Webinar: Current issues in Public Health Webinar Series - Mental Health
Activity from Undergraduate Alumni Association
公共衞生議題探討講座系列 | Current issues in Public Health Webinar Series
【心理健康 Mental Health 】
時間:晚上八時至九時三十分 形式:Zoom網上會議
嘉賓:莊勁怡醫生(精神科專科醫生、香港大學精神醫學系名譽臨床肋理教授) 巫潔嫻教授(香港中文大學公共衞生及基層醫療學院副教授) 胡皚心女士(臨床心理學家、公共衞生學理學士校友)
有興趣參加的校友或同學可於7月15日前填寫網上報名表格 。
如有任何查詢,請以電郵聯絡 jcsphpc.aa@gmail.com 或聯絡陳盈(9807 2957)或陳宗妤(9807 2204)。
Dear alumni and friends,
You are cordially invited to the webinar “Current issues in Public Health Webinar Series - Mental Health” hosted by the CUHK JC School of Public Health and Primary Care Alumni Association and Undergraduate Alumni Association. To enhance interactions and communications between our alumni, fellow students and stakeholders in public health sector, the Alumni Association will launch a series of online talks. We are honoured to invite guest speakers from the medical sector, academics, and frontline staffs to express their views over the mental health challenges we encountered at this day and age. Guest speakers, our alumni and fellow students shall discuss the topic in Q&A session. Details are as the followings:
Date: 16 July 2021 (Friday)
Time: 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Format: Zoom online meeting
Guest speakers:
Dr. CHONG King Yee (Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, HKU);
Prof. Phoenix MO (Associate Professor, JCSPHPC, CUHK);
Ms. Natalie WOO (Clinical Psychologist, alumnus of BSc Public Health)
Fee: Free of charge
Accreditation: CME (Non-specialist)
Registration: https://forms.gle/fgM5N2WLiWh5TZ2d7
* The seminar will be conducted in Cantonese.
If you would like to attend, please fill in the online enrollment form before 15 July 2021.
For any enquiry, please email us at jcsphpc.aa@gmail.com; or contact Crystal Chan (9807 2957) or Rachel Chan (9807 2204).
Best regards,
Alumni Association, CUHK
Undergraduate Alumni Association, CUHK
JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, Undergraduate Alumni Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
E-Mail | jcsphpc.aa@gmail.com Whatsapp | 9717 8904 Facebook | @cuhkhealth.uaa