CUHK Golden Striker takes the crown.
The Artifice of Eternity: Irwin King’s Ponderings on Man and Machine
The quest for intelligence sent King on a journey in artificial intelligence and machine learning, lasting more than three decades.
AI Technology Navigates Microrobot Swarm in Complex Environments Inside Human Body
An AI navigation system that can make millions of microrobots autonomously reconfiguring their motion and distribution according to environmental changes.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Adopts Department-based Admission to Help Students Chart a Clear Development Path
中大計算機科學與工程學系獨立收生 助學生制定清晰發展路向
Computational Data Science Programme Integrates Knowledge of Statistics and Computer Science to Cultivate Interdisciplinary Talents
中大計算數據科學學士課程 糅合統計學與計算機科學知識 培養跨學科專才
CUHK Programme Exploration Days for JUPAS Applicants 2022
May 25, 2022
CUHK Computer Science Ranks 26th Worldwide and 1st in Hong Kong in the 2022 QS World University Ranking
This is a great testimony to our faculty members’ strength in research and education.
CUHK Computer Science ranks no. 10 worldwide and no. 1 in Hong Kong for two consecutive years in the U.S. News and World Report 2022
This reaffirms CUHK’s position as one of the global leaders in computer science research and education. It is essential as computer science is the main driving force behind today’s 4th industrial revolution and digital economy. This recognition further motivates us to keep striving for excellence.
The CUHK launched “Computational Data Science”, A New Bachelor of Science Degree
CENG & CSCI Online Admission Talk for Local Sub-degree Holders (4 Nov)
We receive many fine applications to our BEng in Computer Engineering (CENG) and BSc in Computer Science (CSCI) programmes every year via the sub-degree holder admission scheme. The 2022 admission exercise is now open for application. To facilitate you to know more about our programmes and the application tips, […]
2021 CUHK Virtual Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions (16 Oct)
The CUHK Information Day is coming. A number of events will be hosted by the CSE department to introduce our programmes: Artificial Intelligence – Systems & Technologies (AIST) Computer Engineering (CENG) / Computer Science (CSCI) Computational Data Science (CDAS) This is an opportunity for you to meet our teachers and […]
Increasing Trends of AI Popularization Benefits for Students with Strong Mathematical and Computing Background AI普及需求增 數理強電腦迷佔優
CUHK Computer Science Ranks No. 11 Worldwide, No. 4 in Asia and No. 1 in Hong Kong in U.S. News & World Report 2021
Across all the ranking indicators and weights, CUHK is listed No.11 globally, No.4 in Asia and No.1 in Hong Kong with an outstanding score of 84 in Computer Science.