quality Software (APAQS2000), Hong Kong, October 30-31 2000, pp. 69-78. [paper]
  36. “A Phase-Based Approach to Creating Highly Reliable Software,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (COMPSAC'2000), Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-27 2000, pp.276-277.[paper] (Chinese version) [paper]
  37. “Effort-Index-Based Software Reliability Growth Models and Performance Assessment,” C.Y. Huang, S.Y. Kuo, M.R. Lyu, and J.H. Lo, in Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (COMPSAC'2000), Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-27 2000, pp.454-459. [paper]
  38. “Quantitative Software Reliability Modeling from Testing to Operation,” C.Y. Huang, S.Y. Kuo, M.R. Lyu, and J.H. Lo, in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2000), San Jose, California, October 9-11 2000, pp.72-82. [paper]
  39. “ATACOBOL: A COBOL Test Coverage Analysis Tool and Its Applications,” S.K. Sze and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2000), San Jose, California, October 9-11 2000, pp.327-335. [paper]
  40. “SIAS: A Secure Shopping Information Agent System,” H.W. Chan, T.Y. Wong, K.M Wong, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents 2000), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, June 3-7 2000, pp. 257-258. [paper]
  41. “Security Modeling and Evaluation for the Mobile Code Paradigm,” H.W. Chan and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 1999 Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN'99), Phuket, Thailand, December 1999, pp. 371-372. [paper] [presentation]
  42. “Testing, Reliability, and Interoperability Issues in the CORBA Programming Paradigm,” G. Xing and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 1999 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'99), Takamatsu, Japan, December 1999, pp. 530-536. [paper] [presentation]
  43. “Software Reliability Modeling and Cost Estimation Incorporating Testing-Effort and Efficiency,” C.-Y. Huang, J.-H. Lo, S.-Y. Kuo, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 10th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'99), West Palm Beach, Florida, November 1999, pp. 62-72. [paper]
  44. “Optimal Software Release Policy Based on Cost and Reliability with Testing Efficiency,” C.-Y. Huang, S.-Y. Kuo, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 23rd Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'99), Phoenix, Arizona, October 1999, pp. 468-473. [paper]
  45. “The Mobile Code Paradigm and Its Security Issues,” H.W. Chan and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 1999 Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWEB'99), Hong Kong, September 1999, also appears in World Wide Web: Technologies and Applications for the New Millennium, G.H. Young (ed.), CSREA Press, Athens, Georgia, pp. 353-357. [paper] [presentation]
  46. “Software Fault Tolerance in a Clustered Architecture: Techniques and Reliability Modeling,” M.R. Lyu and V.B. Mendiratta, in Proceedings 1999 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Snowmass, Colorado, March 6-13 1999, pp.141 -150 vol.5. [paper]
  47. “Software Reliability Analysis Incorporating Fault Detection and Debugging Activities,” S.S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi, in Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98),Paderborn, Germany, November 4-7 1998, pp. 202-211. [paper]
  48. “Reliability Simulation of Component-Based Software Systems,” S.S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi, in Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98), Paderborn, Germany, November 4-7 1998, pp. 192-201. This paper receives the ISSRE'98 Best Paper Award. [paper]
  49. “Issues in the Next Generation of Dependability Standards,” N. Schneidewind, J-C. Laprie, A. Nikora, M.R. Lyu, J. Musa and W.Everett, in Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98),Paderborn, Germany, November 4-7 1998, pp. 101-104. [paper]
  50. “Dependable Computing Systems Keynote Speech: Design, Testing,and Evaluation Techniques for Software Reliability Engineering,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 24th Euromicro Conference, Vasteras, Sweden, August 25-27 1998, pp. xxxix-xlvi. [paper]
  51. “A Phase-Based Approach to Integrate Reliable Software,” in Proceedings 1998 Quality Week, San Francisco, California, May 1998.
  52. “Bringing Software Tools to the Web - Architecture Issues and Porting Experience,” M.R. Lyu and J. Schoenwaelder,in Proceedings International Symposium on Internet Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan, April 1998, pp. 136-141. [paper]
  53. “An Integrated Approach to Achieving High Software Reliability,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 1998 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Snowmass at Aspen, Colorado, March 21-28, 1998, vol. 4, pp.123-136. [paper]
  54. “Model Validation Using Simulated Data,” S.S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi, in Proceedings 1998 IEEE Workshop on Application-Specific Software Engineering and Technology (ASSET'98),Dallas, Texas, March 1998, pp. 22-27. [paper]
  55. “Reliability-Oriented Software Engineering: Design, Testing, and Evaluation Techniques,” M.R. Lyu, IEE Software Proceedings,vol. 145, no. 6, December 1998, pp. 191-197. [paper]
  56. “Software Reliability,” S. Dalal, M.R. Lyu, and C. Mallow, Chapter in Encyclopedia on Biostatistics, P. Armitage and T. Colton (eds.), vol. 5, Wiley 1998, pp. 4550-4555. [paper]
  57. “Optimization of Reliability Allocation and Testing Schedule for Software Systems,” M.R. Lyu, S. Rangarajan, and A.P.A. van Moorsel, in Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'97, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 2-5 1997, pp. 336-346. [paper]
  58. “Incorporating Code Coverage in the Reliability Estimation for Fault-Tolerant Software,” M.Chen, M.R. Lyu, and E. Wong, in Proceedings 16th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Durham, North Carolina, October 1997, 45-52.[paper]
  59. “Reliability Simulation for Fault-Tolerant Software and System,” S.S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi, in PRFTS'97, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1997.[paper]
  60. “A Generalized Technique for Simulating Software Reliability,” R.Tausworthe and M.R. Lyu, in IEEE Software, March 1996, pp. 77-88. [paper]
  61. “Software Reliability Process Simulation,” R. Tausworthe and M.R. Lyu, in Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering, M.R. Lyu (ed.), McGraw-Hill and IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, April 1996. [paper][paper]
  62. “Software Reliability Measurement Experience,” M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora, in Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering, M.R. Lyu (ed.), McGraw-Hill and IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, April 1996. [paper][paper]
  63. “Software Fault Tolerance,” M.R. Lyu (ed.), Wiley Trends in Software book series, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1995, 330 pages. [paper]
  64. “Dependability Modeling for Fault-Tolerant Software & Systems,” J.B. Dugan and M.R. Lyu, in Software Fault Tolerance,Wiley Trends in Software book series, Wiley, February 1995. [paper][paper]
  65. “A Coverage Analysis Tool for the Effectiveness of Software Testing,” M.R. Lyu, J.R. Horgan, and S. London, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 527-535. [paper]
  66. “Achieving Software Quality with Testing Coverage Measures,” J.R. Horgan, S. London, and M.R. Lyu, in IEEE Computer,September 1994, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 60-69. [paper]
  67. “Experience in Metrics and Measurements for N-Version Programming,” M.R. Lyu, J. Chen and A. Avizienis, in International Journal of Reliability,Quality and Safety Engineering,vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp.41-62. [paper]
  68. “System-Level Reliability and Sensitivity Analyses for Three Fault-Tolerant System Architectures,” J.B. Dugan and M.R. Lyu, IEEE DCCA-4 Proceedings and a Springer-Verlag book,January 1994, pp. 295-307. [paper]
  69. “System Reliability Analysis of an N-Version Programming Application,” J.B. Dugan and M.R. Lyu,in IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 513-519; selected as best paper from Proceedings of ISSRE'93, Denver, Colorado, November 3-6 1993, pp. 103-111. [paper]
  70. “Improving the N-Version Programming Process Through the Evolution of a Design Paradigm,” M.R. Lyu and Y.He, in IEEE Transactions on Reliability,vol. 42, no. 2, June 1993, pp. 179-189. [paper]
  71. “Using Software Reliability Models More Effectively,”M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora, in IEEE Software, July 1992, pp. 43-52. [paper]
  72. “Assuring Design Diversity in N-Version Software: A Design Paradigm for N-Version Programming,” M.R. Lyu and A. Avizienis, in Fault-Tolerant Software Systems: Techniques and Applications, H. Pham (ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press Technology Series, October 1992, pp. 45-54; also in Proceedings 2nd IEEE International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, Tucson, Arizona, February 18-20 1991, pp. 89-98. [paper]
  73. “Panel: Research and Development Issues in Software Reliability Engineering,” M.R. Lyu, H. Hecht, H. Kopetz, D.Miller, J.Musa, M. Ohba and D. Siefert, in Proceedings 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Austin, Texas, May 17-18 1991, pp. 80-87. paper
  74. “PANEL: Research and Development Issues in Software Reliability Engineering,” M.R. Lyu, in SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, New York, USA, April 1991, pp. 23-30. paper
  75. “Dedix87 - A Supervisory System for Design Diversity Experiments at UCLA,” A. Avizienis, M.R. Lyu, W. Schuetz, K. Tso, and U. Voges, in Software Diversity in Computerized Control Systems, U.Voges (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, 1988, pp. 129-168.
  76. “Effect of Repair Policies on Software Reliability,” S.S. Gokhale, P.N. Marinos, K.S. Trivedi, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings IEEE COMPASS'97, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 18-19 1997, pp. 105-116.[paper]
  77. “Software Reliability Engineering Techniques: Modeling, Implementation, Analysis,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings IAPD Workshop on Managing Issues of Reliability in New Product Development, Edison, New Jersey, June 9-10 1997.
  78. “Simulation Techniques for Software Reliability Engineering Incorporating Software Architecture,” S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K. S. Trivedi, in Proceedings IEEE Software Reliability Engineering Workshop, Middletown, New Jersey, June 3-4 1997.
  79. “On Building Reliable Software Systems: An Integrated Approach,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings Third International Conference on Reliability, Quality & Safety of Software-Intensive Systems, D. Gritzalis and T. Anderson (eds.), Athens, Greece, June 1997, pp. 194-234.
  80. “Regression Tree Modeling for the Prediction of Software Quality,” S.S. Gokhale and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 3rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Anaheim, California, March 1997, pp. 31-36. [paper]
  81. “Diversity in the Software Development Process,” V.Hilford, M.R. Lyu, B. Cukic, A. Jamoussi, and F.B. Bastani, in Proceedings IEEE WORDS'97, Newport Beach, California, February 1997, pp. 129-136. [paper]
  82. “Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering,” M. R. Lyu (ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press and McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1996, 850 pages. [paper]
  83. “An Empirical Study of the Correlation between Code Coverage and Reliability Estimation,” M.Chen, M.R. Lyu, and E. Wong, Proceedings IEEE METRICS'96, Berlin, Germany, March 1996, pp. 133-141. [paper]
  84. “Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems,” N.Schneidewind, F.Bastani, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'95,Toulouse, France, October 1995, pp. 264-267.
  85. “An Experiment in Determining Software Reliability Model Applicability,” A.P.Nikora and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'95,Toulouse, France, October 1995, pp. 304-313. [paper]
  86. “Software Reliability Study in a Large-Scale Telecommunications Software System,” D. Carman, A. Dolinsky, M.R. Lyu, and J. Yu, Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'95,Toulouse, France, October 1995, pp. 350-359.
  87. “ARMOR: Analyzer for Reducing Module Operational Risk,” M.R. Lyu, J.S. Yu, E. Keramidas, and S.R. Dalal, Proceedings IEEE FTCS-25, Pasadena, California, June 27-30 1995, pp. 137-142. [paper]
  88. “A Generalized Software Reliability Process Simulation Technique and Tool,” R.Tausworthe and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'94, Monterey, California, November 6-9 1994, pp. 264-273. [paper]
  89. “Software Reliability:To Use or Not To Use?” M.R. Lyu, F.Buckley, R.Tausworthe, T.Keller,and J. Musa, in Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'94,Monterey, California, November 6-9 1994, pp. 66-73. [paper]
  90. “System Reliability Analysis of an N-Version Programming Application,” J.B. Dugan and M.R. Lyu,in IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 513-519; selected as best paper from Proceedings of ISSRE'93, Denver, Colorado, November 3-6 1993, pp. 103-111. [paper]
  91. “A Coverage Analysis Tool for the Effectiveness of Software Testing,” M.R. Lyu, J.R. Horgan, and S. London, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 527-535. [paper]
  92. “A Systematic and Comprehensive Tool for Software Reliability Modeling and Measurement,” M.R. Lyu, A. Nikora, and W.Farr,in Proceedings IEEE FTCS-23,Toulouse, France, June 22-24 1993, pp. 648-653. [paper]
  93. “Assuring Design Diversity in N-Version Software: A Design Paradigm for N-Version Programming,” M.R. Lyu and A. Avizienis, in Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerant Systems,vol. 6, J.F.Meyer, R.D. Schlichting (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, 1992, pp. 197-218. [paper]
  94. “Making Better Software Reliability Estimations by A Practical Tool,” M.R. Lyu, A. Nikora and W.Farr, Proceedings 2nd Bellcore/Purdue Software Reliability Workshop, October 12-13 1992, Livingston, New Jersey, pp 11-27.
  95. “Reliability and Maintainability Related Software Coupling Metrics in C++ Programs,” C. Rajaraman and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'92), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 8-10 1992, pp. 303-311. [paper]
  96. “Software Reliability Measurements in N-Version Software Execution Environment,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'92),Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 8-10 1992, pp. 254-263. [paper]
  97. “Software Diversity Metrics and Measurements,” M.R. Lyu, J. Chen and A. Avizienis, in Proceedings IEEE COMPSAC-92,Chicago, Illinois, September 1992, pp. 69-78. [paper]
  98. “Some Coupling Measures for C++ Programs,” C. Rajaraman and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings TOOLS USA 92 Conference, Santa Barbara, California, August 1992, pp. 225-234. [paper]
  99. “CASRE - A Computer-Aided Software Reliability Estimation Tool,” M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora, in Proceedings 1992 IEEE Computer-Aided Software Engineering Workshop, Montreal, Canada, July 1992, pp. 264-275. [paper]
  100. “A Linear Combination Software Reliability Modeling Tool with a Graphically-Oriented User Interface,” A. Nikora, M.R. Lyu, and T. Antczak, in Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Assessment of Quality Software Development Tools, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 27-29 1992, pp. 21-31. [paper]
  101. “On the Development of Highly Reliable Software for Critical Applications,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 7-8 1991.
  102. “Software Reliability Measurements through Combination Models: Approaches, Results, and a CASE Tool,” M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora, in Proceedings IEEE COMPSAC-91, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 11-13 1991, pp. 577-584. [paper]
  103. “A Heuristic Approach for Software Reliability Prediction: The Equally-Weighted Linear Combination Model,” M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora, in Proceedings 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Austin, Texas, May 17-18 1991, pp. 172-181. [paper]
  104. “Panel: Research and Development Issues in Software Reliability Engineering,” M.R. Lyu, H. Hecht, H. Kopetz, D.Miller,J.Musa, M. Ohba and D. Siefert, in ACM SigSoft Newsletter, reprinted from IEEE Computer Society,April 1991, pp. 23-30.
  105. “Measuring Reliability of Embedded Software: An Empirical Study with JPL Project Data,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management ,Beverly Hills, California, February 4-7 1991, pp. 493-500.
  106. “On The Effectiveness of Multiversion Software in Digital Avionics,” A. Avizienis and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings the AIAA/IEEE 8th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, San Jose, California, October 1988.
  107. “In Search of Effective Diversity: A Six-Language Study of Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Software,” A. Avizienis, M.R. Lyu, and W.Schuetz, in Proceedings the IEEE Eighteenth Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-18),Tokyo, Japan, June 1988, pp. 15-22. [paper]
  108. “Design and Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Multi-Version Software,” A. Avizienis and M.R. Lyu, in Annual National Joint Conference on Software Quality and Reliability, Arlington, Virginia, March 1988.
  109. “Multi-Version Software Development,” J.P.J. Kelly, A. Avizienis, B.T. Ulery, B.J. Swain, M.R. Lyu, A.T.Tai, and K.S. Tso, in Proceedings IFAC Workshop SAFECOMP'86,Sarlat, France, October 1986, pp. 43-49.
  110. “Software Fault-Tolerance by Design Diversity; DEDIX: A Tool for Experiments,” A. Avizienis, P. Gunningberg, J.P.J. Kelly, M.R. Lyu, L. Strigini, P.J. Traverse, K.S. Tso, and U. Voges, in Proceedings IFAC Workshop SAFECOMP'85,Como, Italy, October 1985, pp. 173-178.

Area 2: Distributed Systems, Networking, and Web Services

  1. “A Runtime Dependability Evaluation Framework for Fault Tolerant Web Services”, Zibin Zheng, M. R. Lyu, in the International Workshop on Proactive Failure Avoidance, Recovery and Maintenance (PFARM'09), Lisbon, Portugal, June 29, 2009.
    [Paper] [Presentation]
  2. “A QoS-Aware Fault Tolerant Middleware for Dependable Service Composition”, Zibin Zheng, M. R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN2009), Lisbon, Portugal, June 29–July 02, 2009.
    [Paper] [Presentation]
  3. “On Sensor Network Reconfiguration for Downtime-Free System Migration”, Yangfan Zhou, M.R. Lyu, and Jianchuan Liu, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 241-252, April, 2009. [paper]
  4. “A QoS-Aware Middleware for Fault Tolerant Web services”, Z. Zheng, M.R. Lyu, in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'08), Seattle, USA, Nov. 11-14, 2008. [paper][presentation]
  5. “A Novel Coalitional Game Model for Security Issues in Wireless Networks,” Xiaoqi Li, Michael R. Lyu, in Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2008 (GLOBECOM'08), New Orleans, LA, USA. [paper][presentation]
  6. “On Sensor Network Reconfiguration Problem for Downtime-Free System Migrations”, Yangfan Zhou, M. R. Lyu, and Jiangchuan Liu, In Proc. of the Fifth International ICST Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine'08), Hong Kong, China, July 28-31, 2008. [paper]
  7. “A Distributed Replication Strategy Evaluation and Selection Framework for Fault Tolerant Web Services”, Z. Zheng, M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'08), Beijing, China, Sep. 23-26, 2008. [paper][presentation]
  8. “Trust- and Clustering-Based Authentication Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” C.H. Ngai and M.R. Lyu, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, to be published.[paper]
  9. “WS-DREAM: A Distributed Reliability Assessment Mechanism for Web Services”, Z. Zheng, M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 38th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'08), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, June 24-27, 2008. ”[paper][presentation]
  10. “Developing Aerospace Applications with a Reliable Web Services Paradigm,” P.W. Chan and M.R. Lyu, in Proc. of The 2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 1-8 March, 2008.[paper][presentation]
  11. “An Index-Based Sensor-Grouping Mechanism for Field Coverage Wireless Sensor Networks,” Y. Zhou, M.R. Lyu, and J. Liu, In Proc. of The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'08), Beijing, China, May, 2008.[paper]
  12. “An Efficient Intruder Detection Algorithm Against Sinkhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,” E. C.-H. Ngai, J. Liu, and M.R. Lyu, Computer Communications, vol. 30, September 2007, pp.2353-2364.[paper]
  13. “LOFT: A Latency-Oriented Fault Tolerant Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks,” E. C.-H. Ngai, Y. Zhou, M.R. Lyu, and J. Liu, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom'07), Washington, DC, USA, November 26-30, 2007. [paper] [presentation]
  14. “An Adaptive Delay-Minimized Route Design for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks,” E. C.-H. Ngai, J. Liu, and M.R. Lyu, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'07), Pisa, Italy, October 8-11, 2007. [paper] [presentation]
  15. “Reliable web services: Methodology, experiment and modeling,” P. Chan, M.R. Lyu, and M. Malek, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), Salt Lake City, USA, 9-13 July 2007. [paper] [presentation]
  16. “POWER-SPEED: A Power-Controlled Real-Time Data Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks,” Y. Zhou, E. C.-H. Ngai, M.R. Lyu, and J. Liu, in Proceedings of The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'07), Hong Kong, China, 11-15 March, 2007. [paper]
  17. “Delay-Minimized Route Design for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks,” E. C.-H. Ngai, J. Liu, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'07), Hong Kong, China, 11-15 March, 2007.[paper]
  18. “An Energy-Efficient Mechanism for Self-Monitoring Sensor Web,” Y. Zhou and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of The 2007 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 3-10 March, 2007. [paper]
  19. “Reliable Reporting of Delay-Sensitive Events in Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks,” E. C.-H. Ngai, Y. Zhou, M.R. Lyu, and J. Liu, The Third IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'06), Vancouver, Canada, October 9-12 2006. [paper][presentation]
  20. “A Point-Distribution Index And Its Application to Sensor Grouping in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Y. Zhou, H. Yang, M. R. Lyu, and E. C.H. Ngai, in Proc. of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC'06), Vancouver, Canada, 3 - 6 July, 2006. [paper] [presentation]
  21. “On the Intruder Detection for Sinkhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks,” E. C.H. Ngai, J. Liu, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'06), Istanbul, Turkey, June 11-15 2006. [paper] [presentation]
  22. “An Authentication Service Based on Trust and Clustering in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Description and Security Evaluation,” E. C.H. Ngai and M.R. Lyu,I IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC'06), Taichung, Taiwan, June 5-7 2006, pp. 94-101. [paper] [presentation]
  23. “Making Services Fault Tolerant,” P.W. Chan, M.R. Lyu, and M. Malek, the 3rd International Service Availability Symposium (ISAS 2006), Helsinki, Finland, May 15-16, 2006; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4328, Springer, 2006, pp. 43-61. [paper][presentation]
  24. “A Real-Time Communication Framework for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks,” E. C.H. Ngai, M.R. Lyu, and J. Liu, Proceedings 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, U.S.A., March 4-11 2006. [paper][presentation]
  25. “Reliability Analysis for Various Communication Schemes in Wireless CORBA,” X. Chen and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 54, no. 2, June 2005, pp. 232-242.[paper]
  26. “A Price-Oriented Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Y. Zhou, M.R. Lyu, J. Liu, and H. Wang, in Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2005), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-11, 2005. (presentation)[paper][presentation]
  27. “On Setting up Energy-Efficient Paths with Transmitter Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Y. Zhou, and M.R. Lyu, and J. Liu, in Proceeding of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'05), Washington, DC, November 7-10, 2005.[paper]
  28. “Predictive Ranking: A Novel Page Ranking Approach by Estimating the Web Structure,” H. Yang, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2005), Tokyo, Japan, May 10-14, 2005, pp. 944-945. (poster)[poster][presentation]
  29. “Design and Evaluation of A Fault Tolerant Mobile Agent System,” M.R. Lyu, X. Chen, and T.-Y. Wong, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on Dependable Agent Systems, vol. 19, issue 5, Sept - Oct 2004, pp. 32-38. [paper]
  30. “Integrating Trust in Grid Computing Systems,” W.K. Lai, K.W. Ng, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings GCC 2004; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3251, Springer-Verlag 2004, pp. 887-890. [paper]
  31. “The PowerRank Web Link Analysis Algorithm,” Y. Lu, B. Zhang, W. Xi, Z Chen, Y. Liu, M.R. Lyu, and W.Y. Ma, , Poster Proceedings 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'2004), New York, May 17-22, 2004 , pp. 254-255. [paper][presentation]
  32. “Affinity Rank: A New Scheme for Efficient Web Search,¡ Y. Liu, B. Zhang, Z. Chen, M.R. Lyu, and W.Y. Ma , Poster Proceedings 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'2004), New York, May 17-22, 2004, pp. 338-339. [paper][presentation]
  33. “Copyright Protection on the Web: A Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking Scheme,” P.W. Chan, M.R. Lyu, and R.T. Chin, Poster Proceedings 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'2004), New York, May 17-22, 2004, pp.354-355. [paper][poster]
  34. “Web Image Learning for Searching Semantic Concepts in Image Databases,” C.H. Hoi and M.R. Lyu, Poster Proceedings 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'2004), New York, May 17-22, 2004, pp. 406-407. [paper][presentation]
  35. “Trust- and Clustering-Based Authentication Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” C.H. Ngai and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Distributed Computing (MDC'04), Tokyo, Japan, March 23-26 2004. [paper][presentation]
  36. “An Authentication Service Against Dishonest Users in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” C.H. Ngai, M.R. Lyu, and R.T. Chin, Proceedings 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, U.S.A., March 6-13 2004. [paper][presentation]
  37. “A Trust Model Based Routing Protocol for Secure Ad Hoc Networks,” X. Li, M.R. Lyu, and J. Liu, Proceedings 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, U.S.A., March 6-13 2004. [paper][presentation]
  38. “Message Queueing Analysis in Wireless Networks with Mobile Station Failures and Handoffs,” X. Chen and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, U.S.A., March 6-13 2004. [PDF][presentation]
  39. “A Unified Scheme of Some Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process Models for Software Reliability Estimation,” C.Y. Huang, M.R. Lyu, and S.Y. Kuo, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 29, no. 3, March 2003, pp. 261-269. [paper]
  40. “A Wireless Handheld Multi-Modal Digital Video Library Client System,” M.R. Lyu, J. Yen, E. Yau, and K.S. Sze, Proceedings 5th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR¡¦2003), November 7 2003, Berkeley, California, pp. 231-238. [paper][presentation]
  41. “Performance and Effectiveness Analysis of Checkpointing in Mobile Environments,” X. Chen and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 22nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Florence , Italy, October 6-8 2003, pp.131-140. [paper][presentation]
  42. “Extendable and Interchangeable Architecture Description of Distributed Systems Using UML and XML,” C.-A. Sun, J. Cao, M. Jin, C. Liu, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies (APPT '03), Xiamen, China, September 17-19 2003, pp. 536-545. [paper][presentation]
  43. “A Progressive Fault Tolerant Mechanism in Mobile Agent Systems,” M.R. Lyu and T.Y. Wong, in Proceedings 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2003), Orlando , Florida, July 27-30 2003, Volume IX, pp. 299-306. [paper][presentation]
  44. “Message Logging and Recovery in Wireless CORBA Using Access Bridge,” X. Chen and M.R. Lyu, Proc. 6th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS2003), Pisa, Italy, April 9-11 2003, pp.107-114. [paper][presentation]
  45. “Editorial for Special Issue on XML,” M. Marchiori, M.E. Zurko, and M.R. Lyu, Computer Networks, vol. 39, issue 5, August 2002, pp. 469-471. [paper]
  46. “Analysis of Privacy and Non-Repudiation on Pay-TV Systems,” R. Song and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 47, issue 4, November 2001, pp. 729-733. [paper]
  47. “An Agent-based Platform for Online Auctions,” Anson Lee, M.R. Lyu and Irwin King, in Proceedings International Conference on Internet Computing (IC¡¦2001), Volume II, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp.743-749. [paper]
  48. “Tunneling across firewalls by using XML and Servlets: An experiment on CORBA,” Wing Hang Cheung, M.R. Lyu and Kam Wing Ng, in Proceedings International Conference on Internet Computing (IC¡¦2001), Volume I, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp.379-385. [paper]
  49. “Design and Implementation of XML-Based Digital Video Library System,” Jacky C.K. Ma and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings International Conference on Internet Computing (IC¡¦2001), Volume I, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp. 371-374. [paper]
  50. “Video Comparison Using Tree Matching Algorithms,” Chung Wing Ng, Irwin King and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (CISST¡¦2001), Volume I, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp.184-190. [paper]
  51. “Integrating Digital Libraries by CORBA, XML and Servlet,” W.H. Cheung, M.R. Lyu and K.W. Ng, in Proceedings First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Roanoke, Virginia, June 24-28 2001, pp. 472. [paper] [poster]
  52. “Firewall Security: Policies, Testing, and Performance Evaluation,” M.R. Lyu and L. Lau, in Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (COMPSAC'2000), Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-27 2000, pp.116-121. [paper]
  53. “The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Internet Payment System,” K. L. Chong, C. H. Ho, C. H. Lau, M.R. Lyu, and Y. S. Moon, in Proceedings World Computer Congress: Information Technology for Business Management (WCC-ITBM2000), Beijing, China, August 21-25 2000, pp. 636-639. [paper]
  54. “Design, Implementation, and Experimentation on Mobile Agent Security for Electronic Commerce Applications,” H.W. Chan, K.M. Wong, T.Y. Wong, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 26-29 2000, pp. 1871-1877. [paper] [poster]
  55. “Virtual Campus: A Web-based Customized Learning Environment,” K.P Ma, M.R. Lyu and W.K. Kan, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing (IC'2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 26-29 2000, pp. 119-125. [paper]
  56. “Securing Mobile Agents for Electronic Commerce: An Experiment,” H.W. Chan, K.M. Wong, T.Y. Wong, and M.R. Lyu, in Information Security for Global Information Infrastructures, S. Qing and J.H.P. Eloff (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, August 2000, pp. 471-480. [paper]
  57. “Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Web Technologies,” M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, July/August 1999, pp. 505-508. [paper]
  58. “A Web-Based Customized Virtual Learning Environment,” K.P. Ma and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 1999 Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWEB'99), Hong Kong, September 1999; also appears in World Wide Web: Technologies and Applications for the New Millennium , G.H. Young (ed.), CSREA Press, Athens, Georgia, pp. 37-43. [paper]
  59. “Web-Based Education Techniques: Workflow, Collaboration, and Quality of Service,” M.R. Lyu, Y.S. Moon, W.K. Kan, and M.A. Vouk, in Proceedings 1998 Conference on Quality in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,Hong Kong, December 10-12 1998, pp. 245-252. [paper]
  60. “Web-CASRE: A Web-Based Tool for Software Reliability Modeling,” M.R. Lyu and Jurgen Schonwalder,in Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98) Industry Track, Paderborn, Germany, November 4-7 1998, pp. 151-160. [paper]
  61. “A Summary of QoS Support in SWAN,” T. Chen, P.Krzyzanowski, M. R. Lyu, C. Sreenan, and J. Trotter,in Proceedings 6th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'98), Napa, California, May 18-20 1998, pp. 272-274. [paper]
  62. “A VC-based API for Renegotiable QoS in Wireless ATM Networks,” T. Chen, P.Krzyzanowski, M.R. Lyu, C. Sreenan, and J. Trotter,in Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications (ICUPC'97),San Diego, California, October 1997, pp. 119-123. [paper]
  63. “Renegotiable Quality of Service - A New Scheme for Fault Tolerance in Wireless Networks,” T. Chen, P. Krzyzanowski, M.R. Lyu, C. Sreenan, and J. Trotter,in Proceedings IEEE FTCS-27, Seattle, Washington, June 25-27 1997, pp. 21-30. [paper]
  64. “Quality of Service Guarantees in a Wireless Network,” T. Chen, P.Krzyzanowski, M.R. Lyu, C. Sreenan, and J. Trotter,in Proceedings Lucent Technologies Wireless Workshop, November 11-12 1996.

Area 3: Multimedia

  1. “Batch Mode Active Learning with Applications to Text Categorization and Image Retrieval,” S.C.H. Hoi, R. Jin, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, to be published. [paper]
  2. “A Fast 2D Shape Recovery Approach by Fusing Features and Appearance,” Jianke Zhu, M. R. Lyu and Thomas S. Huang, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 1012-1244, July, 2009. paper
  3. “Semi-Supervised SVM Batch Mode Active Learning with Applications to Image Retrieval,” S.C.H. Hoi, R. Jin, J. Zhu, and M.R. Lyu, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 27, no. 3, July 2009. [paper]
  4. “Robust Regularized Kernel Regression,” J. Zhu, S.C.H. Hoi and M. R. Lyu, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1639-1644, Dec. 2008. [paper]
  5. “An Extended Level Method for Multiple Kernel Learning”, Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Irwin King, and M.R. Lyu, In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 22), accepted, 2008.
  6. “An Effective Approach to 3D Deformable Surface Tracking”, Jianke Zhu, Steven Hoi, Zenglin Xu and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2008), 2008.[paper][presentation]
  7. “Semi-Supervised SVM Batch Mode Active Learning for Image Retrieval,” S. C. H. Hoi, R. Jin, J. Zhu, M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), June 2008. [paper]
  8. “Near-Duplicate Keyframe Retrieval by Nonrigid Image Matching,” J. Zhu, S. C.H. Hoi, M.R. Lyu and S. Yan, in ACM Multimedia’2008, 2008.[paper][presentation]
  9. “A Multimodal and Multilevel Ranking Scheme for Large-Scale Video Retrieval”, S.C.H. Hoi, M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol.10, iss. 04, pp. 607-619, June 2008. [paper]
  10. “Face Annotation Using Transductive Kernel Fisher Discriminant”, J. Zhu, S.C.H. Hoi, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol. 10, iss. 01, pp. 86-96, January 2008.[paper]
  11. “An Empirical Study on Large-Scale Content-Based Image Retrieval”, Y.-M. Wong, S. C.-H. Hoi, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2007), Beijing, China, 2-5 July 2007. [paper]
  12. “Progressive Finite Newton Approach To Real-time Nonrigid Surface Detection,” J. Zhu, M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 19-21 June 2007. [paper]
  13. “A Multi-Scale Tikhonov Regularization Scheme for Implicit Surface Modelling,” J. Zhu, S. C. H. Hoi, M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 19-21 June 2007. [paper][presentation]
  14. “A Multi-Modal and Multi-Level Ranking Framework for Content-Based Video Retrieval,” (Invited Paper/Talk), S. C.H. Hoi and M.R Lyu, In the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2007), Special Session on “Web Image/Video Search Technologies”, Hawaii, USA, 15-20 April, 2007. [paper]
  15. “Extraction and Segmentation of Tables from Chinese Ink Documents Based on a Matrix Model,” X.W. Zhang, M.R. Lyu, and G.Z. Dai, Pattern Recognition, vol. 40, 2007, pp. 1855-1867. [paper]
  16. “CUHK at ImageCLEF 2005: Cross-Language and Cross-Media Image Retrieval,” S. C. H. Hoi, J. Zhu and M.R. Lyu, In Proceedings of Cross Language Evaluation Forum campaign (CLEF 2005), LNCS 4022, Springer, pp.602-611, 2006.[paper]
  17. “Constructing Robust and Resilient Framework for Cooperative Video Streaming,” S. Lu and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 2006 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Toronto, Canada, July 9-12 2006. [paper][presentation]
  18. “Learning Distance Metrics with Contextual Constraints for Image Retrieval,” S. C.H. Hoi, W. Liu, M.R. Lyu, and W.-Y. Ma, in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2006), New York, 17-22 June, 2006. [paper] [presentation]
  19. “ART: Augmented Reality Table for Interactive Trading Card Game,” A. H. T. Lam, K. C. H. Chow, E. H. H. Yau, and M.R. Lyu, ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications (VRCIA 2006), Hong Kong, 14-17 June, 2006. [paper] [presentation] [WMV]
  20. “A Unified Log-based Relevance Feedback Scheme for Image Retrieval,” S. C.H. Hoi, M.R. Lyu and R. Jin, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol. 18, no. 4, April 2006, pp. 509-524. [paper]
  21. “Collaborative Image Retrieval via Regularized Metric Learning,” L. Si, R. Jin, S. C.H. Hoi and M.R. Lyu, ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, Special issue on Machine Learning Approaches to Multimedia Information Retrieval, vol. 12, no. 1, April 2006, pp. 34-44. [paper]
  22. “Large-Scale Text Categorization by Batch Mode Active Learning,” S. C.H. Hoi, R. Jin and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 15th International World Wide Web conference (WWW2006), Edinburgh, England, UK, 23-26 May 2006. [paper][presentation]
  23. “Time-Dependent Semantic Similarity Measure of Queries Using Historical Click-Through Data”, Q. Zhao, S. C. H. Hoi, T.-Y. Liu, S. S. Bhowmick, M.R. Lyu and W.-Y. Ma, in Proceedings 15th International World Wide Web conference (WWW2006), Edinburgh, England, UK, 23-26 May 2006. [paper][presentation]
  24. “Real-Time Non-Rigid Shape Recovery via Active Appearance Models for Augmented Reality,” J. Zhu, S. C.H. Hoi, E. Yau and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings 9th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2006), Graz, Austria, May 7 - 13, 2006. [paper][presentation]
  25. “Extraction of Line Segments and Circular Arcs From Freehand Strokes Based on Segmental Homogeneity Features,” X. Zhang, J. Song, G. Dai, M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part B: Cybernetics, vol. 36, no. 2, 2006, pp. 300-311. [paper]
  26. “A Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking: Approach Evaluation and Experimentation,” P.W. Chan, M.R. Lyu, and R. T. Chin, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 15, no. 12, December 2005, pp. 1638-1649. [paper]
  27. “A Hough Transform Based Line Recognition Method Utilizing Both Parameter Space and Image Space,” J. Song and M.R. Lyu, Pattern Recognition Journal, vol. 38, 2005, pp. 539-552.[paper]
  28. “Recognition of Merged Characters Based on Forepart Prediction, Necessity-Sufficiency Matching, and Character-Adaptive Masking,” J. Song, Z. Li, M.R. Lyu, and S. Cai, IEEE Trans. on System, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, vol. 35, no. 1, February 2005, pp. 2-11.[paper]
  29. “A Framework for Indexing Personal Videoconference,” J.-Q. Song, M.R. Lyu, and J.-N. Hwang, Video Data Management and Information Retrieval,S. Deb (ed.), Idea Group Publishing, 2005, pp. 293-320.[paper]
  30. “A Comprehensive Method for Multilingual Video Text Detection,” M.R. Lyu, J. Song, and M. Cai, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, issue 2, February 2005, pp. 243-255.[paper]
  31. “Automatic 3D Face Modeling Using 2D Active Appearance Models,” J. Zhu, S.C.H. Hoi, E. Yau, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, Macau, China, October 12-14, 2005.[paper]
  32. “Comparative Studies on Feature Extraction Methods for Multispectral Remote Sensing Image Classification”, Y.Q. Tian, P. Guo, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, Hawaii, USA, October 10-12, 2005.[paper]
  33. “A Unified Machine Learning Framework for Large-Scale Personalized Information Management,” E.Y. Chang, C.H. Hoi, X. Wang, W.-Y. Ma, and M.R. Lyu, The 5th IEEE Emerging Information Technology Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, August, 2005.[paper]
  34. “A New Feature of Uniformity of Image Texture Directions Coinciding with the Human Eyes Perception,” X.-J. He, D.-S. Huang, Y. Zhang, T.-M. Lok, and M.R. Lyu, The First International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2005), Changsha, China, August 27-29 2005.[paper]
  35. “A Novel Image Retrieval System Based on BP Neural Network,” J.H. Han, D.S. Huang, T.M. Lok, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2005 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 31-August 4, 2005. [paper]
  36. “A Semi-Supervised Active Learning Framework for Image Retrieval,” S.C.H. Hoi and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005), San Diego, CA, USA, June 20-25, 2005, pp. 302-309. [paper][presentation]
  37. “Digital Video Watermarking with a Genetic Algorithm,” P.W. Chan and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2005 International Conference on Digital Archive Technologies (ICDAT '05), Taipei, Taiwan, June 16-17, 2005, pp. 139-153. [paper][presentation]
  38. “Integrating User Feedback Log into Relevance Feedback by Coupled SVM for Content-based Image Retrieval,”(Invited Paper) S.C.H. Hoi, M.R. Lyu and R. Jin, in Proceedings 1st IEEE International EMMA Workshop in conjunction with 21st ICDE Conference, Tokyo, Japan, April 2005, pp. 76-85. [paper][presentation]
  39. “A Novel Video Summarization Framework for Document Preparation and Archival Applications,” S. Lu, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2005 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montanna, U.S.A., March 5-12, 2005.[paper]
  40. “ARCADE: Augmented Reality Computing Arena for Digital Entertainment,” M.R. Lyu, I. King, T.T. Wong, E. Yau, and P.W. Chan, Proceedings 2005 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, U.S.A., March 5-12 2005. [paper]
  41. “Semantic Video Summarization Using Mutual Reinforcement Principle and Shot Arrangement Patterns,” S. Lu, M.R. Lyu, and I. King, Proceedings 11th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM'2005), Melbourne, Australia, January 12-14 2005, pp. 60-67. [paper][presentation]
  42. “Extraction of Karyocytes and their Components from Microscopic Bone Marrow Images Based on Regional Color Features,” X.-W. Zhang, J.-Q. Song, M.R. Lyu and S.-J. Cai, Pattern Recognition Journal, vol 37, issue 2, February 2004, pp. 351-361. [paper]
  43. “A Novel Log-based Relevance Feedback Technique in Content-based Image Retrieval,” C.H. Hoi and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings ACM Multimedia 2004, New York October 10-16 2004, pp.24-31. [paper][presentation]
  44. “Biased Support Vector Machine for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval,” C.H. Hoi, C.H. Chan, K. Huang, M.R. Lyu, and I. King, Proceedings International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'2004), Budapest, Hungary, July 25-29, 2004. [paper][presentation]
  45. “Robust Face Recognition Using Minimax Probability Machine,” C.H. Hoi and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'2004), Taipei, Taiwan, June 27-30 2004. [paper]
  46. “Video Summarization by Video Structure Analysis and Graph Optimization,” S. Lu, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'04), Taipei, Taiwan, June 27-30 2004. [paper]
  47. “Video Summarization by Spatial-Temporal Graph Optimization,” S. Lu, M.R. Lyu, and I. King, Proceedings 2004 IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS¡¦04), Vancouver, Canada, May 23-26, 2004. [paper][presentation]
  48. “A DWT-based Digital Video Watermarking Scheme with Error Correcting Code,” P.W. Chan and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS2003), Huhehaote City, Inner-Mongolia, China, October 10-13, 2003; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2836, Springer, 2003, pp. 202-213. [paper][presentation]
  49. “Video Summarization Using Greedy Method in a Constraint Satisfaction Framework,” S. Lu, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 9th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'03), Miami, Florida, USA, pages 456–461, September 24-26 2003, pp. 456-461. [paper]
  50. “Face recognition committee machines: Dynamic vs. static structures”, H.-M. Tang, M.R. Lyu, and I. King, Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2003), Mantova, Italy, 17-19 September 2003, pp. 121-126. [paper][presentation]
  51. “A Face Processing System Based on Committee Machine: The Approach and Experimental Results”, K.-F. Jang, H.-M. Tang, M. R. Lyu and Irwin King, 10th Int'l Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP03) Groningen, The Netherlands, Auguest 25-27, 2003, pp. 614-622. [paper][presentation]
  52. “A Novel Scheme for Video Similarity Detection,” C.H. Hoi, W. Wang and M.R. Lyu, In Proceedings of International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR2003), Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, July 24-25 2003; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2728, Springer, 2003, pp. 373-382. [paper][presentation]
  53. “Automatic Generation of Dubbing Video Slides for Mobile Wireless Environment,” W. Wang and M.R. Lyu, Proc. 2003 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2003), Baltimore, Maryland, July 6-9 2003. [paper]
  54. “PVCAIS: A Personal Videoconference Archive Indexing System,” J. Song, M.R. Lyu, J.-N. Hwang, and M. Cai, Proc. 2003 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2003), Baltimore, Maryland, July 6-9 2003. [paper]
  55. “A Wireless Client for Accessing Multimodal Digital Video Library Systems,” K.S. Sze, M.R. Lyu, K.P. Choi, and H.H. Yau, Poster Proc. 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), Budapest, Hungary, May 20-24 2003. [paper][presentation]
  56. “A Robust Statistic Method for Classifying Color Polarity of Video Text,” J. Song, M. Cai, and M.R. Lyu, Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2003), Hong Kong , April 6-10 2003, pp.581-584. [paper]
  57. “Face Recognition Committee Machine,” H.-M. Tang, M.R. Lyu and I. King, Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2003), Hong Kong , April 6-10 2003, pp.837-840. [paper]
  58. “A New Approach for Video Text Detection,” M. Cai, J.Q. Song and M.R. Lyu, Proc. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2002), vol. 1, Rochester, New York, Sept. 22-25 2002, pp. 117-120. [paper] [presentation]
  59. “XVIP: An XML-Based Video Information Processing System,” C.H. Ngai, P.W. Chan, E. Yau and M.R. Lyu, Proc. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2002), Oxford, England, August 26-29 2002, pp.173-178. [paper]
  60. “Graphics Recognition from Binary Images: One Step or Two Steps,” J.Q. Song, M. Cai and M.R. Lyu, Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR¡¦02), vol. 3, Quebec City, Canada, August 11-15 2002, pp. 135-138. [paper] [poster]
  61. “Edge Color Distribution Transform: An Efficient Tool for Object Detection in Images,” J.Q. Song, M. Cai and M.R. Lyu, Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR¡¦02), vol. 1, Quebec City, Canada, August 11-15 2002, pp. 608-611. [paper] [poster]
  62. “A New Approach for line recognition in large-size images using Hough Transform,” J.Q. Song, M. Cai and M.R.Lyu, Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR¡¦02), vol. 1, Quebec City, Canada, August 11-15 2002, pp. 33-36. [paper] [poster]
  63. “A Multilingual, Multimodal Digital Video Library System,” M.R. Lyu, E. Yau, and K.S. Sze, in Proc. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Portland, July 14-18 2002, pp.145-153 . [paper]
  64. “iVIEW: An Intelligent Video over InternEt and Wireless Access System,” M.R. Lyu, E. Yau, and K.S. Sze, in Proc. 11th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Practice and Experience Track, Hawaii, May 7-11 2002. [paper]
  65. “ADVISE: Advanced Digital Video Information Segmentation Engine,” C.W. Ng and M.R. Lyu, in Poster Proc. 11th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Hawaii, May 7-11 2002. [paper]
  66. “A Wireless XML-Based Handheld Multimodal Digital Video Library Client System,” K. S. Sze, K. P. Choi, and M.R. Lyu, in Poster Proc. 11th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Hawaii , May 7-11 2002 . This paper received the best poster paper award at the WWW2002 conference.[paper] [poster]
  67. “A Novel PAT-Tree Approach to Chinese Document Clustering,” Kenny Kwok, M.R. Lyu and Irwin King, in Proceedings International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE¡¦2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp.85-91. [paper]
  68. “Agent-based Multimedia Data Sharing Platform,” Anson Lee, M.R. Lyu and Irwin King, in Proceedings International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE¡¦2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp. 18-24. [paper]
  69. “Chinese Optical Character Recognition for Information Extraction from Video Images,” W.H. Cheung, K.F. Pang, M.R. Lyu, K.W. Ng, and I. King, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (CISST'2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 26-29 2000, pp. 269-275. [paper]
  70. “A Study on Color Space Selection for Determining Image Segmentation Region Number,” P. Guo and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 26-29, 2000, pp. 1127-1132. [paper]

Area 4: Machine Learning

  1. “Localized support vector regression for time series prediction,” Haiqin Yang, Kaizhu Huang, Irwin King, and M.R. Lyu. Neuocomputing, to be published.[paper]
  2. “A Generalized Co-HITS Algorithm and Its Application to Bipartite Graphs,” H. Deng, M. R. Lyu, and I. King, in Proc. of the 15th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2009), Paris, France, 2009.
    [Paper] [Presentation]
  3. “Supervised Self-taught Learning: Actively Transferring Knowledge from Unlabeled Data,”, K. Huang, Z. Xu, I. King, M.R. Lyu, and C. Campbell, in Proceedings of the 2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2009), 2009.paperpresentation
  4. “Effective Latent Space Graph-based Re-ranking Model with Global Consistency,” Hongbo Deng, M.R. Lyu and Irwin King, in Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2009). Barcelona, Spain, 2009. [paper][presentation]
  5. “Arbitrary Norm Support Vector Machines,” Kaizhu Huang, Danian Zheng, Irwin King, M.R. Lyu, Neural Computation, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 560–582, February 2009. [paper]
  6. “SoRec: Social Recommendation Using Probabilistic Matrix Factorization,” Hao Ma, Haixuan Yang, M.R. Lyu, and Irwin King, in the Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'08), Napa Valley, California USA, October 26-30, 2008. paperpresentation
  7. “Learning Latent Semantic Relations from Clickthrough Data for Query Suggestion,” Hao Ma, Haixuan Yang, Irwin King, and M.R. Lyu, in the Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'08), Napa Valley, California USA, October 26-30, 2008. paperpresentation
  8. “Mining Social Networks Using Heat Diffusion Processes for Marketing Candidates Selection,” Hao Ma, Haixuan Yang, M.R. Lyu, and Irwin King, in the Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'08), Napa Valley, California USA, October 26-30, 2008. paperpresentation
  9. “Semi-supervised text categorization by active search”, Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Kaizhu Huang, Irwin King, and M.R. Lyu. Appearing in Proceedings of ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2008), 2008. paperpresentation
  10. “Formal Models for Expert Finding on DBLP Bibliography Data,” Hongbo Deng, Irwin King and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2008), Pisa, Italy, Dec. 15-19, 2008. paperpresentation
  11. “Semi-supervised Learning from General Unlabeled Data”, Kaizhu Huang, Zenglin Xu, Irwin King, and M.R. Lyu, Appearing in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2008),Pisa, Italy, Dec. 15-19, 2008.. paperpresentation
  12. “Direct Zero-norm Optimization for Feature Selection”, Kaizhu Huang, Irwin King, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2008),Pisa, Italy, Dec. 15-19, 2008. paperpresentation
  13. “An Extended Level Method for Multiple Kernel Learning”, Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Irwin King, and Michael R. Lyu, In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 22), 2008. paperpresentation
  14. “Efficient convex relaxation for transductive support vector machine,” Z. Xu, R. Jin, J. Zhu, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, In J. Platt, D. Koller, Y. Singer, and S. Roweis, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20, pages 1641-1648, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2008.[paper] [presentation]
  15. “A study of regularized Gaussian classifier in high-dimension small sample set case based on MDL principle with application to spectrum recognition”, P. Guo, Y. Jia and M.R. Lyu, Pattern Recognition (2008), vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 2842-2854, Sept. 2008. [paper]
  16. “Maxi-Min Margin Machine: Learning Large Margin Classifiers Locally and Globally,” K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 260-272, 2008.[paper]
  17. “The Generalized Dependency Degree Between Attributes,” Haixuan Yang, Irwin King, and M.R. Lyu, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol.58, No.14, 2007.pp.2280-2294.[paper]
  18. “Feature Selection Based on Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine,” Z. Xu, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 21, iss. 8, pp. 1279-1292, 2007. [paper]
  19. “Maximum margin based semi-supervised spectral kernel learning,” Z. Xu, J. Zhu, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of 20th International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN), 12-17 August 2007. [paper][presentation]
  20. “Effective Missing Data Prediction for Collaborative Filtering,” H. Ma, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 30th International ACM SIGIR Conference, Amsterdam, 23-27 July 2007, pp. 39-46. [paper] [presentation]
  21. “DiffusionRank: A Possible Penicillin for Web Spamming,” H. Yang, I. King and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 30th International ACM SIGIR Conference, Amsterdam, 23-27 July 2007. [paper] [presentation]
  22. “Learning Non-Parametric Kernel Matrices from Pairwise Constraints,” S. C.H. Hoi, R. Jin and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2007), OR, US, 20-24 June 2007. [paper]
  23. “Web page classification with heterogeneous data fusion,” Z. Xu, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2007), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 8-12 May 2007, pp. 1171–1172. [paper] [presentation]
  24. “A hybrid particle swarm optimization–back-propagation algorithm for feedforward neural network training,” J.R. Zhang, J. Zhang, T.M. Lok, and M.R. Lyu, Elsevier Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 185, issue 2, Feb 2007, pp. 1026-1037.[paper]
  25. “A Hierarchical Mixture Model for Software Reliability Prediction,” S. Li, Q. Yin, P. Guo, and M.R. Lyu, Elsevier Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 185, issue 2, Feb 2007, pp. 1120-1130. [paper]
  26. “Blind Image Restoration by Combining Wavelet Transform and RBF Neural Network,” P. Guo, H. Li, and M.R. Lyu, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, vol. 5, no. 1, Jan 2007, pp. 15-26. [paper]
  27. “Imbalanced Learning With Biased Minimax Probability Machine,” K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King, and M. R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics Part B, vol. 36, iss. 4, pp. 913-923, 2006.[paper]
  28. “PageSim: A Novel Link-based Similarity Measure for the World Wide Web,” Z. Lin, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI06), Hong Kong, 28-22 December 2006. [paper][presentation]
  29. “Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classifier Based on Supervised Ellipsoid Clustering,” G.J. Zhang, J.X. Du, D.S. Huang, T.M. Lok and M.R. Lyu, The 2nd International Conference on Natural Computation(ICNC'06), Sept. 2006, Xidian University, Xi'an, China; also in L.Wang et al. (eds.), LNAI 4223, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp. 582-585. [paper]
  30. “Gene Selection Based on Mutual Information for the Classification of Multi-Class Cancer,” S.-B. Guo, M.R. Lyu, and T.-M. Lok, in International Conference on Intelligent Computing (Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, Springer-Verlag), vol. 4115, Kunming, China, 16-19 August 2006, pp. 454-463. [paper]
  31. “Predictive Random Graph Ranking on the Web,” H. Yang; I. King, and M.R. Lyu, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN '06), Vancouver, Canada, 16-21 July 2006, pp. 1825- 1832.[paper]
  32. “A New Learning Algorithm for Function Approximation Incorporating a Priori Information into Extreme Learning Machine,” F. Han, T.-M. Lok, and M.R. Lyu, in International Symposium on Neural Network (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag), vol. 3971, Chengdu, China, May 30-June 1 2006, pp. 631-636. [paper]
  33. “Nonlinear Blind Source Separation using Hybrid Neural Networks,” C.-H. Zheng, Z.-K. Huang, M.R. Lyu, and T.-M. Lok, in International Symposium on Neural Network (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag), vol. 3971, Chengdu, China, May 30-June 1 2006, pp. 1165-1170. [paper]
  34. “PageSim: A Novel Link-based Measure of Web Page Similarity,” Z. Lin, M.R. Lyu, and I. King, Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW2006), Edinburgh, Scotland, 23-26 May 2006, pp. 1019-1020. [paper][poster]
  35. “A Novel Adaptive Sequential Niche Technique for Multimodal Function Optimization,” J. Zhang, D.S.Huang, T.-M. Lok, and M.R. Lyu, Neurocomputing, vol. 69, no. 16-18, 2006, pp. 2396-2401. [paper]
  36. “Predicting Protein Interaction Sites from Residue Spatial Sequence Profile and Evolution Rate,” B. Wang, P. Chen, D.S. Huang, J.-J. Li, T.-M. Lok, M.R. Lyu, FEBS Letters, vol. 580, no.2, 2006, pp. 380-384. [paper]
  37. “Network Analysis of the Protein Chain Tertiary Structures of Heterocomplexes,” J.-J. Li, D.S.Huang, T.-M. Lok, M.R. Lyu, Y.-X. Li and Y.-P. Zhu, Protein and Peptide Letters, vol.13, no.4, 2006, pp. 391-396. [paper]
  38. “Nonnegative Independent Component Analysis Based on Minimizing Mutual Information Technique,” C.-H. Zheng, D.S. Huang, Z.-L. Sun, M.R. Lyu, and T.-M. Lok, Neurocomputing, vol.69, no.7-9, 2006, pp. 878-883. [paper]
  39. “Learning the Unified Kernel Machines for Classification,” S. C. H. Hoi, M.R. Lyu, and E. Y. Chang, in The Twelfth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2006), Philadelphia, USA, August 20 - 23, 2006. [paper]
  40. “Batch Mode Active Learning and Its application to Medical Image Classification,” S. C. H. Hoi, R. Jin, J. Zhu and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings The 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2006), Pittsburgh, Penn, US, June 25-29, 2006.[paper]
  41. “Maximizing Sensitivity in Medical Diagnosis Using Biased Minimax Probability Machine,” K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 53, no. 5, May 2006, pp. 821- 831.[paper]
  42. “A New Learning Algorithm for Function Approximation Incorporating a Priori Information into Extreme Learning Machine,” F. Han, T.-M. Lok, and M.R. Lyu, in International Symposium on Neural Network (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag), vol. 3971, Chengdu, China, May 30-June 1 2006, pp. 631-636. [paper]
  43. “Nonlinear Blind Source Separation using Hybrid Neural Networks,” C.-H. Zheng, Z.-K. Huang, M.R. Lyu, and T.-M. Lok, in International Symposium on Neural Network (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag), vol. 3971, Chengdu, China, May 30-June 1 2006, pp. 1165-1170. [paper]
  44. “Local Learning vs. Global Learning: An Introduction to Maxi-Min Margin Machine,” K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, Support Vector Machines: Theory and Applications, Wang, Lipo (Eds.), Springer, vol. 177, 2005, pp. 113-132. [paper]
  45. “Comparative Studies on the CT Image Reconstruction Based on the RBF Neural Networks,” H. Ming, G. Ping, M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the 11th Joint International Computer Conference (JICC'2005), Chongqing, China, November 10-12, 2005. [paper]
  46. “Improving Naive Bayesian Classifier by Discriminative Training,” K. Huang, Z. Zhou, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Taipei, October 30 - November 2, 2005, pp. 49-54. [presentation]
  47. “NHDC and PHDC: Non-propagating and Propagating Heat Diffusion Classifiers,” H. Yang, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Taipei, Octorber 30 - November 2, 2005, pp. 394-399. [paper]
  48. “Improvements to Conventional Layer-by-Layer BP Algorithm,” X.-Q. Li, D.-S. Huang, T.-M. Lok, M.R. Lyu, and G.-B. Huang, International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2005), Hefei, China, August 23-26 2005. [paper]
  49. “Methods of Decreasing the Number of Support Vectors via k-Mean Clustering,” X.-L. Xia, D.-S. Huang, M.R. Lyu, T.-M. Lok, and G.-B. Huang, International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2005), Hefei, China, August 23-26 2005. [paper]
  50. “A Novel Non-negative Shrinkage Technique Based on the Normal Inverse Gaussian Density Model,” L. Shang, D.-S. Huang, T.-M. Lok, and M.R. Lyu, International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2005), Hefei, China, August 23-26 2005.[paper]
  51. “A Modified Learning Algorithm Incorporating Additional Functional Constraints Into Neural Networks,” F. Han, D.-S. Huang, X.-Q. Li, M.R. Lyu, and T.-M. Lok, International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2005), Hefei, China, August 23-26 2005. [paper]
  52. “Improving Chow-Liu Tree Performance By Mining Association Rules,” K. Huang, I. King, M.R. Lyu, and H. Yang, Neural Information Processing: Research and Development. Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 152. Rajapakse, Jagath C.; Wang, Lipo (Eds.). Springer-Verlag. 2004, pp. 94-112. [paper]
  53. “Outliers Treatment in Support Vector Regression for Financial Time Series Prediction,” H. Yang, K. Huang, L. Chan, I. King, M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 11th International Conference on Neural information Processing (ICONIP'2004), Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Science city, Calcutta, India, November 22-25, 2004. [paper]
  54. “Effective Multi-Resolution Arc Segmentation: Algorithms and Performance Evaluation,” J. Song, M.R. Lyu, and S. Cai, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 26, no. 11, November 2004, pp. 1491-1506. [paper]
  55. “Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine,” K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King, M.R. Lyu, and L. Chan, Journal of Machine Learning Research, issue 5, October 2004, pp. 1253-1286. [paper]
  56. “A Pseudoinverse Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks with Stacked Generalization Applications to Software Reliability Growth Data,” P. Guo and M.R. Lyu, Neurocomputing, vol. 56, 2004, pp. 101-121. [paper]
  57. “Group-based Relevance Feedback with Support Vector Machine Ensembles,” C.H. Hoi and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'2004), Cambridge, UK, August 23-26, 2004. [paper][presentation]
  58. “Learning Large Margin Classifiers Locally and Globally”, K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings Twenty-first International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'2004), Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 4-8, 2004, pp. 401-408. [paper][presentation][poster][poster]
  59. “Learning Classifiers from Imbalanced Data Based on Biased Minimax Probability Machine”, K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR' 2004), vol. 2, Washington, DC, June 27-July 2 2004, pp. 558-563. [paper][presentation]
  60. “Biased Minimax Probability Machine for Medical Diagonsis,” K. Huang, H. Yang, I. King, M. R. Lyu, and L.W. Chan, Proceedings the Eighth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (AMAI'2004), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 4-6, 2004. [paper]
  61. “Discriminative Training of Bayesian Chow-Liu Tree Multinet Classifiers,” K. Huang, I. King, and M. R. Lyu, in Proceedings International Joint Conference on Neural Network 2003 (IJCNN2003), pp. 484-488, Portland , Oregon , July 20-24 2003. [paper][presentation]
  62. “Finite Mixture Model of Bounded Semi-Naive Bayesian Networks Classifiers,” K. Huang, I. King, and M.R. Lyu, in Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Joint 13th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and 10th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICANN&ICONIP 2003), June 26-29, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey; Publisher: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, vol. 2714 / January 2003, pp. 115-122. [paper][presentation]
  63. “Constructing a Large Node Chow-Liu Tree Based On Frequent Itemsets,” K. Huang, I. King, and M. R. Lyu, Proc. 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Orchid Country Club , Singapore , November 18-22 2002, pp. 498-502. [paper] [presentation]
  64. “Learning Maximum Likelihood Semi-Naive Bayesian Network Classifier,” K. Huang, I. King and M.R. Lyu, Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 6-9, 2002, pp. TA1F3. [paper] [presentation]
  65. “Regularization Parameter Estimation for Feedforward Neural Networks,” P. Guo, M.R. Lyu, and C.L.P. Chen, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernatics, Part B, December 2002, pp.35-44. [paper]
  66. “Cluster Number Selection for a Small Set of Samples Using the Bayesian Ying-Yang Model,” P. Guo, C.L.P. Chen, and M.R. Lyu, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 13, no. 3, May 2002, pp. 757-763. [paper]
  67. “Pseudoinverse Learning Algorithm for Feedfoword Neural Networks,” P. Guo and M.R. Lyu, Advances in Neural Networks and Applications, N.E. Mastorakis (ed.), Artificial Intelligence Series, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, 2001, pp. 321-326. [paper]
  68. “Classification for High-Dimension Small-Sample Data Sets Based on Kullback-Leibler Information Measure,” P. Guo and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 26-29, 2000, pp. 1187-1193. [paper]