
Campus Planning Committee

Chairperson: Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor
Members: One College Head/Master nominated by AAPC
Professor Chan Sun On
Nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
Professor P.C. Ching, Research Professor and Emeritus Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering 
Mrs Cecilia Lam, Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development 
Professor Gladys Tang, Professor, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Professor Hendrik Tieben, Director, School of Architecture  
Vice-President (Administration) and University Secretary (ex-officio)
Mr Eric S.P. Ng
Registrar (ex-officio)
Ms Kitty Yu
Director of Campus Development (ex-officio)
Mr Li Sing Cheung
Student Representative
(To be advised)
Secretary: Mrs Cecilia Lam, Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development

The Campus Planning Committee advises the Vice-Chancellor on campus planning matters. It also operates as the planning committee for the Council Committee on Campus Planning and Building and deals with all matters relating to the campus master development plan, including building proposals and programmes and utilization of space and facilities. It oversees the Building Committees established for each new building and major extension of building, determines sites and appoints external project managers and project architects on their recommendation. 

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