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CUHK Receives HK$1.3 Million from Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited to Award Bursaries
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is delighted to receive a generous donation of HK$1.3 million from Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited, with effect from the academic year 2017-18, for the establishment of Shanghai Fraternity Association Diligence Bursaries. Both parties signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on 21 July 2017. For 2017-18, bursaries will be offered to 65 financially needy students who demonstrate diligence in their studies, among them 15 students from Lee Woo Sing College. Each bursary recipient will be awarded HK$20,000.
The agreement signing ceremony was officiated at by Mr. William Tak-Lun LEE, President of Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited and Professor Joseph Jao-Yiu SUNG, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK. Among the guests at the ceremony were Dr. Woo-Sing LEE, Honorary Life President of Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited, Professor Tai-Fai FOK, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President of CUHK, Professor Joseph Wan-Yee LAU, Master of Lee Woo Sing College of CUHK, Council Members of Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited and CUHK representatives.
Professor Joseph SUNG expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited for its long-standing support to CUHK. He said, ‘Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited has been dedicated to charity and community service and is a staunch supporter of education. The Association has given its unwavering support to CUHK over the years. Through naming the bursaries as “Diligence Bursaries”, we hope that all bursary recipients will be self-motivated and strive for their goals wholeheartedly. The bursary recipients are expected to strive for excellence and give back to society after their graduation.’
The bursaries are for current full-time undergraduate students, with priority given to local students. The maximum capacity for each year is 65 students, with a quota of 15 given to Lee Woo Sing College students. All applicants must pass the means test and have achieved a GPA score of at least 2.7 in the previous academic year (for non-first year students) or in the first semester (for first year students only).
Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited was founded in 1977. The Association has made remarkable contributions towards public welfare and the advancement of education. The Association has been an ardent supporter of CUHK and spares no effort to foster education. In 1993, it generously donated HK$13.5 million to CUHK for the establishment of Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre. Both the ‘Home in Hong Kong’ project launched in 2000 and the formation of the Mainland Undergraduate Association of the University in 2004 provide valuable support and care to the CUHK undergraduate students from Mainland China. With generous support from Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited, scholarships for non-local students and admission scholarships are made available to give due recognition and encouragement to outstanding students.
As well as the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, constituent Colleges and Faculties of CUHK also provide financial aid to affiliated students. For further details, please visit the website at:

Prof. Joseph Jao-Yiu SUNG, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK (right), Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau, Master of Lee Woo Sing College (left) and Mr. William Tak-Lun LEE, President of Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited sign a MOU on establishing Shanghai Fraternity Association Diligence Bursaries.

Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited donates HK$1.3 million to CUHK for the establishment of Shanghai Fraternity Association Diligence Bursaries.

Professor Joseph SUNG expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited for its long-standing support to CUHK.