Representative Publications
Engineering and Signal Processing
- Penghui WANG,
Lei SHI, Lan DU, Hongwei
LIU, Lei Xu , Zheng BAO, (2011), "Radar
HRRP statistical recognition with temporal factor analysis by automatic
Bayesian Ying-Yang harmony learning ",
A special issue on Machine
learning and intelligence science: IScIDE2010 (B), Journal of Frontiers of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China 6(2) (2011) 300–317.
- Zaihu PANG, Shikui TU, Dan SU, Xihong
WU, Lei Xu , (2011), " Discriminative training of GMM-HMM
acoustic model by RPCL learning", A special issue on Machine learning and
intelligence science: IScIDE2010 (B), Journal of Frontiers of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering in China 6(2) (2011) 283–290.
- Shi L,
Wang P., Liu H., Lei Xu , and Bao Z(2011),
Radar HRRP Statistical Recognition With Local Factor Analysis by Automatic
Bayesian Ying-Yang Harmony Learning, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2011,
- Shi,
L., Wang, P., Liu, H., Lei
Xu, & Bao, Z.
(2010), Radar HRRP statistical recognition with local factor analysis by
automatic Bayesian Ying Yang harmony learning, Proc. of 2010 IEEE Intl
Conf. on ICASSP, Dallas, TX, USA, March 14 – 19, 2010, 1878-1881.
- Tu, S., & Lei Xu
(2010), A study of several model selection criteria for determining
the number of signals, Proc. of 2010 IEEE Intl Conf. on ICASSP, Dallas,
TX, USA, March 14 – 19, 2010, 1966-1969.
- Su, D,
Wu, XH, & Lei Xu (2010), GMM-HMM acoustic model training by a
two level procedure with Gaussian components determined by automatic model
selection, Proc. of 2010 IEEE Intl Conf. on ICASSP, Dallas, TX, USA, March 14 – 19,
2010, 4890-4893.
- Kai-Chun
Chiu, and Lei Xu
(2004), ``Arbitrage Pricing Theory Based Gaussian Temporal Factor Analysis
for Adaptive Portfolio Management", Special Issue on Data Mining for
Financial Decision Making, The Journal of Decision Support Systems, pp
485- 500, 2004..
- Kai-Chun
Chiu, and Lei Xu
(2004), ``NFA for Factor Number Determination in APT", International
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, pp 253-267, 2004.
- Kei Keung
Hung, Yiu-ming Cheung, and Lei Xu
(2003), `` An Extended ASLD Trading System to Enhance Portfolio
Management", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 14, No. 2,
2003, 413-425.
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu
(2003), ``White noise tests and synthesis of APT economic factors using
TFA", Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance,S-H Chen and P Wang (Ed.), Series on Advanced
Information Processing (series editor: L. Jain), Springer Verlag, 2003, pp. 405-419.
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu (2003), ``Optimizing financial portfolios from
the perspective of mining temporal structures of stock returns",
Lecture Notes in AI, LNAI 2734, Proc. of 2003 Machine Learning and Data
Mining in Pattern Recognition, P. Perner and A.
Rosenfeld, eds., Springer Verlag, pp266-275.
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu (2003), ``Stock forecasting by ARCH driven gaussian TFA and alternative mixture experts
models", Proc. of 3rd International Workshop on Computational
Intelligence in Economics and Finance (CIEF'2003), North Carolina, USA,
September 26-30, 2003, pp 1096 -1099.
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu (2003), ``On generalized arbitrage pricing
theory analysis: empirical investigation of the macroeconomics modulated
independent state-space model", Proceedings of 2003 International
Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering
(CIFEr2003), Hong Kong, March 20-23, 2003, pp 139-144.
- Tang,
H, Chiu KC, and Lei Xu (2003), ``Finite Mixture of ARMA-GARCH Model
For Stock Price Prediction", Proc. of 3rd International Workshop on
Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance (CIEF'2003), North
Carolina, USA, September 26-30, 2003, pp.1112-1119.
- Tang,
FOR STOCK PRICE PREDICTION", Proc. of 2003 International Conference
on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS 2003), October 22-25, 2003 Gyeongju,
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu (2002), ``A comparative study of Gaussian TFA
learning and statistical tests for determination of factor number in
APT", Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks 2002 (IJCNN '02), Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA,
May 12-17, 2002, pp 2243-2248.
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu (2002), ``Stock price and index forecasting by
arbitrage pricing theory-based gaussian TFA
learning", Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Vol.2412, in H. Yin et
al., eds., Springer Verlag, 2002, pp366-371.
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu (2002), ``Financial APT-based gaussian TFA learning for adaptive portfolio
management", Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Vol.2415, in J.R. Dorronsoro (Ed.), Springer Verlag,
2002, pp 1019-1024.
- Chiu
KC and Lei Xu (2001), ``Tests of Gaussian Temporal Factor
Loadings in Financial APT", Proc. of 3rd International Conference on
Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, December 9-12,
2001 - San Diego, California, USA, pp313-318.
- Lei Xu
and Y.M. Cheung (1997), `` Adaptive supervised learning decision networks
for trading and portfolio management", Journal of Computational
Intelligence in Finance, Nov/Dec issue, pp11-16, Finance \& Technology
Publishing, 1997.
- Yiu-ming Cheung, W.M. Leung, and Lei Xu
(1997), ``Adaptive Rival Penalized Competitive Learning and Combined
Linear Predictor Model for Financial Forecast and Investment'',
International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol.8, No.5&6, 1997.
- Lei Xu and W.M.Leung (1998) , ``Cointegration by MCA and modular MCA", Proceedings
of IEEE/IAFE 1998 International Conference on Computational Intelligence
for Financial Engineering (CIFEr), March 29-31,
New York City, pp157-160.
- Lei Xu, and Yiu-ming Cheung
(1997), ``Adaptive Supervised Learning Decision Networks for Traders and
Portfolios", Proceedings of IEEE/IAFE 1997 International Conference
on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering (CIFEr), March 23-25, New York City, pp206-212.
- Lei Xu(1995), ``Channel Equalization by Finite Mixtures
and The EM Algorithm", Proc. of IEEE Neural Networks and Signal
Processing 1995 Workshop, Vol.5, pp603-612, August 31 - September 2, 1995,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
- Lei Xu (1994), ``Signal Segmentation by Finite Mixture
Model and EM Algorithm", Proceedings of 1994 Intl. Symposium on
Artificial Neural Networks, Dec. 15-17, Tainan, Taiwan,
- Leung,W.M, Y. M. Cheung and Lei Xu,(1997),
`` Application of mixture of experts models to nonlinear financial
forecasting", {\em Nonlinear Financial
Forecasting: Proceedings of the First INFFC, R.B.Caldwell
ed, Finance \& Technology Publishing,
pp153-168, 1997.
- Yiu-ming Cheung, Zhihong Lai
and Lei Xu (1996), ``Adaptive Rival Penalized
Competitive Learning and Combined Linear Regressions with Application to Finacial Investment", Proceedings of IEEE/IAFE
1997 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial
Engineering (CIFEr), march 24-26, New York City,
- Cheung,
Y.M, Leung,W.M, and Lei Xu
(1996),``Combination Of Buffered Back-propagation And RPCL-CLP By Mixture-of-Experts
Model For Foreign Exchange Rate Forecasting", Neural Networks in
Financial Engineering: Proc. of 3rd Intl Conf. on Neural Networks in the
Capital Markets, Oct.11-13, London, UK, 1996, World Scientific Pub,