The Team
Director | Mrs LAM Cecilia S S | 楊詩詩 | 3943 3973 | cecilia_lam@cuhk.edu.hk |
Personal Assistant to Director | Ms WONG Yanny Y Y | 黃欣怡 | 3943 3972 | yannywong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Senior Manager (Creative Services) | Mr WONG Ka Chuen | 黃家銓 | 3943 3970 | kcwong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Research and Writing Manager | Dr CHAN Ada H L A | 陳愷齡 | 3943 3978 | ada.chan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Operations Manager | Mr CHAN Joey M H | 陳文海 | 3943 3977 | joeychan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Information Technology Officer | Mr TAM Eric M H | 譚銘堯 | 3943 3974 | erictam@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Mr CHAN Roy L H | 陳樂謙 | 3943 1937 | roychan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Communications and Engagement Section | ||||
Head of Section | Mr CHAN Joseph P T | 陳秉德 | 3943 3928 | josephptchan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Network Manager of SDSN Hong Kong | Dr NG Stephen C O | 吳頌安 | 3943 3013 | stephenng@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms CHAN Charlie S Y | 陳淑彥 | 3943 2318 | charliechan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms MOK Hermione Y C | 莫欣晴 | 3943 3976 | hermionemok@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms LI Moon H C | 李曉晴 | 3943 0327 | moonli@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms TAN Iris Y M | 陳彥旻 | 3943 3925 | iristan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Climate Action Section | ||||
Head of Section | Dr MA George S K | 馬興闓 | 3943 3971 | georgema@cuhk.edu.hk |
Senior Manager (Science Communication) | Dr NG Stephen C O | 吳頌安 | 3943 3013 | stephenng@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms CHAN Charlie S Y | 陳淑彥 | 3943 2318 | charliechan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms MOK Hermione Y C | 莫欣晴 | 3943 3976 | hermionemok@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms CHENG Jennifer S T | 程瑞婷 | 3943 0817 | jennifercheng@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms HUEN Winky W K | 禤詠琪 | 3943 3012 | winkyhuen@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms LI Raine M C | 李蔓姿 | 3943 5034 | raineli@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms TONG Annie K S | 唐嘉善 | 3943 3975 | annietong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Smart Campus Section | ||||
Head of Section | Dr LEUNG Michael H F | 梁雄峰 | 3943 2323 | michaelhfleung@cuhk.edu.hk |
Secretary, Committee on Space Allocation | Ms WONG Sulan S L | 黃雪蘭 | 3943 8049 | sulanwong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Manager | Mr LAU Nigel S N | 劉舜年 | 3943 3921 | nigellau@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms WONG Daisy N M | 黃雅雯 | 3943 4444 | daisynmwong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Executive Assistant | Ms FONG Phyllis Y W | 方燕華 | 3943 3927 | phyllis-fong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Environmental Sustainability Section | ||||
Projects Lead (Sustainability) | Mr LAI Kalvin Y K | 賴遠焜 | 3943 3926 | kalvinlai@cuhk.edu.hk |
Manager | Mr FAN Jor C | 范佐政 | 3943 8122 | jorfan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Mr YUNG Jack K W | 容嘉榮 | 3943 3922 | jackyung@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Mr HO Colin L L | 何樂霖 | 3943 0312 | colinho@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms LEE Nico W M | 李詠文 | 3943 4447 | nicolee@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Assistant | Ms HUI Attle C M | 許清梅 | 3943 4299 | attlehui@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Assistant | Ms MOK Eliza L W | 莫麗華 | 3943 3924 | elizamok@cuhk.edu.hk |
Director | Mrs LAM Cecilia S S | 楊詩詩 | 3943 3973 | cecilia_lam@cuhk.edu.hk |
Personal Assistant to Director | Ms WONG Yanny Y Y | 黃欣怡 | 3943 3972 | yannywong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Senior Manager (Creative Services) | Mr WONG Ka Chuen | 黃家銓 | 3943 3970 | kcwong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Research and Writing Manager | Dr CHAN Ada H L A | 陳愷齡 | 3943 3978 | ada.chan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Operations Manager | Mr CHAN Joey M H | 陳文海 | 3943 3977 | joeychan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Information Technology Officer | Mr TAM Eric M H | 譚銘堯 | 3943 3974 | erictam@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Mr CHAN Roy L H | 陳樂謙 | 3943 1937 | roychan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Communications and Engagement Section | ||||
Head of Section | Mr CHAN Joseph P T | 陳秉德 | 3943 3928 | josephptchan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Network Manager of SDSN Hong Kong | Dr NG Stephen C O | 吳頌安 | 3943 3013 | stephenng@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms CHAN Charlie S Y | 陳淑彥 | 3943 2318 | charliechan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms MOK Hermione Y C | 莫欣晴 | 3943 3976 | hermionemok@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms LI Moon H C | 李曉晴 | 3943 0327 | moonli@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms TAN Iris Y M | 陳彥旻 | 3943 3925 | iristan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Climate Action Section | ||||
Head of Section | Dr MA George S K | 馬興闓 | 3943 3971 | georgema@cuhk.edu.hk |
Senior Manager (Science Communication) | Dr NG Stephen C O | 吳頌安 | 3943 3013 | stephenng@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms CHAN Charlie S Y | 陳淑彥 | 3943 2318 | charliechan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Ms MOK Hermione Y C | 莫欣晴 | 3943 3976 | hermionemok@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms CHENG Jennifer S T | 程瑞婷 | 3943 0817 | jennifercheng@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms HUEN Winky W K | 禤詠琪 | 3943 3012 | winkyhuen@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms LI Raine M C | 李蔓姿 | 3943 5034 | raineli@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms TONG Annie K S | 唐嘉善 | 3943 3975 | annietong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Smart Campus Section | ||||
Head of Section | Dr LEUNG Michael H F | 梁雄峰 | 3943 2323 | michaelhfleung@cuhk.edu.hk |
Secretary, Committee on Space Allocation | Ms WONG Sulan S L | 黃雪蘭 | 3943 8049 | sulanwong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Manager | Mr LAU Nigel S N | 劉舜年 | 3943 3921 | nigellau@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms WONG Daisy N M | 黃雅雯 | 3943 4444 | daisynmwong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Executive Assistant | Ms FONG Phyllis Y W | 方燕華 | 3943 3927 | phyllis-fong@cuhk.edu.hk |
Environmental Sustainability Section | ||||
Projects Lead (Sustainability) | Mr LAI Kalvin Y K | 賴遠焜 | 3943 3926 | kalvinlai@cuhk.edu.hk |
Manager | Mr FAN Jor C | 范佐政 | 3943 8122 | jorfan@cuhk.edu.hk |
Assistant Manager | Mr YUNG Jack K W | 容嘉榮 | 3943 3922 | jackyung@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Mr HO Colin L L | 何樂霖 | 3943 0312 | colinho@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Officer | Ms LEE Nico W M | 李詠文 | 3943 4447 | nicolee@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Assistant | Ms HUI Attle C M | 許清梅 | 3943 4299 | attlehui@cuhk.edu.hk |
Project Assistant | Ms MOK Eliza L W | 莫麗華 | 3943 3924 | elizamok@cuhk.edu.hk |
Contact Us
General Office
3943 3972
Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Enquiry
3943 9632
SDSN Hong Kong Enquiry
3943 2318
Suite 909, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong