Newsletter No. 394
6 No. 394, 19.3.2012 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 中大再添兩位IEEE院士 • Two Professors Elected IEEE Fellows 工 程學院Prof. Thierry Blu( 左 ) 及劉紹強教授( 右 ),獲工程學 國際權威組織電機及電子工程師學會 (IEEE)頒授2012年度院士榮銜,以表 揚他們的傑出科研成就。連同這兩位教 授在內,中大現有二十八位IEEE院士, 數目為本港院校之冠。 電子工程學系Prof. Thierry Blu對信號與圖像處理近似理 論貢獻重大,屢獲IEEE信號處理學會的最佳論文獎,並於 2007年把「稀疏信號的插值」研究專利轉讓予國際大型 無線電通信企業美國高通公司,應用於超寬頻通信聯繫。 他的主要研究範疇包括數位採集信號的優化表示、多尺度 信號處理和圖像重建等技術;其研究成果廣泛應用於生 物醫學方面的影像處理。 信息工程學系劉紹強教授則因在無線通信系統和無線網 絡領域的傑出貢獻獲選。劉教授1993年發起建立香港首 間設置於大學的ATM網絡試驗平台。他率先提出物理層網 絡編碼的概念及傳輸控制協定協議,有效提升無線網絡的 效能,後者已被Linux電腦內 置操作系統採納。劉教授擁 有八項美國專利。 P rof. Thierry Blu ( left ) and Prof. Liew Soung- chang ( right ) of the Faculty of Engineering have been elected Fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2012 for their extraordinary accomplishments in scientific research. This brings the total number of IEEE Fellows in CUHK to 28, the highest among all institutions in Hong Kong. Prof. Thierry Blu from the Department of Electronic Engineering was named an IEEE Fellow for his fundamental contributions to approximation theory in signal and image processing. Professor Blu has received several best paper awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In 2007, he transferred his patented research on the interpolation of ‘sparse signals’ to a large international wireless telecommunications corporation, Qualcomm Inc., for applications in Ultra Wide Band communications. Professor Blu has been focusing his research on the optimization of the representation of signals from digital samples, multi-scale signal processing and the restoration of images. His research has yielded fruitful results which are widely applied in biomedical imaging. Prof. Liew Soung-chang from the Department of Information Engineering was recognized by IEEE for his contributions to wireless communications and networking. In 1993, he initiated and built the first inter- university ATM network tested in Hong Kong. Professor Liew’s research team pioneered the concept of Physical- layer Network Coding, and proposed Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Veno, a version of TCP to improve its performance over wireless networks which has been incorporated into a release of Linux OS. He owns eight US patents. 首屆中國社會科學院學者訪校計劃 • First CASS Scholars Visit Programme 中 大今年首度舉行「中國社會科學院學 者訪校計劃」,旨在促進與中國社會 科學院(社科院)的學術交流和合作。首屆訪 校計劃以考古學研究為主題,社科院考古研 究所王巍所長( 左 )、許宏研究員( 中 )及劉國 祥研究員( 右 ),於2月8至11日蒞校訪問,並為 「社科院學者講座系列」擔任主講嘉賓。 王巍教授以「從考古發現探討中華文明的起 源」為題,探討早期中華文明的特點及其在 人類文明發展史上的地位。許宏教授的講題為「二里頭與 最早中國」,以河南偃師二里頭遺址為切入點,闡述東亞 歷史上最早的廣域王權國家,即早期「中國」形成的過程。 劉國祥教授主講「東北紅山文化玉器」,介紹中國史前玉 文化發展史的第一個高峰期,以及紅山玉器對中國用玉制 度、玉禮制系統形成的影響。 訪問團又走訪了歷史系、中國文化研究所中國考古藝術研 究中心及文物館等單位,了解相關研究項目和發展,交流 意見。 T he Chinese University launched the first Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Scholars Visit Programme to enhance linkage with CASS. It was held from 8 to 11 February on the theme of archaeology. Three CASS scholars visited the University, including Prof. Wang Wei ( left ), director of the Institute of Archaeology; Prof. Xu Hong ( centre ) and Prof. Liu Guoxiang ( right ), both professors of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS. During the visit, the scholars delivered public lectures at the Lecture Series by CASS Scholars. Prof. Wang Wei gave an overview of a number of research accomplishments that explored the origin of Chinese civilization. Prof. Xu Hong examined the factors in the emergence and development of early China, via the introduction of the excavation of the Erlitou site. Prof. Liu Guoxiang talked about the prehistoric influence of jade culture. The delegation visited the Department of History; the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art, and the Art Museum, the Institute of Chinese Studies; to exchange ideas on relevant research projects. 社會科學院表揚優異師生 • Social Science Faculty Honours Outstanding Teachers and Students 社 會科學院於2月25日舉行2011年模範教學獎暨院長榮譽錄頒獎典 禮,獲得模範教學獎的是新聞與傳播學院利嘉敏教授( 前排右一 )、 心理學系濱村武教授( 前排右二 )及社會工作學系黃洪教授( 前排右三 )。 典禮於李兆基樓七號演講廳舉行,由特區政府環境局副局長潘潔博士( 前 排右四 )主禮,同場並頒發院長榮譽錄證書予學術成績優異的學生。 T hree teachers in the Faculty of Social Science were honoured with the Faculty’s Exemplary Teaching Award on 25 February. They were Prof. Kaman Lee ( 1st right, front row ) of the School of Journalism and Communication, Prof. Takeshi Hamamura ( 2nd right, front row ) of the Department of Psychology and Prof. Wong Hung ( 3rd right, front row ) of the Department of Social Work. The award presentation ceremony took place in Lecture Theatre 7 of Lee Shau Kee Building, with Dr. Poon Kit Kitty ( 4th right, front row ), Under Secretary for the Environment of the HKSAR Government, as the guest of honour. On the same occasion, Dean’s List certificates were presented to students of the Faculty for excellent academic achievements.
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