Student/Faculty's Expectations on Teaching and Learning
Instructor: John C.S. Lui
This is a gradute level course and we will go over various advanced topics in networking. The topics will vary each year depending on the trend of the technology. in particular, it is about the theories, algorithms as well as system issues for the Internet. In this course, we cover fundamental principles and theories about current and future Internet architectures.
Teaching Assistants
Course Grades:
Policy: Late project will NOT be considered.
Lecture Notes: (Password Protected)
Administrative matter
Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Review 4
Internet Design Principles & Singaling
The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols
Rethinking the Design of the Internet: The End-to-End Arguments vs. the Brave New World
Control Plane, State management, IP Multicast, IGMP, RSVP, SIP,...etc.
Software Defined Network & OpenFlow
Network Virtualizaton, VLAN, NFV
Principles of Randomization (1)
Indirection: Multicast, Mobility, Routing, Infrastructure (DHT), Packet Scheduling
Scheduling: Router Design
Routing and Traffic Engineering
Mathematical Modeling of TCP
Theory of Network Optimizaiton
Brief Introduction of Wireless Networks
Deeper Examination into SDN: Background
Deeper Examination into SDN: Control & Data Plane Separation
Deeper Examination into SDN: Network Control Plane
Deeper Examination into SDN: Network Virtualization
Deeper Examination into SDN: Programming the Data Plane
Deeper Examination into SDN: Programming the SDN
Deeper Examination into SDN: Examples and Case Study
Deeper Examination into SDN: Verification
Project: (Password Protected)
Project on Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Deadline: April 30, 2017, 23:59