“Test Selection for Result Inspection via Mining Predicate Rules,”, Wujie Zheng,
M.R. Lyu, and Tao Xie,
in Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009),
New Ideas and Emerging Results, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009.
“An Assessment of Testing-Effort Dependent Software Reliability Growth Models,” C.Y. Huang, S.Y. Kuo, and
M.R. Lyu,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 56, no. 2, June 2007, pp. 198-211.
“Software Reliability Engineering: A Roadmap”,
M.R. Lyu,
Future of Software Engineering, in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering, Minneapolis, 20-26 May 2007.
“Incorporating Fault Debugging Activities into Software Reliability Models: A Simulation Approach,” S. Gokhale,
M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 55, no. 2, June 2006, pp. 281-292.
“Optimal Release Time for Software Systems Considering Cost, Testing-Effort, and Test Efficiency,” C.Y. Huang and
M.R. Lyu,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 54, no. 4, December 2005, pp. 583-591.
“Optimal Testing Resource Allocation, and Sensitivity Analysis in Software Development,” C.Y. Huang and
M.R. Lyu,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 54, no. 4, December 2005, pp.592-603.
“A Simulation Approach to Structure-Based Software Reliability Analysis,” S.S. Gokhale and
M.R. Lyu,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 31, no. 8, August 2005, pp. 643-656.
“A Generic Environment for COTS Testing and Quality Prediction,” X. Cai,
M.R. Lyu, and K.F. Wong,
Testing Commercial-off-the-Shelf Components and Systems, S. Beydeda and V. Gruhn (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, pp. 315-347.
“An Experimental Evaluation on Reliability Features of N-Version Programming,” X. Cai,
M.R. Lyu and M.A. Vouk,
in Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2005), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-11, 2005. (presentation)
“A Novel Method for Early Software Quality Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine”, F. Xing, P. Guo, and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2005), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-11, 2005.
“Comparison of Methods of Controlling Two Types of Error Ratio Applied to Software Reliability Prediction,” F. Xing, P. Guo and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings of NASAC'2005, Nanjing, China, October 18-20 2005.
“The Effect of Code Coverage on Fault Detection under Different Testing Profiles,” X. Cai and
M.R. Lyu,
ICSE 2005 Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Software Testing (A-MOST), St. Louis, Missouri, May 15-21, 2005.
“Reliability Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Software Reliability Growth Modeling Based on Software Module Structure,” J. H. Lo, C. Y. Huang, I. Y.Chen, S. Y. Kuo, and
M.R. Lyu,
Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 76, issue 1, April 2005, pp. 3-13.
“Analysis of Software Fault Removal Policies Using a Non-Homogeneous Continuous Time Markov Chain,” S. Gokhale,
M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi,
Software Quality Journal, vol. 12, issue 3, September 2004, pp. 211-230.
“An Empirical Study on Reliability Modeling for Diverse Software Systems,” X. Cai and
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings 15th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE¡¦2004), Saint-Malo, France, November 2-5 2004, pp.125-136.
“Software Reliability Growth Models Incorporating Fault Dependency with Various Debugging Time Lags,” C.Y. Huang, C.T. Lin, S.Y. Kuo and
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC' 2004), Hong Kong, September 28-30 2004, pp. 186-191.
“Expected-Reliability Analysis for Wireless CORBA with Imperfect Components,” X. Chen and
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings 2004 Pacific-Rim Dependable Computing, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, March 3-5 2004, pp. 207-215.
“Optimal Allocation of Testing-Resource Considering Cost, Reliability, and Testing-Effort,” C.-Y. Huang, J.-H. Lo, S.-Y. Kuo,
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings 2004 Pacific-Rim Dependable Computing, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, March 3-5 2004, pp. 103-112.
“A New Software Testing Approach Based on Domain Analysis of Specifications and Programs,” R. Zhao,
M.R. Lyu, and Y. Min,
Proceedings 14th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2003), Denver, Colorado, November 17-20 2003, pp. 60-70.
“An Empirical Study on Testing and Fault Tolerance for Software Reliability Engineering,”
M.R. Lyu, Z. Huang, K.S. Sze, and X. Cai,
Proceedings 14th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2003), Denver, Colorado, November 17-20 2003, pp. 119-130. This paper received the ISSRE¡¦2003 Best Paper Award.
“Domain Testing Based on Character String Predicate,” R. Zhao,
M.R. Lyu, and Y. Min,
in Proceedings 12th Asian Test Symposium (ATS'2003), Xi'an, China, November 17-19 2003, pp. 96-101.
“Character String Predicate Based Automatic Software Test Data Generation,” R. Zhao and
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC¡¦2003), Dallas , Texas , November 6-7 2003 , pp. 255-262.
“Sensitivity Analysis of Software Reliability for Component-Based Software Applications ,” J.-H. Lo, C.-Y. Huang, S.-Y. Kuo, and
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings 27th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC '2003), Dallas, Texas, November 3-6 2003, pp. 500-505.
“Component-Based Embedded Software Engineering: Development Framework, Quality Assurance and A Generic Assessment Environment” X. Cai,
M.R. Lyu, K.-F.Wong,
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, 2002, pp. 107-133.
“Optimal Allocation of Test Resources for Software Reliability Growth Modeling in Software Development,”
M.R. Lyu, S. Rangarajan, and A.P.A. van Moorsel,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 51, no. 2, June 2002, pp. 183-192.
“Software Reliability Theory,”
M.R. Lyu,
Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Wiley, 2002, pp. 1611-1630.
“Optimal Allocation of Testing Resources for Modular Software Systems,” C.Y. Yu, J.H. Lo, S.Y. Kuo, and
M.R. Lyu,
Proc. 13th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE¡¦2002), Annapolis, MD, November 12-15 2002, pp.129-138.
“Optimal Resource Allocation and Reliability Analysis for Component-Based Software Applications,” J.H. Lo, S.Y. Kuo,
M.R. Lyu, and C.Y. Huang,
Proc. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2002), Oxford, England, August 26-29 2002, pp.7-12.
“A Framework for Modeling Software Reliability, Using Various Testing-Efforts and Fault-Detection Rates” S.Y. Kuo, C.Y. Huang, and
M.R. Lyu,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 50, no. 3, September 2001, pp. 310-320.
“Effect of Code Coverage on Software Reliability Measurement,” M.Chen, M.R. Lyu, and E. Wong, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 50, no. 2, June 2001, pp. 165-170.
“A Case Study on Stacked Generalization with Software Reliability Growth Modeling Data,” P. Guo and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Shanghai, China, Nov. 14-18 2001, pp. 1321-1326.
“ComPARE: A Generic Quality Assessment Environment for Component-Based Software Systems,” Xia Cai,
M.R. Lyu, Kam-Fai Wong and Mabel Wong,
in Proceedings International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE¡¦2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp.348-354.
“Simulation Techniques for Component-Based Software Reliability Modeling with Project Application,” Ruohao Huang,
M.R. Lyu and Karama Kanoun,
in Proceedings International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering (ISE¡¦2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28 2001, pp. 283-289.
“Component-Based Software Engineering: Technologies, Development Frameworks, and Quality Assurance Schemes,” X. Cai,
M.R. Lyu, K.F. Wong, and R. Ko,
in Proceedings Asian-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'2000), Singapore, December 2000, pp. 372-379.
“Software Quality Prediction Using Mixture Models with EM Algorithm,” P. Guo and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings First Asia-Pacific Conference in Quality Software (APAQS2000), Hong Kong, October 30-31 2000, pp. 69-78.
“A Phase-Based Approach to Creating Highly Reliable Software,”
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (COMPSAC'2000), Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-27 2000, pp.276-277.
[paper] (Chinese version)
“Effort-Index-Based Software Reliability Growth Models and Performance Assessment,” C.Y. Huang, S.Y. Kuo,
M.R. Lyu, and J.H. Lo,
in Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (COMPSAC'2000), Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-27 2000, pp.454-459.
“Quantitative Software Reliability Modeling from Testing to Operation,” C.Y. Huang, S.Y. Kuo,
M.R. Lyu, and J.H. Lo,
in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2000), San Jose, California, October 9-11 2000, pp.72-82.
“ATACOBOL: A COBOL Test Coverage Analysis Tool and Its Applications,” S.K. Sze and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'2000), San Jose, California, October 9-11 2000, pp.327-335.
“SIAS: A Secure Shopping Information Agent System,” H.W. Chan, T.Y. Wong, K.M Wong, and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents 2000), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, June 3-7 2000, pp. 257-258.
“Security Modeling and Evaluation for the Mobile Code Paradigm,” H.W. Chan and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 1999 Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN'99), Phuket, Thailand, December 1999, pp. 371-372.
“Testing, Reliability, and Interoperability Issues in the CORBA Programming Paradigm,” G. Xing and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 1999 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'99), Takamatsu, Japan, December 1999, pp. 530-536.
“Software Reliability Modeling and Cost Estimation Incorporating Testing-Effort and Efficiency,” C.-Y. Huang, J.-H. Lo, S.-Y. Kuo, and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 10th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'99), West Palm Beach, Florida, November 1999, pp. 62-72.
“Optimal Software Release Policy Based on Cost and Reliability with Testing Efficiency,” C.-Y. Huang, S.-Y. Kuo, and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 23rd Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'99), Phoenix, Arizona, October 1999, pp. 468-473.
“The Mobile Code Paradigm and Its Security Issues,” H.W. Chan and
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings 1999 Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWEB'99), Hong Kong, September 1999, also appears in World Wide Web: Technologies and Applications for the New Millennium, G.H. Young (ed.), CSREA Press, Athens, Georgia, pp. 353-357.
“Software Fault Tolerance in a Clustered Architecture: Techniques and Reliability Modeling,”
M.R. Lyu and V.B. Mendiratta,
in Proceedings 1999 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Snowmass, Colorado, March 6-13 1999, pp.141 -150 vol.5.
“Software Reliability Analysis Incorporating Fault Detection and Debugging Activities,” S.S. Gokhale,
M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi,
in Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98),Paderborn, Germany, November 4-7 1998, pp. 202-211.
“Reliability Simulation of Component-Based Software Systems,” S.S. Gokhale,
M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi,
in Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98), Paderborn, Germany, November 4-7 1998, pp. 192-201. This paper receives the ISSRE'98 Best Paper Award.
“Issues in the Next Generation of Dependability Standards,” N. Schneidewind, J-C. Laprie, A. Nikora,
M.R. Lyu, J. Musa and W.Everett,
in Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98),Paderborn, Germany, November 4-7 1998, pp. 101-104.
“Dependable Computing Systems Keynote Speech: Design, Testing,and Evaluation Techniques for Software Reliability Engineering,”
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 24th Euromicro Conference, Vasteras, Sweden, August 25-27 1998, pp. xxxix-xlvi.
“A Phase-Based Approach to Integrate Reliable Software,” in Proceedings 1998 Quality Week, San Francisco, California, May 1998.
“Bringing Software Tools to the Web - Architecture Issues and Porting Experience,”
M.R. Lyu and J. Schoenwaelder,
in Proceedings International Symposium on Internet Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan, April 1998, pp. 136-141.
“An Integrated Approach to Achieving High Software Reliability,”
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 1998 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Snowmass at Aspen, Colorado, March 21-28, 1998, vol. 4, pp.123-136.
“Model Validation Using Simulated Data,” S.S. Gokhale,
M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi,
in Proceedings 1998 IEEE Workshop on Application-Specific Software Engineering and Technology (ASSET'98),Dallas, Texas, March 1998, pp. 22-27.
“Reliability-Oriented Software Engineering: Design, Testing, and Evaluation Techniques,”
M.R. Lyu,
IEE Software Proceedings,vol. 145, no. 6, December 1998, pp. 191-197.
“Software Reliability,” S. Dalal,
M.R. Lyu, and C. Mallow,
Chapter in Encyclopedia on Biostatistics, P. Armitage and T. Colton (eds.), vol. 5, Wiley 1998, pp. 4550-4555.
“Optimization of Reliability Allocation and Testing Schedule for Software Systems,”
M.R. Lyu, S. Rangarajan, and A.P.A. van Moorsel,
in Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'97, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 2-5 1997, pp. 336-346.
“Incorporating Code Coverage in the Reliability Estimation for Fault-Tolerant Software,” M.Chen,
M.R. Lyu, and E. Wong,
in Proceedings 16th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Durham, North Carolina, October 1997, 45-52.
“Reliability Simulation for Fault-Tolerant Software and System,” S.S. Gokhale,
M.R. Lyu, and K.S. Trivedi,
in PRFTS'97, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1997.
“A Generalized Technique for Simulating Software Reliability,” R.Tausworthe and
M.R. Lyu,
in IEEE Software, March 1996, pp. 77-88.
“Software Reliability Process Simulation,” R. Tausworthe and
M.R. Lyu,
in Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering,
M.R. Lyu (ed.),
McGraw-Hill and IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, April 1996.
“Software Reliability Measurement Experience,”
M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora,
in Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering,
M.R. Lyu (ed.),
McGraw-Hill and IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, April 1996.
“Software Fault Tolerance,”
M.R. Lyu (ed.),
Wiley Trends in Software book series, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1995, 330 pages.
“Dependability Modeling for Fault-Tolerant Software & Systems,” J.B. Dugan and
M.R. Lyu,
in Software Fault Tolerance,Wiley Trends in Software book series, Wiley, February 1995.
“A Coverage Analysis Tool for the Effectiveness of Software Testing,”
M.R. Lyu, J.R. Horgan, and S. London,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 527-535.
“Achieving Software Quality with Testing Coverage Measures,” J.R. Horgan, S. London, and
M.R. Lyu,
in IEEE Computer,September 1994, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 60-69.
“Experience in Metrics and Measurements for N-Version Programming,”
M.R. Lyu, J. Chen and A. Avizienis,
in International Journal of Reliability,Quality and Safety Engineering,vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp.41-62.
“System-Level Reliability and Sensitivity Analyses for Three Fault-Tolerant System Architectures,” J.B. Dugan and
M.R. Lyu,
IEEE DCCA-4 Proceedings and a Springer-Verlag book,January 1994, pp. 295-307.
“System Reliability Analysis of an N-Version Programming Application,” J.B. Dugan and
M.R. Lyu,
in IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 513-519; selected as
best paper from Proceedings of ISSRE'93, Denver, Colorado, November 3-6 1993, pp. 103-111.
“Improving the N-Version Programming Process Through the Evolution of a Design Paradigm,”
M.R. Lyu and Y.He,
in IEEE Transactions on Reliability,vol. 42, no. 2, June 1993, pp. 179-189.
“Using Software Reliability Models More Effectively,”
M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora,
in IEEE Software, July 1992, pp. 43-52.
“Assuring Design Diversity in N-Version Software: A Design Paradigm for N-Version Programming,”
M.R. Lyu and A. Avizienis,
in Fault-Tolerant Software Systems: Techniques and Applications, H. Pham (ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press Technology Series, October 1992, pp. 45-54; also in Proceedings 2nd IEEE International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, Tucson, Arizona, February 18-20 1991, pp. 89-98.
“Panel: Research and Development Issues in Software Reliability Engineering,”
M.R. Lyu, H. Hecht, H. Kopetz, D.Miller, J.Musa, M. Ohba and D. Siefert,
in Proceedings 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Austin, Texas, May 17-18 1991, pp. 80-87.
“PANEL: Research and Development Issues in Software Reliability Engineering,”
M.R. Lyu,
in SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, New York, USA, April 1991, pp. 23-30.
“Dedix87 - A Supervisory System for Design Diversity Experiments at UCLA,” A. Avizienis, M.R. Lyu, W. Schuetz, K. Tso, and U. Voges, in Software Diversity in Computerized Control Systems, U.Voges (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, 1988, pp. 129-168.
“Effect of Repair Policies on Software Reliability,” S.S. Gokhale, P.N. Marinos, K.S. Trivedi, and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings IEEE COMPASS'97, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 18-19 1997, pp. 105-116.
“Software Reliability Engineering Techniques: Modeling, Implementation, Analysis,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings IAPD Workshop on Managing Issues of Reliability in New Product Development, Edison, New Jersey, June 9-10 1997.
“Simulation Techniques for Software Reliability Engineering Incorporating Software Architecture,” S. Gokhale, M.R. Lyu, and K. S. Trivedi, in Proceedings IEEE Software Reliability Engineering Workshop, Middletown, New Jersey, June 3-4 1997.
“On Building Reliable Software Systems: An Integrated Approach,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings Third International Conference on Reliability, Quality & Safety of Software-Intensive Systems, D. Gritzalis and T. Anderson (eds.), Athens, Greece, June 1997, pp. 194-234.
“Regression Tree Modeling for the Prediction of Software Quality,” S.S. Gokhale and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 3rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Anaheim, California, March 1997, pp. 31-36.
“Diversity in the Software Development Process,” V.Hilford,
M.R. Lyu, B. Cukic, A. Jamoussi, and F.B. Bastani,
in Proceedings IEEE WORDS'97, Newport Beach, California, February 1997, pp. 129-136.
“Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering,”
M. R. Lyu (ed.),
IEEE Computer Society Press and McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1996, 850 pages.
“An Empirical Study of the Correlation between Code Coverage and Reliability Estimation,” M.Chen,
M.R. Lyu, and E. Wong,
Proceedings IEEE METRICS'96, Berlin, Germany, March 1996, pp. 133-141.
“Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems,” N.Schneidewind, F.Bastani, and M.R. Lyu, Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'95,Toulouse, France, October 1995, pp. 264-267.
“An Experiment in Determining Software Reliability Model Applicability,” A.P.Nikora and
M.R. Lyu,
Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'95,Toulouse, France, October 1995, pp. 304-313.
“Software Reliability Study in a Large-Scale Telecommunications Software System,” D. Carman, A. Dolinsky, M.R. Lyu, and J. Yu, Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'95,Toulouse, France, October 1995, pp. 350-359.
“ARMOR: Analyzer for Reducing Module Operational Risk,”
M.R. Lyu, J.S. Yu, E. Keramidas, and S.R. Dalal,
Proceedings IEEE FTCS-25, Pasadena, California, June 27-30 1995, pp. 137-142.
“A Generalized Software Reliability Process Simulation Technique and Tool,” R.Tausworthe and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'94, Monterey, California, November 6-9 1994, pp. 264-273.
“Software Reliability:To Use or Not To Use?”
M.R. Lyu, F.Buckley, R.Tausworthe, T.Keller,and J. Musa,
in Proceedings IEEE ISSRE'94,Monterey, California, November 6-9 1994, pp. 66-73.
“System Reliability Analysis of an N-Version Programming Application,” J.B. Dugan and
M.R. Lyu,
in IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 513-519; selected as
best paper from Proceedings of ISSRE'93, Denver, Colorado, November 3-6 1993, pp. 103-111.
“A Coverage Analysis Tool for the Effectiveness of Software Testing,”
M.R. Lyu, J.R. Horgan, and S. London,
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 43, no. 4, December 1994, pp. 527-535.
“A Systematic and Comprehensive Tool for Software Reliability Modeling and Measurement,”
M.R. Lyu, A. Nikora, and W.Farr,
in Proceedings IEEE FTCS-23,Toulouse, France, June 22-24 1993, pp. 648-653.
“Assuring Design Diversity in N-Version Software: A Design Paradigm for N-Version Programming,”
M.R. Lyu and A. Avizienis,
in Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerant Systems,vol. 6, J.F.Meyer, R.D. Schlichting (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, 1992, pp. 197-218.
“Making Better Software Reliability Estimations by A Practical Tool,” M.R. Lyu, A. Nikora and W.Farr, Proceedings 2nd Bellcore/Purdue Software Reliability Workshop, October 12-13 1992, Livingston, New Jersey, pp 11-27.
“Reliability and Maintainability Related Software Coupling Metrics in C++ Programs,” C. Rajaraman and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'92), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 8-10 1992, pp. 303-311.
“Software Reliability Measurements in N-Version Software Execution Environment,”
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'92),Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 8-10 1992, pp. 254-263.
“Software Diversity Metrics and Measurements,”
M.R. Lyu, J. Chen and A. Avizienis,
in Proceedings IEEE COMPSAC-92,Chicago, Illinois, September 1992, pp. 69-78.
“Some Coupling Measures for C++ Programs,” C. Rajaraman and
M.R. Lyu,
in Proceedings TOOLS USA 92 Conference, Santa Barbara, California, August 1992, pp. 225-234.
“CASRE - A Computer-Aided Software Reliability Estimation Tool,”
M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora,
in Proceedings 1992 IEEE Computer-Aided Software Engineering Workshop, Montreal, Canada, July 1992, pp. 264-275.
“A Linear Combination Software Reliability Modeling Tool with a Graphically-Oriented User Interface,” A. Nikora,
M.R. Lyu, and T. Antczak,
in Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Assessment of Quality Software Development Tools, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 27-29 1992, pp. 21-31.
“On the Development of Highly Reliable Software for Critical Applications,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 7-8 1991.
“Software Reliability Measurements through Combination Models: Approaches, Results, and a CASE Tool,”
M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora,
in Proceedings IEEE COMPSAC-91, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 11-13 1991, pp. 577-584.
“A Heuristic Approach for Software Reliability Prediction: The Equally-Weighted Linear Combination Model,”
M.R. Lyu and A. Nikora,
in Proceedings 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Austin, Texas, May 17-18 1991, pp. 172-181.
“Panel: Research and Development Issues in Software Reliability Engineering,” M.R. Lyu, H. Hecht, H. Kopetz, D.Miller,J.Musa, M. Ohba and D. Siefert, in ACM SigSoft Newsletter, reprinted from IEEE Computer Society,April 1991, pp. 23-30.
“Measuring Reliability of Embedded Software: An Empirical Study with JPL Project Data,” M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management ,Beverly Hills, California, February 4-7 1991, pp. 493-500.
“On The Effectiveness of Multiversion Software in Digital Avionics,” A. Avizienis and M.R. Lyu, in Proceedings the AIAA/IEEE 8th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, San Jose, California, October 1988.
“In Search of Effective Diversity: A Six-Language Study of Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Software,” A. Avizienis,
M.R. Lyu, and W.Schuetz,
in Proceedings the IEEE Eighteenth Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-18),Tokyo, Japan, June 1988, pp. 15-22.
“Design and Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Multi-Version Software,” A. Avizienis and M.R. Lyu, in Annual National Joint Conference on Software Quality and Reliability, Arlington, Virginia, March 1988.
“Multi-Version Software Development,” J.P.J. Kelly, A. Avizienis, B.T. Ulery, B.J. Swain, M.R. Lyu, A.T.Tai, and K.S. Tso, in Proceedings IFAC Workshop SAFECOMP'86,Sarlat, France, October 1986, pp. 43-49.
“Software Fault-Tolerance by Design Diversity; DEDIX: A Tool for Experiments,” A. Avizienis, P. Gunningberg, J.P.J. Kelly, M.R. Lyu, L. Strigini, P.J. Traverse, K.S. Tso, and U. Voges, in Proceedings IFAC Workshop SAFECOMP'85,Como, Italy, October 1985, pp. 173-178.