Professional Awards (highlights):
2015 Hong Kong Book Prize 香港書獎 (《傘聚》, Umbrella Union)
Hong Kong Golden Book Awards 香港金閱獎 (《傘聚》, Umbrella Union)
(Please note that most of the following awards are program-based and merits should go to the whole production team in TVB. The bracket at the end of each line shows the working title in that particular project.)
2011 A New Tale of Two Cities: Now and Then, (Merit, Best Documentary, New York Film Festivals 2011) [新雙城記︰今昔, 美國紐約電影電視節最佳紀錄片優異獎 2011] (Executive Producer, Producer)
2010 60 years, A Nation: 60 years in a meal, (Silver World Medal, Best Documentary, New York Film Festivals 2010) [《六十年家國》系列之《溫飽以後》, 美國紐約電影電視節最佳紀錄片銀獎 2010] (Executive Producer)
2009 Reforming China: 30 Years On: Path of No Return 《變革三十年:不走回頭路》 Human Rights Award (人權新聞獎大獎); RTNDA the Edward Murrow Award; Best Television Programmes Award, Television Programmes Appreciation Index Survey. (Executive Producer)
2008 Notables, Quotables《新聞話事.人》。明報周刊, 最突出電視幕後精英大獎(Executive Producer, Producer)
2005 Dam or Damned / Shiing-shen Chern, A Life in Mathematics, 《霸業》,《數學大師陳省身》, CUHK Journalism Award (Executive Producer, Producer)
2005 Outstanding Employee Award, TVB
2002 Asian Economy: Japan, Winner of Best News/Current Affairs, Asian Television Award. (Executive Producer)
2001 WTO Challenge, The Peabody Award. (Executive Producer)
1997 Hong Kong: The End of An Era, Bronze World Medal, Documentary, TV Programming, The New York Festivals. (Producer/Reporter) Tung Chee-hwa: The Chief Executive, Bronze World Medal, Biography/Profiles, The New York Festivals (Producer/Reporter)
Publication List (Highlights):
《假新聞之戰:我要真,又要贏》。《因自由之名:香港反送中運動誌》,頁291-296。香港: 毫末書社,2020.06.
《同悲同喜網絡直播連續劇》。《因自由之名:香港反送中運動誌》,頁297-302。香港: 毫末書社,2020.06.
《廿二歲的你,聽說生於一九九七》。《因自由之名:香港反送中運動誌》,頁367-370。香港: 毫末書社,2020.06.
《那一天,我只是一個實習小記者》。《我是記者——六四印記》 陳慧兒, 郭達俊, 張結鳳, 楊健興, 陳伯添, 林褀娟,頁316-319。香港:香港記者協會,2019
《二十道陰影下的自由》,邊城思想者系列,頁1-324,香港:中大出版社, 2017
《年代小說‧記住香港》 (Our City, Our Decades)。香港︰Kubrick,2016
《傘聚》 (Umbrella Union)。香港︰天窗出版,2014
《我的奇幻國情教育》 (My Mysterious National Education)。香港:天窗出版,2012
《他他巴 走在絢麗與荒涼》 (Tata Bus)。香港:藍藍的天,2011
《潮池 浪遊二十國度的故事》 (Tidepools)。香港:藍藍的天,2009