LEUNG, Grace L.K.
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LEUNG, Grace L.K. M Phil. and PhD
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest (quoted from Benjamin Franklin) |
Book publication WU LEUNG, Lai Kuen Grace (2019) Innovation and Creative Industries in Hong Kong, London: Routledge. 梁麗娟 (2010) 《大眾傳媒與香港社會》Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publication Ltd. 梁麗娟 姚霞 (2009) 新高中綜合中國語文 《新聞與報道》Hong Kong: Pearson Longman 梁麗娟 (2006)《蘋果掉下來》Hong Kong: Sub-Culture Publishing Co.
Academic journal WU Richard and WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2012). "Implementation of 'three network convergence' in China: a new institutional analysis". telecommunications policy vol.36 no.10-11, pp.955-965. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. The Law and Policy for Implementing a Unified Communications Regulator in the United Kingdom and Lessons for Hong Kong (co-authored with Prof. Richard W S Wu at Faculty of Law, HKU) Hong Kong Law Journal, 2010 Vol. 40, Part I, pp.111-128 梁麗娟及胡惠生 (2010) 「香港通信監管改革探析: 台灣NCC經驗的借鏡」台灣《傳播管理學刊》2010年六月。 Hong Kong and Singapore: Two Models of Telecommunications Regulation? (co-authored with Prof. Richard W S Wu at Faculty of Law, HKU) Telematics and Informatics, 2009, Vol.26, Issue 4, pp.322-332 'Competition Regulation in the Hong Kong Telecommunications Sector – Challenges and Reforms'' (co-authored with Prof. Richard W S Wu at Faculty of Law, HKU) Telecommunications Policy, 2008, Vol.32, Issue 9-10, pp.652-661. Public Service Broadcasting at its Crossroads: A Political Model of Radio Hong Kong's Evolution. In Communication and Society, Vol.3 (2007), August, pp 89-113. "真人秀"让电视有了救命稻草?(The significance of reality TV programs to the survival free TV) in South China Television Journal 《南方電視學刊》No. 53, vol.3, 2005, pp? http://www.gdtv.com.cn/southtv/index.html 香港免費電視台的困境與出路 ( The deadlock and business opportunities of free terrestrial TV in Hong Kong) South China Television Journal 《南方電視學刊》 No. 47, vol.3, 2004, pp46-47, published by Guandong Television Station Group The regulatory implication of media convergence (co-authored with Prof. Richard W S Wu, University of Hong Kong) 2000/2001 3rd Issue, Hong Kong, published by Hong Kong Law Journal, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong Contemporary Asian Television: Global Trends and Local Processes (co-authored with Professor Joseph Man Chan and Professor Eric K W Ma, School of Journalism & Communication, the CUHK) November, 2000 (served as a self-learning module in a MA programme in Mass Communication).Published by Center for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester Broadcasting policy in the Age of Convergence: A comparative study between Hong Kong and Singapore December, 2002 , a Ph.D. thesiss The evolution of Hong Kong as a movie production and export centre, June 1993, an M.Phil. dissertation, unpublished
Book Chapters 胡惠生及梁麗娟 (2015). <北京、香港、台北法科學生倫理價值之比較及實証研究—對大陸法學院校法律教育之啟示>《比較視野下的公共糾紛解決與權利保障:2015 中英比較公法研討會論文集》彭文浩、牟憲魁主編,頁56-71. 梁麗娟 (2015). <電視文化與港人身份變遷>《香港傳媒新世紀》李少南編,第二版,香港:香港中文大學出版社. 梁麗娟 (2015). <香港回歸前後大事記>《香港傳媒新世紀》李少南編,第二版,香港:香港中文大學出版社. 梁麗娟 (2012). <香港中學的課程問題>. 《香港教育大零落》 彭志銘編. 香港:次文化堂出版. 梁麗娟 (2012). <大眾傳媒與社會運動的前世今生>. 《香港。論述。媒體》 張少強, 梁啟智, 陳嘉鉻編. 第1版 205-242 頁. 香港: Oxford University Press (Hong Kong) Ltd. 「尋找支持公共廣播的公民社會」呂大樂、吳俊雄、馬傑偉合編《香港、生活、文化》香港:牛津出版社,頁196-229。 電視文化與港人身份變遷 (The change of TV Culture and the identity of Hong Kong people) a book chapter in the New Perspectives on Hong Kong Media 《香港傳媒新世紀》, Edited by Lee Siu-nam, Paul, January 2003, published by the Chinese University Press, Hong Kong 媒介到底站在那一方?香港傳媒如何處理同性戀課題 (how did local media handle issues related to homosexuality?) a book chapter in 《平權? 霸權?審視同性戀議題》( Equal right? Hegemony? Homosexual issue revisited) edited by Kwan Kai-man, Benny Tai Yiu-ting and Kong Kwai-wah, published by Hong Kong Cosmo Publishing Ltd 2005 感性消費國度 (compulsive consumption) and傳媒中的戀愛文化 (love and courtship in the mass media), two book chapters in the Team Games for Media Education 《看透,玩透,樂透—傳媒教育活動冊》 edited by the Breakthrough Ltd, June 2003, Hong Kong, published by the Breakthrough Ltd , Hong Kong 由傳媒污染到文化污染 (from media pollution to culture pollution), a book chapter in the Lost Mission –Catch the Pulse of Hong Kong Messy Media 《失落的使命—為香港傳媒把脈》 edited by the Society for Truth & Light Editorial Board, Hong Kong: May 2002, published by The Society for Truth & Light 香港及澳門新聞事業概覽 (An overview of the journalistic and media industries in Hong Kong and Macau), a book chapter in the Chinese Journalism Yearbook 《中國新聞年鑑》 PRC, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 published by China Academy of Social Sciences 港澳台華文傳媒社團簡介(A brief introduction to the Chinese media organizations in Hong Kong, Macau & Taiwan), a book chapter in the Yearbook of Global Chinese Language Media 《世界華文傳播年鑑》, September 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007. PRC, published by the China News Agency, Beijing
Other Research and Writings 梁麗娟 (2017). <2016年香港特別行政區新聞傳播業概覽>. 《中國新聞年鑑》 於錢蓮生主編. 北京:中國社會科學院中國新聞年鑑社出版. 梁麗娟 (2018). <要為記者充權>. 《逆風堅持》 144頁. 香港記者協會五十. 梁麗娟 (2018). <八十年代CA人>. 《我在港大》 96-104頁. FES PRESS. 梁麗娟 (2016). <2015年香港特別行政區新聞傳播業概覽>. 《中國新聞年鑑》 於錢蓮生主編. 北京:中國社會科學院中國新聞年鑑社出版. 梁麗娟 (2015). <2014年香港特別行政區新聞傳播業概覽>. 《中國新聞年鑑》 於錢蓮生主編. 北京:中國社會科學院中國新聞年鑑社出版. 梁麗娟 (2015) 亞洲電視—《鏗鏘集—誰的歷史任務》觀後感. 香港電台通識網「集師廣益」. 梁麗娟 (2013). <2012年香港及澳門特別行政區新聞傳播業概覽>. 《中國新聞年鑑》 於錢蓮生主編. 北京:中國社會科學院中國新聞年鑑社出版. 梁麗娟. 編. (2013) 《不獲發牌是否政治事件的回應》. 香港:《明報》. 梁麗娟. 編. (2013) 《基督徒如何看免費電視發牌的爭議?》. 香港: 《基督教時代論壇》. 梁麗娟. 編. (2013) 《從發牌風波看香港文化創意產業前景》. 香港電台:《傳媒透視》. 梁麗娟 (2012). <2011年香港及澳門特別行政區新聞傳播業概覽>. 《中國新聞年鑑》 於錢蓮生主編. 北京:中國社會科學院中國新聞年鑑社出版. 梁麗娟 (2012). <北大人打噴嚏 學術界著涼>. 《傳媒透視》 2012年二月號. 第4 - 5頁. 香港:香港電台出版. 梁麗娟 (2011). <2010年香港及澳門特別行政區新聞傳播業概覽>. 《中國新聞年鑑》 錢蓮生主編. 北京:中國社會科學院中國新聞年鑑社出版. 選舉「平等時間」規則的謬誤與危險。2011-06-15 香港電台 《傳媒透視》六月號第3-4頁。http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20110614_76_122752.html 香港人對電台的政治情意結。2011-03-28《信報財經新聞》文化評論 |時評P45 從電視廣播賣盤看香港電視業的發展。2011-01-31《信報財經新聞》文化評論 | 媒體P43 數碼聲音廣播的政治考慮2010-08-15 香港電台 《傳媒透視》八月號第7-8頁。 香港建立統一通訊事務管理局的問題與思考2010-02-15 香港電台 《傳媒透視》二月號第3-4頁。http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20100211_76_122547.html 亞視變革可以走得多遠? 2008-12-21 《明報》周日話題, P02 請問,亞視的品牌價值在哪? 2008-12-07 《明報》Media Watch, P04 李家出招 港府束手?(Is the Government powerless against tactics of the Li family?) HKJA: Journalist 記者之聲 March 2007, pp5-6 「公共廣播如何打造香港的公民社會」(Relationship between public broadcasting and civil society in Hong Kong) 香港電台《傳媒透視》Media Digest 2006年5月份 http://www.rthk.org.hk/mediadigest/20040615_76_119933.html 前瞻香港傳播業的發展(The future development of Hong Kong broadcasting industry) 香港電台《傳媒透視》Media Digest 2003年11月份 http://www.rthk.org.hk/mediadigest/20031115_76_113232.html 「傳媒治港」有權無責?(Media ruled Hong Kong—Power without responsibilities) 香港電台《傳媒透視》Media Digest 2002年3月份 http://www.rthk.org.hk/mediadigest/20020315_76_17699.html The influence of media on youth: a secondary analysis report to a survey conducted in summer 1998. Published in Summer 1999 by Commission on Youth, Home Affairs Bureau, The Government Secretariat, Hong Kong 香港傳媒愛國主義大傾銷 (Hong Kong media promoted patriotism) August 1997, Hong Kong, published by Ming Pao Monthly, Hong Kong, pp.90-91
Conference Papers WU Richard and WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2017). "Civic Data Management and Its Political Implications: Hong Kong's Experience in Legislative Council Election 2016". Paper presented in ITS Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, June 24-26, Kyoto. WU Richard and WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2017). "Shifting of Regulatory Paradigm on and before the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong". Paper presented in the ICA Conference. May 25-28, San Diego. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2016). "Comparing Law Students' Ethical Values in Hong Kong and Australia: Two Common Law Jurisdictions in the Asian Pacific Region". Paper presented in 7th International Legal Ethics Conference, United States of America, New York. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen and LAI Natalie (2016). "Gender and Values in a Transforming Society: An Empirical Study of Future Woman Lawyers in China". Paper presented in 7th International Legal Ethics Conference, United States of America, New York. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2016). "Disruptions in Today's Media and How they are Changing the Roles of Media Relations". Paper presented in Media Relations: Securing Maximum Coverage amid Digital Disruption, China, Hong Kong. WU Richard and WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2016). "When Law Meets Creative Media in Hong Kong and China: Reflective Learning of Common Law Concept and Values through Movies". Paper Session: Legal Education and Judges in the Australasian Region. June 2-5. New Orleans. WU Richard and WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2016). "Mainland TV drama going abroad in the age of three network convergence". Paper presented in the 21st Biennial Conference, June 26-29, Taipei, Taiwan. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen and WU Richard (2015). "How Politicization of Communications Policy and Regulation Impact the Media Service Development of Hong Kong in the Wake of Occupy Central Movement?. Paper presented in the 65th International Communication Association Annual Conference: Communication Across Life Span, Puerto Rico, 21-25 May 2015. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen and WU Richard (2014). "A Comparative Study of Ethical Values of Law Students in the Greater China Region: Some Preliminary Findings". Paper presented in the International Legal Ethics Conference VI: Legal Ethics at a time of regulatory change, London, 10-12 July 2014. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen and WU Richard (2014). "Three Network Convergence and OTT TV Development in China". Paper presented in the 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, USA, 22-26 May 2014. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen and WU Richard (2013). "Implementation of Three Network Convergence in China – Local Development of ‘Co-operation Models". Paper presented in the ITS 6th Africa-Asia-Australia Conference, Perth, West Australia, 4-7 August 2013. WU LEUNG Lai Kuen and WU Richard (2013). "OTT and Three Network Convergence: Old issue and new battle". IAMCR 2013. 梁麗娟 (2012). <蘋果日報對港台媒體及社會的沖擊>. 論文發表於 《北大新聞學茶座 (19)》, 主辦機構為北京大學世界華文傳播研究中心, 北京大學新聞與傳播學院舉行. WU Richard and WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2011). "Changing Perceptions of Lawyers in Hong Kong Movies and Television Dramas: An Interdisciplinary Study". Paper presented in the Peking U-HKU Joint Research Centre Conference, 9-10 December 2011. Hong Kong 梁麗娟 (2011). <狗仔隊與娛樂新聞>. 論文發表於 《北京清華大學新聞及傳播學院訪問學者講座》主講, 清華大學新聞與傳播學院舉行. WU Richard and WU LEUNG Lai Kuen (2011). "Depiction of Lawyers and Lawyers' Ethics in Hong Kong Films & Television Drama". Paper presented in the 7th Annual International Business Ethics Conference - Rule of Law and International Business Ethics, 21-22 October 2011. Beijing, China. WU LEUNG, Lai Kuen Grace (2011) Quadruple play of PCCW: a case of multi-screen strategy in Hong Kong. a paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, held in June 27-29, 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan WU, Richard & WU LEUNG, Lai Kuen Grace. (2011) "Three network convergence" in China -its past, present and future. A paper presented in the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, held in June 27-29, 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan WU, Richard & WU LEUNG, Lai Kuen Grace. (2011) Lawyers' Image and Ethics in Hong Kong Television and Films: From Social Elite to Ordinary Professionals? A paper accepted for presentation in the 61th ICA Virtual Conference in Boston, USA, from 23rd May to 10 June 2011. Leung, Lai Kuen G. & Tong, F (2010) The implementation experience of setting up a unified regulator in Taiwan and its lessons for Mainland China. A paper presented in the 18th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, held in June 27-29, 2010 in Tokyo, Japan WU, Richard & WU LEUNG, Lai Kuen Grace. (2010) The Law and Policy for Implementing a Unified Communications Regulator in the United Kingdom and Lessons for Hong Kong. A paper accepted for presentation in the 60th ICA Conference in Singapore, at 23rd June 2010. WU, Richard & WU LEUNG, Lai Kuen Grace. (2009), A Comparative Study of the Telecommunications Law and policy in Mainland China, Hong Kong and China, a paper accepted for presentation in the 59th ICA conference in Chicago, USA, in 21st to 25th May 2009. Reaching Out to the Global Chinese Community Online: The New Mission of the Radio Television Hong Kong. A paper was reviewed and accepted for presentation at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), the26th Annual Research Conference, to be held in Stockholm, Sweden (July 20-25, 2008). The Hong Kong Communications Authority: A New Watchdog for the Media? A paper co-authored with Prof Richard Wu (HKU) has been reviewed and accepted for the Law Section sessions at the IAMCR congress in Stockholm, Sweden, "Media and global divides"(July 21-22, 2008). Hong Kong and Singapore: Two Asian Models of Telecommunications Regulation? A paper co-authored with Prof Richard Wu (HKU) was accepted for presentation at the 17th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society to be held in June 24-27, 2008 in Montreal. A Unified Communications Regulator and A Unified Communications Law – the Right Way Forward for Hong Kong? Co-authored with Dr Richard W S WU, a paper presented to International Telecommunications Society Regional Conference, held in Perth, Australia, in August 2007 Limits of 'Sector-Specific' Competition Law: A Critical Evaluation of Hong Kong Telecommunications Law and Policy Co-authored with Dr Richard W S WU, a paper presented to Asian Law Conference, held in Jakata, Indonesia, in 24thMay 2007. Communications Authority: A Panacea for Hong Kong Communication Law and Policy? Co-authored with Dr Richard W S WU, a paper presented to International Communication Association 2007, held in San Francisco, USA in May 2007. Competition regulation without a competition law, co-authored with Prof Richard W S WU, a paper presented in the 16th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, held in June 12-16, 2006 in Beijing, China The Political Economy of Public Service Broadcasting in Hong Kong: The Case of Radio Television Hong Kong. Co-authored with Prof. Joseph M Chan, a paper presented in a conference held in Shanghai in 27-28th May, 2006, jointly organized by the TV Research Centre of Shanghai University and the Department of Media and Communication of Goldsmith College, University of London Road to digitalization: the Cable Television Industry in Hong Kong, presented in an international symposium on 'Cable Television Industry in Taiwan', held in May 7, 2004, organized by the Taipei County Government in Taipei The Impact of Technological Convergence on Broadcasting Policy – the case of Singapore, presented in an international conference on 'Digital News, Social Change and Globalization', organized by the Baptist University of Hong Kong, held on Dec 11 & 12, 2003 in Hong Kong Technological Convergence and Regulatory Reform: Multiple Regulator or Single Regulator: Options for Hong Kong, co-authored with Prof. Richard Wu of HKU in the 52nd Annual Conference organized by the International Communication Association, held between 15 to 19th July, 2002 in Seoul, Korea. Does Hong Kong need a Unified Single Regulator for the Convergence phenomenon, jointly presented with Prof. Richard Wu of HKU in the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of International Telecommunications Society, held in 5-7 July, 2001 at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Policy Implication of Technological Convergence: A comparison between Hong Kong and Mainland China, presented in the Chinese Communication Association, held in 3-4 July, 2001 at the Baptist University of Hong Kong. Broadcasting Television and Cinema in Hong Kong: From Competition to Symbiosis, presented in the 51st Annual Conference organized by the International Communication Association, held between 24 to 28th May, 2001 in Washington DC, USA |