Hop Wai Art and Cultural Programme Chung Chi College

Thanks to the donation by Hop Wai Tong, the College has established the Hop Wai Art and Cultural Programme which aims at cultivating interest and understanding in Chinese culture and world art on campus, and broadening the horizons of staff and students.


Enquiries: 3943 8140




  • Mrs. Anita Feng, an American artist, served as the Visiting Artist 2013-14 of the College Hop Wai Art and Cultural Programme. During her visit, she conducted two ceramic art workshops, teaching participants how to develop creative skills through clay modeling.

  • The programme organizes talks on art and culture regularly. The photo shows Professor Josh YIU, Acting Director of the Art Museum, CUHK, giving a talk with the topic “The Beauty of Chinese Sculptures from the Tang to the Present

  • Conducted by Professor Hon-ching LEE, an artist based in the U.S., a two-session workshop taught basic sculpture techniques, using wood, clay and plaster as the materials.

  • An Exhibition entitled “60+/60+”, was held to feature Professor Hon Ching Lee’s collection of works gifted by his teachers, friends and students over 60 years.