Wei He

Prof. HE Wei
Associate Professor
Tel: (852) 3943-8196
Email: hewei@cuhk.edu.hk
Office Location: Room 914, Esther Lee Building
Home Page: http://weihe.weebly.com/

BSc in Statistics (Peking University)
Ph.D. in Mathematics (National University of Singapore)
Ph.D. in Economics (The University of Iowa)


Research Interest

Microeconomic Theory
Game Theory
Mechanism Design


Prof. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He got the PhD degree at The University of Iowa in 2016. His research interests include Microeconomic Theory, Game Theory, and Mechanism Design. He is an associate editor of Economic Theory and Journal of Mathematical Economics. His papers have appeared in Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, and Theoretical Economics.



• Correlation-robust auction design (Jiangtao Li), Journal of Economic Theory 200 (2022), 105403.

• Dynamic games with (almost) perfect information (with Yeneng Sun), Theoretical Economics 15 (2020), 811–859.

• Pure-strategy equilibria in Bayesian games (with Yeneng Sun), Journal of Economic Theory 180 (2019), 11-49.

• Equivalence of stochastic and deterministic mechanisms (with Yi-Chun Chen, Jiangtao Li and Yeneng Sun), Econometrica 87 (2019), 1367–1390.

• Stationary Markov perfect equilibria in discounted stochastic games (with Yeneng Sun), Journal of Economic Theory 169 (2017), 35–61.

• Modeling infinitely many agents (with Xiang Sun and Yeneng Sun), Theoretical Economics 12 (2017), 771-815.

• Existence of equilibria in discontinuous Bayesian games (with Nicholas C. Yannelis), Journal of Economic Theory 162 (2016), 181-194.