Newsletter No. 276
CUHK Business Students- Champions of Business Paper Contest A four-student tea m fro m th e Faculty of Business Administration secured th e championshi p o f th e Business Administratio n Pape r o f th e Year Award for the second year in a row on 18t h Februar y wit h thei r busines s paper, thei r uniqu e perspectives , an d their outstandin g analytica l an d presentation skills . The team comprised three Integrated BBA undergraduates — Lilian Cha n ( r i g ht 2) , Joyce Ho (left 3) and Vivia n Won g ( l e ft 2) , an d on e professional accountancy undergraduat e —Hallas Cheun g ( r i g ht 3). Vivia n als o won the Best Presenter Award. Now i n it s 20 t h year , th e competition i s organized b y the Hon g Kong Federation o f Busines s Students . This year's event saw the participatio n of over 200 teams of business students from eigh t loca l tertiar y institutions . Each team, acting as the consultant o f a leadin g corporatio n specializin g i n financial plannin g services , wa s required t o conduc t marke t researc h and develop a mid-term busines s plan based o n thei r findings . I n the initia l round, academi c adviser s i n eac h o f the eight institutions selected one team to represen t thei r schoo l base d o n written summar y report s submitted b y the teams . The CUH K tea m performe d brilliantly i n the finals which include d an ora l presentation , a Q&A session , and a debate. CUHK Pioneer s Cure for Vesicoureteral Reflu x i n Children V esicoureteral reflu x (VUR ) i s a common conditio n affectin g on e to two pe r cent of all children i n whom there i s an abnorma l retrograd e flo w of urine from the bladder bac k int o the kidneys. Refluxin g urin e can transpor t bacteria from th e bladde r toward s th e kidneys, inflictin g pyelonephriti s an d kidney damage . This can lea d to rena l scarring, reduce d kidne y function, an d hypertension. VU R i s on e o f th e commonest cause s fo r urinar y trac t infections (UTI ) an d end-stag e rena l failure i n children . The Divisio n o f Paediatri c Surger y and Paediatri c Urolog y o f the Facult y of Medicine has pioneered a completely new managemen t algorith m wit h minimally invasiv e treatmen t o f VU R that provide s complet e cur e fo r al l grades o f reflu x an d ye t involve s onl y endoscopic treatment . Since 2000, the division ha s successfully applie d thi s pneumovesical techniqu e fo r sever e grade reflu x o n clos e t o a hundre d patients wit h a 99 pe r cen t cur e rate . This techniqu e allow s anti-reflu x surgery t o b e performe d withou t opening u p the bladde r an d does no t necessitate an y in-dwellin g ureteri c catheter. Patient s ar e u p an d abou t within a few hours after surgery and can be discharged in 24 hours with minima l pain and discomfort . The ne w treatmen t algorith m provides definitiv e surgica l treatmen t that aims a t an earl y cur e an d highe r success rate . Ther e i s far les s trauma to th e chil d an d th e hig h cur e rat e alleviates th e nee d fo r long-ter m follow-up wit h radiologica l investigations and antibioti c treatment . BEA Banker Calls for Tighter Integration wi th the Mainland D r. Davi d L i Kwok-po , chairma n an d chie f executiv e o f th e Ban k o f Eas t Asia, was the first speake r i n the Distinguishe d Speakers ' Serie s organize d by the Facult y o f Busines s Administration t o celebrat e th e 40t h anniversar y o f the MB A Programmes . Dr . L i delivere d a talk o n ' A Banker' s Perspectiv e o n Closer Integratio n wit h the Mainland' t o an audience of over 15 0 on 15t h Marc h at Hote l Conrad . Thes e include d alumni , students , professor s an d busines s partners of the faculty, as well a s eminent member s of the banking , finance, an d other industries . In his talk, Dr . L i addressed how we can prepar e for Hon g Kong' s ris e as an international financia l hu b fo r China . Whil e muc h o f our economy ha s already become integrate d int o the mainland, one notable exception remain s — banking and finance . Dr . L i believe s tha t ther e i s a need t o develo p bette r integratio n between Hon g Kon g and the mainland i n the banking an d financ e sector. The serie s w i l l f e a t u re t w o o t h e r speakers: Dr . Vincen t Cheng, chairma n o f HSBC, on 6th April, and Dr. Josep h Ya m Chi - kwong, chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, on 20th April. Following the talks, other programmes w i l l b e organized b y the faculty to celebrat e it s 40t h anniversary. (From left) Prof. Lee Tien-sheng, dean of business administration, Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor. Dr. David Li, Prof. Jack Cheng, pro-vice-chancellor, and Prof. Cheung Wai-man, associate dean (graduate studies) of the Faculty of Business Administration E-N EWSLETTER A BSTRACT I Volume 3 No. 3 Forefather of Chinese Market Economy Theories Speaks on China's Growth at CUHK Prof. Wu Jinglian, senior research fellow a t the Development Researc h Centr e o f th e Stat e Council o f th e People' s Republi c o f China , delivered a lecture a t The Chinese Universit y on 16t h March , title d 'Transformatio n o f the Growth Patter n and China's Industrialization' . The lecture attracted an audience of over 200, including staf f and students of the University . Topping-out Ceremony of CUHK-TWGHs Community College The topping-ou t ceremon y o f th e M a Ka m Cha n Memorial Building , th e mai n buildin g o f th e Community Colleg e establishe d b y Th e Chines e University an d th e Tun g Wa h Grou p o f Hospital s (TWGHs) took place on 21st March. Officiating at the ceremony wer e Th e Hon . Prof . Arthu r K.C . Li , Secretary for Education and Manpower of the HKSAR, Mr. Eddi e Wang, TWGHs chairman , Prof . Kennet h Young ( p h o t o ), actin g vice-chancellor, CUHK , an d Prof. Richar d M.W . Ho , presiden t o f th e CUHK - TWGHs Communit y College . For details, please visit 1 No. 27 6 4t h Apri l 200 6
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