News Centre

28 Mar 2022

CUHK innovations excel at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2022

28 Mar 2022

Researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have won 17 awards at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2022, including four Gold Medals, ten Silver Medals and three Bronze Medals, demonstrating the University’s excellence in research and innovation on the global stage.

Professor Mai-Har Sham, Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President (Research) of CUHK, is thrilled about the achievement of her CUHK colleagues. She said, “It is truly gratifying to see CUHK’s scientific innovations have once again received global recognition. Our researchers lead innovative research across disciplines that span regenerative medicine, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, robotics and special education. We will continue to support our research teams in integrating innovation and technology with their expertise in resolving societal issues for the benefits of the community.”

The awarded projects are examples of the success of CUHK’s knowledge transfer, translating research and innovation into tangible benefits and outcomes. Among the 17 projects (project description can be found in the appendix), four of them were developed under the world-class InnoHK research centres led by CUHK which collaborate with top research institutions around the world; another ten projects have been commercialised through university-supported startup companies led by CUHK researchers or become a successful social enterprise providing support to children with special educational needs. The University will continue its efforts in encouraging staff and students to develop innovative solutions that tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva is the largest global exhibition devoted exclusively to inventions. All the exhibited inventions have been evaluated by an international jury of specialists. This year, the virtual event showcased nearly 800 inventions from 25 countries and regions.