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CU Medicine and Kowloon City District Office co-organise community COVID-19 vaccination programme targeting 2,000 residents, especially young children
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Faculty of Medicine in collaboration with Kowloon City District Office are organising a community COVID-19 vaccination programme at Hung Hom Community Hall on March 5 and 6, targeting at kindergarten and primary students in the district to provide them with Sinovac vaccination. The two-day programme, which also welcomes residents in need for vaccination, will provide 2,000 jabs in total. Organisers hope the service can allow residents, especially young children, to get vaccinated and protect them against COVID-19 disease to effectively decrease the rates of serious illness and death.
Vaccination is the most effective measure to stop the spread of the virus and prevent severe cases, hospitalisation and death. In response to the severe situation of the COVID-19 epidemic, CU Medicine initiated the community vaccination programme, hoping to help further increase the vaccination rate, particularly that of young children. More than 70 medical alumni volunteered to be the inoculators and over 40 medical students provided necessary logistic and operational support on site.
Professor Francis CHAN, Dean of CU Medicine, addressed at the kick-off ceremony, said, “As cases hit record high in the city, we must take immediate action to get vaccinated, especially our school kids. I am very grateful for the staunch support from our alumni, students and staff putting together this community vaccination programme despite their heavy clinical duty or medical study. I am proud of their selfless devotion in serving the community with their professional knowledge. On behalf of the Faculty, we are deeply thankful for all organisations and volunteers supporting this service. The service not only has provided protection to the 2,000 people who got vaccinated but also their families. This would meaningfully help lessen the burden of our public healthcare system.”
Professor FOK Tai-fai, former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Professor of Paediatrics at CU Medicine remarked, “Children are the vulnerable ones in this combat against COVID-19. Previous studies showed that COVID-19 infection in children can trigger multisystem inflammatory syndrome, which needs intensive care and could be fatal. The disease might also cause long-term health effects on infected children. Therefore, we should do our best to help our children receive vaccination as early as possible for self-protection. Through this community vaccination programme with children as main targets, we hope to bring out this very important message and provide the kids and their families with the needed support as far as possible.”
Ms. Alice CHOI, District Officer of Kowloon City District Office said, “There is a high population of toddlers in the Kowloon City district. Getting them vaccinated not only assures their safety but also help bring the infections under control in the district. We are very much obliged to receive offer from dozens of CU medical alumni in this programme. It is not common to have a vaccination programme administered by doctors and some are indeed paediatricians, who will be professional and particularly effective in handling any special needs of the children or emergencies during the vaccination.”
Dr. Bonita LAW, Convener of The CU Medical Alumni Buddy Group said, “CU Medicine is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. The Faculty has been through many challenging times and we feel deeply indebted to the help and support from all walks of life in these decades. Hong Kong’s medical system is now facing an unprecedented difficult moment. We, medical alumni and students from CU Medicine, just want to give what we have, and fight the disease together with the community.”
This community vaccination programme is co-organised by CU Medicine and Kowloon City District Office. Other supporting parties include The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon, CU Medical Alumni Buddy Group, Union Hospital, Youth Committee of the Hong Kong & Kowloon Chiu Chow Public Association, Lui Lee Sau Ying Charity Fund Limited and volunteers from various local groups.

More than 70 medical alumni volunteer to be the inoculators. They are doing the briefing before the vaccination begins.

Although they are busy with examinations, more than 40 medical students are volunteering to help out in the vaccination programme and provide the necessary logistic and operational support on site to ensure everything goes smooth.

The Community Vaccination Programme is coorganized by CU Medicine and Kowloon District Office, and supported by many organizations. From left: Dr Peter PANG, Chairman of The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon; Ms Alice CHOI, Kowloon City District Officer; Prof Francis CHAN, Dean of CU Medicine; Dr Bonita LAW, Convener of The CU Medical Alumni Buddy Group; and Prof FOK Tai-fai, former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Professor of Paediatrics at CU Medicine.

CU Medicine works with Kowloon City District Office to organize a community COVID-19 vaccination programme at Hung Hom Community Hall on March 5 and 6, targeting at kindergarten and primary students in the district to provide them with Sinovac vaccination.

Young children are one of the high-risk groups and we should help our children receive vaccination as early as possible for self-protection. CU Medicine wants this community vaccination programme could bring out this very important message and provide the kids and their families with the needed support as far as possible.

Young children are one of the high-risk groups and we should help our children receive vaccination as early as possible for self-protection. CU Medicine wants this community vaccination programme could bring out this very important message and provide the kids and their families with the needed support as far as possible.

Young children are one of the high-risk groups and we should help our children receive vaccination as early as possible for self-protection. CU Medicine wants this community vaccination programme could bring out this very important message and provide the kids and their families with the needed support as far as possible.