LEE, Francis L.F.
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LEE, Francis L.F. Ph.D.
Have a plan, but be flexible about it.
Books Chan, Chi-kit, Tang, Gary, and Lee, Francis L. F. (forthcoming). Hong Kong media: Interaction between media, state and civil society. New York: Palgrave. 李立峯、黃煜(編)(forthcoming)傳承與創新:中華傳播研究40年。香港:中文大學出版社。 Lee, Francis L. F. & Chan, Joseph Man (2021). Memories of Tiananmen: Politics and Processes of Collective Remembering in Hong Kong, 1989-2019. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 李立峯(編)(2021)時代的行動者:反修例運動群眾。香港:牛津大學出版社。 Lee, Francis L. F., & Chan, Joseph Man (2018). Media and protest logics in the digital era: Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. New York: Oxford University Press. Chan, Joseph Man, & Lee, Francis L. F. (eds) (2017). Advancing Comparative Media and Communication Research. London: Routledge. Lee, Francis L. F. (ed.) (2016). Media, Mobilization, and the Umbrella Movement. New York: Routledge.
Lee, Francis L. F. (2014). Talk radio, the mainstream press, and public opinion in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Lee, Francis L. F., Chin-chuan Lee, Mike Z. Yao, Tsan-kuo Chang, Jennifer Fen Lin, and Fei Shen (2013). Communication, Public Opinion, and Globalization in Urban China. London: Routledge.
Edited journal special issues Cheng, E. W. & Lee, F. L. F. (forthcoming). Network social movements in Asia. Social Movement Studies. 李立峯(編)(2019)流動的人,流動的傳播,《傳播與社會學刊》,第四十七期。 李立峯(編)(2013)數位時代的新聞傳播,《傳播與社會學刊》,第二十五期。 李立峯,羅文輝(編)(2010)華人社會中的電視國際新聞,《傳播與社會學刊》,第十三期。 Fortunati, Leopoldina, Francis L. F. Lee, and Angel M. Y. Lin (eds.) (2008). Special Issue on "Mobile Societies in the Asia-Pacific." The Information Society 24(3). 陳韜文,李立峯(編)(2007)回歸十年的香港傳媒和政治,《傳播與社會學刊》,第三期。 Lee, Francis L. F. (ed.) (2007). Special Series on "Broadcasting Developments in East Asia: The Interplay of Policies, Technologies, and Markets." Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 4(2). Journal Articles Fu, H., Li, Y. & Lee, F. L. F. (2022). Techno-cultural domestication of online Tarot reading in contemporary China. Media, Culture & Society, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1177/01634437221104700 Tang, G., Lee, F. L. F., & Tsang, C. K. (2022). The construction of investor-subjects in a housing-led growth society: The case of Hong Kong. The Social Science Journal, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1080/03623319.2022.2066879 Lee, F. L. F. (2022). What constitutes disinformation? Disinformation judgment, influence of partisanship, and support for anti-disinformation legislation. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1177/10776990221093940 Cheng, E. W., Lee, F. L. F., Tang, G. K. Y., & Yuen, S. (2022). Total mobilization from below: Abeyance networks, threats, and emotions in Hong Kong’s Freedom Summer. China Quarterly, advanced online publication, https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/china-quarterly/article/total-mobilization-from-below-hong-kongs-freedom-summer/92BA12D2EEA5782B4330B0D07B389842 Lee, Francis L. F. (2022). Pandemic Control and Public Evaluation of Government Performance in Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication. 15(2), 284-302. Shea, Cheryl & Lee, Francis L. F. (accepted). Public diplomacy via Twitter: Opportunities and tensions. Chinese Journal of Communication, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2022.2081988 Tsang, N. L. T., Feng, M. Z., & Lee, F. L. F. (2022). How fact-checkers delimit their scope of practices and use sources: Comparing professional and partisan practitioners. Journalism, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1177/14648849221100862 Lee, Francis L. F. (2022). Voices from ethnic minorities: Policy brief of a participatory community broadcasting programme in Hong Kong. China Journal of Social Work, advanced online publication, doi:10.1080/17525098.2022.2042913 Yuen, S., Tang, G. K. Y., Lee, F. L. F., & Cheng, E. W. (2022). Surveying Spontaneous Mass Protests: Mixed-mode Sampling and Field Methods. Sociological Methodology, 52(1), 75-102. Mak, M. K. F., Chan, M., Lee, F. L. F., & Chen, H.-T. (2022). The mediating role of social recommendation in the relationship between concern over expression and social media news participation: A comparative study of six Asian societies. Asian Journal of Communication, advanced online publication, doi:10.1080/01292986.2022.2046826 Lee, Francis L. F. (2022). Proactive internationalization and diaspora mobilization in a networked movement: The case of Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Protests. Social Movement Studies, advanced online publication, doi:10.1080/14742837.2022.2031957 Chan, M., Lee, F. L. F., & Chen, H. T. (2021). Avoid or authenticate? A multilevel cross-country analysis of the roles of fake news concern and news fatigue on news avoidance and authentication. Digital Journalism, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2021.2016060 Lee, Francis L. F., & Fong, Ivy (2021). The Construction and Mobilization of Political Consumerism through Digital Media in a Networked Social Movement. New Media & Society, advanced online publication, doi:10.1177/14614448211050885 Chan, M., Lee, F. L. F., & Chen, H. T. (2021). Examining the roles of social media use and connections to public actors on democratic engagement: An analysis of young adults in three Asian societies. New Media & Society, advanced online publication, doi: 10.1177/14614448211053559 Lee, Francis L. F. (2021). Impact of protest activities on electoral outcome: The case of Hong Kong’s anti-ELAB Movement. Social Science Journal, advanced online publication, doi:10.1080/03623319.2021.2001225 Liang, Hai, & Lee, Francis L. F. (2021). Opinion leadership in a leaderless movement: Examining discussions of the 2019 Anti-Extradition Bill Movement on LIHKG. Social Movement Studies, advanced online publication, doi: 10.1080/14742837.2021.1989294 Liang, H., & Lee, Francis L. F. (2021). Thread popularity inequality as an indicator of organization through communication in a networked movement: An analysis of the LIHKG forum. Chinese Journal of Communication, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2021.1922475 Lee, F. L. F., Liang, H., Cheng, E. W., Tang, G. K. Y. & Yuen, S. (2021). Affordances, movement dynamics, and a centralized digital communication platform in a networked movement. Information, Communication & Society, advanced online publication, https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2021.1877772 Lee, F. L. F., Yuen, S., Tang, G. K. Y., & Cheng, E. (2021). Dynamics of tactical radicalization and public receptiveness in Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement. Journal of Contemporary Asia. Chan, M., Chen, H.-T., & Lee, F. L. F. (2021). Cross-cutting discussion on social media and online political participation: a cross-national examination of information seeking and social accountability explanations. Social Media and Society, 7(3), 1-13. Lee, Francis L. F. (2021). Countering the counterpublics: Progovernment online media and public opinion in Hong Kong. International Journal of Communication, 15, 3397-3417. Feng, M. Z., Tsang, N. L. T., & Lee, Francis L. F. (2021). Fact-checking as mobilization and counter-mobilization: The case of the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement in Hong Kong. Journalism Studies, 22(10), 1358-1375 Chan, M., Lee, L. F. F., & Chen, H.-T. (2021). Examining the roles of multi-platform social media news use, engagement, and connections with news organizations and journalists on news literacy: A comparison of seven democracies. Digital Journalism, 9(3), 571-588. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2021.1890168 Lee, F. L. F., & Zhang, N. Y. (2021). A network analytic approach to selective consumption of newspapers: The impact of politics, market, and technological platform. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(2), 346-365. Tsui, L., & Lee, F. (2021). How journalists understand the threats and opportunities of new technologies: A study of security mind-sets and its implications for press freedom. Journalism: Theory and Practice, 22(6), 1317-1339. Lee, F. L. F., & Liang, H. (2020). Multi-ethnicity as a moderator of contextual effects on tolerance: The case of Hong Kong. Social Science Journal, advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/03623319.2020.1799175 Lee, F. L. F., Tang, G. K. Y., Yuen, S., & Cheng, E. W. (2020). Five demands and (not quite) beyond: Claim making and ideology in Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 53(4), 22-40. Lee, F. L. F. (2020). Social media and the spread of fake news during a social movement: The 2019 Anti-ELAB protests in Hong Kong. Communication and the Public, 5(3-4), 122-125. Lee, F. L. F., Chan, M., & Chen, H. T. (2020). Social Media and Protest Attitudes during Movement Abeyance: A Study of Hong Kong University Student. International Journal of Communication, 14, 4932-4951. Lee, F. L. F. & Liang, H. (2020). Perceived threat of a linguistic community and context effect on attitude toward immigration in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Social Science, 48(3-4), 250-273. Tang, J. L., & Lee, F. L. F. (2020). Understanding investment culture: Ideologies of financialization and Hong Kong young people’s lay theories of investment. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 23(6), 537-552. 李立峯(2020)後真相時代的社會運動、媒體,和資訊政治:香港反修例運動的經驗。《中華傳播學刊》,第37期,頁3-41。 Lee, F. L. F. (2020). Solidarity in the anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong. Critical Asian Studies, 52(1), 18-32. 袁瑋熙、鄧鍵一、李立峯、鄭煒﹙2019﹚示威現場:香港反修例運動的現場調查方法。《台灣社會學》,第38期,頁163-174。 Lee, F. L. F., Yuen, S., Tang, G. K. Y., & Cheng, E. (2019). Hong Kong’s Summer of Uprising: From Anti-Extradition to Anti-Authoritarian Protests. China Review, 19(4), 1-32. Lee, F. L. F., Tang, G. K. Y., and Tsang, C. K. (2019). Financialization and Generational Differences in the Correlates of Perceived Importance of Investment in Hong Kong. Social Transformation in Chinese Societies, 15(2), 161-177. Lee, F. L. F., Chan, M., Chen, H. T., Nielsen, R., & Fletcher, R. (2019). Consumptive News Feed Curation on Social Media as Proactive Personalization: A Study of Six East Asian Markets. Journalism Studies, 20(15), 2277-2292. Lee, F. L. F., Liang, H., & Tang, G. K. Y. (2019). Online Incivility, Cyberbalkanization, and the Dynamics of Opinion Polarization During and After a Mass Protest Event. International Journal of Communication, 13, 4940-4959. Fan, Hua and Lee, Francis L. F. (2019). Judicial visibility under responsive authoritarianism: A study of the live broadcasting of court trials in China. Media, Culture & Society, 41(6), 1088-1106. Lee, Francis L. F., Chan, Joseph M., & Leung, Dennis K.K. (2019). When a historical analogy fails: Current political events and collective memory contestation in the news. Memory Studies, 12(2), 130-145. Chan, C. M., Chen, H. T., & Lee, Francis. L. F. (2019). Examining the role of political network and efficacy on social media news engagement: A comparative study of six Asian countries. International Journal of Press/Politics, 24, 127-145. Lee, Francis L. F. (2018). Changing political economy of the Hong Kong media. China Perspectives, 2018(3), 9-18. Tang, Gary K. Y., & Lee, Francis L. F. (2018). Social media campaigns, electoral momentum, and vote shares: Evidence from the 2016 Hong Kong Legislative Council election. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(6), 579-597. Lee, Paul S. N., So, Clement Y. K., Lee, Francis L. F., Leung, L., & Chan, Michael (2018). Social media and political partisanship: A subaltern public sphere’s role in democracy. Telematics & Informatics, 35(7), 1949-1957. Lee, Francis L. F. (2018). Political scandals under responsive authoritarianism: The case of the Bo Xilai trial in China. International Journal of Communication, 12, 3048-3066. Lee, Francis L. F., & Chan, Joseph M. (2018). Memory mobilization, generational differences, and communication effects on collective memory about Tiananmen in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(4), 397-415. Lee, Francis L.F. (2018). The spillover effects of political scandals: The spillover effects of political scandals. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(3), 714-733. Zhang, Nick Yin, & Lee, Francis L. F. (2018). Examining the connectedness of connective action: The participant-initiated Facebook pages in Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. International Journal of Communication, 12, 1591-1611. Lee, Francis L. F. (2018). The role of perceived social reality in the adoption of postmaterial value: The case of Hong Kong. Social Science Journal, 55(2), 139-148. Lee, Francis L. F. (2018). Internet alternative media, movement experience, and radicalism: the case of post-Umbrella Movement Hong Kong. Social Movement Studies, 17(2), 219-233. Lee, Francis L. F. (2018). Social media, political information cycle, and the evolution of news: The 2017 Chief Executive election in Hong Kong. Communication & The Public, 3(1), 62-76. 李立峯(2017)社會價值觀中的世代差異:信任、包容,和對移民的態度。《香港社會科學學報》,第50期,頁21-46。 Chan, Michael, Chen, Hsuan-Ting, & Lee, Francis L. F. (2017). Examining the roles of mobile and social media in political participation: A cross-national analysis of three Asian societies using a communication mediation approach. New Media & Society, 19, 2003-2021. Lee, Francis L. F. (2017). Political scandals, “black materials,” and changing backstage imagination in the Hong Kong press, 2001-2015. Chinese Journal of Communication, 10(4), 450-465. Lee, Paul S.N., So, Clement Y.K., Leung, L., Lee, Francis L.F. & Chan, Michael (2017).The struggle for hegemony: The emergence of a counter-public sphere in post-1997 Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication, 10(4), 338-359. Lee, Francis L.F., Lee, Paul S.N., So, Clement Y.K., Leung, Louis, and Chan, Michael (2017). Conditional impact of Facebook as an information source on political opinions: The case of political reform in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Political Science, 25(3), 365-382. Lee, Francis L.F., De Swert, Knut, & Cohen, Akiba A. (2017). Do the contents of foreign news on television match viewers’ interests? A 12-nation study of topics and countries of interest. Communication Research, 44(6), 901-925. Gan, Chen, Lee, Francis L.F., & Li, Ying (2017). Social media use, political affect, and participation among university students in China. Telematics an Informatics, 34(7), 936-947. Lee, Francis L. F., Chen, Hsuan-Ting, & Chan, Michael (2017). Social media use and university students’ participation in a large-scale protest campaign: The case of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. Telematics and Informatics, 34(2), 457-469. Su, Chris, Lee, Francis L.F., & Lin, Gongcheng (2017). Does site architecture matter? The political implications of public-versus-private-oriented social network sites in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(2), 134-153. 李立峯(2016)。〈新聞媒體在社會運動中的公眾屏幕功能和影響:香港雨傘運動之「暗角事件」個案分析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第38 期,頁165–232。 Huang, P., Lee, F.L.F., & Lin, G. (2016). An exploratory analysis of social media use and the structure of young people’s public affairs participation in China. Communication & the Public, 1(3), 290-304. Li, X., Lee, F.L.F., & Li, Y. (2016). The dual impact of social media under networked authoritarianism: Social media use, civic attitudes, and system support in China. International Journal of Communication, 10, 5143-5163. Lee, Francis L.F. (2016). Opinion polling and construction of public opinion in newspaper discourses during the Umbrella Movement. Journal of Language and Politics, 15(6), 589-608. Lee, Francis L.F., Haiyan Wang, and Fan Zhang (2016). Are foreign publics interested in news about China? Analysis of a cross-national survey. China: An International Journal, 14(4), 1-21. Lee, Francis L.F., & Joseph M. Chan (2016). News media, movement organization, and collective memory mobilization in Tiananmen commemoration in Hong Kong. Media, Culture & Society, 38(7), 997-1014. Chen, H. T, Chan, M. & Lee, F. L. F. (2016). Social media use and democratic engagement: A comparative study of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China. Chinese Journal of Communication, 9(4), 348-366. Lee, F.L.F. (2016). Economic Conditions, the Policy Cycle, and Media Visibility of Environmental Organizations. Environmental Communication, 10(2), 187-205. Lee, Francis L.F. (2016). Impact of social media on opinion polarization in varying times. Communication & The Public, 1(1), 56-71. 李立峯 (2016). 網絡媒體和連結型行動的力量與挑戰:以 2014 香港雨傘運動為例。傳播研究與實踐,第6卷第1期,頁11-44。 Lee, Francis L.F., & Joseph M. Chan (2016). Digital media activities and mode of participation in a protest campaign: The case of the Umbrella Movement. Information, Communication & Society, 19(1), 4-22. Lee, Francis L.F. (2015). Social movement as civic education: Communication activities and understanding of civil disobedience in the Umbrella Movement. Chinese Journal of Communication, 8(4), 393-411. Lee, Francis L.F. (2015). Internet alternative media use and oppositional knowledge. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27(3), 318-340. Lee, Francis L.F., Di Cui, & Zhi’an Zhang (2015). Ethical Orientation and Judgments of Chinese Press Journalists in Times of Change. Journal of Media Ethics, 30(3), 203-221. Lee, Francis L.F. (2015). Digital media use and participation leadership in social protests: The case of Tiananmen commemoration in Hong Kong. Telematics and Informatics, 32(4), 879-899. Lee, Francis L.F. (2015). How citizens react to political scandals surrounding government leaders: A survey study in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Political Science, 23(1), 44-62. Cheng, Daisy, and Francis L.F. Lee (2015). Journalist-source relations: The case of Taiwan correspondents in China. Journalism Studies, 16(6), 850-867. Lee, F.L.F. (2015). Internet, citizen self-mobilization, and social movement organizations in environmental collective action campaigns: Two Hong Kong cases. Environmental Politics, 24(2), 308-325. Leung, D.K.K. & Lee, F.L.F. (2015). How journalists value positive news: The influence of professional beliefs, market considerations, and political attitudes. Journalism Studies, 16(2), 289-304. Lee, Francis L.F. (2014). Triggering the Protest Paradigm: Examining Factors Affecting News Coverage of Protests. International Journal of Communication, 8. http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/2873/1215 Wang, Haiyan and Francis L.F. Lee (2014). Chinese Investigative Journalism Research, 1978-2013: A Critical Review. China Review, 14(2), 215-252. Liao, S. & Lee, F.L.F. (2014). Do journalists believe in gender specificities of news topics? The impact of professionalism and family status. Asian Journal of Communication, 24(5), 456-473. Chan, M., & Lee, F.L.F. (2014). Selective exposure and agenda-setting: Exploring the impact of partisan media exposure on agenda diversity and political participation. Asian Journal of Communication, 24(4), 301-314. Tang, G.K.Y., & Lee, F.L.F. (2014). Hong Kong journalists’ attitude toward social protests: A belief system perspective. Media Asia, 41(1), 55-70. Leung, D.K.K. & Lee, F.L.F. (2014). Cultivating an active online counter-public: Examining usage and political impact of Internet alternative media. International Journal of Press/Politics, 19(3), 340-359. 王悅,李立峯(2014)「記者心中的角色模範及其影響初探:香港個案研究」。《新聞學研究》,119期,頁1-43。 Lee, Francis L. F. (2014). “Tolerated one way but not the other”: Levels and determinants of social and political tolerance in Hong Kong. Social Indicators Research, 118, 711-727. Lee, Francis L. F. (2014). The impact of online user-generated satire on young people’s political attitudes: Testing the moderating role of knowledge and discussion. Telematics & Informatics, 31(3), 397-409. Lee, Francis L. F., & Liu, Frank C. S. (2014). The Impact of Political Party Support on Interpersonal Political Discussion: Survey Evidence from Two Chinese Societies. Asian Journal of Communication, 24(2), 109-127.
Book chapters Chan, Joseph Man and Francis L. F. Lee (forthcoming). Media and public opinion. In W. M. Lam et al. (Eds.), Contemporary Hong Kong Politics, 3rd edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (A substantially revised version of the chapter published in the 2nd edition) 李立峯、黃煜(2021)「導言」,李立峯、黃煜編,《傳承與創新:中華傳播研究40年》,頁xvii-xxvi。香港:香港中文大學出版社。 李立峯(2021)「尋找業遍意義:香港傳播研究的經驗和貢獻」,李立峯、黃煜編,《傳承與創新:中華傳播研究40年》,頁165-183。香港:香港中文大學出版社。 李立峯(2021)導言:網絡社會運動中的行動者,李立峯,《時代的行動者:反修例運動群像》,頁1-13。香港:牛津大學出版社。 李立峯(2021)國際線:政治機會、動員結構,與身份認同,李立峯,《時代的行動者:反修例運動群像》,頁244-259。香港:牛津大學出版社。 Lee, Francis L. F. (2019). Media and public opinion. In Ching-kwan Lee & Ming Sing (eds.), Take back our future: An eventful sociology of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Lee, Francis L. F., & Tang, Gary K. Y. (2019). Perceived outcomes and willingness to retreat among Umbrella Movement participants. In Ngok Ma & Edmund Cheng (eds.), The Umbrella Movement: Civil resistance and contentious space in Hong Kong (pp. 101-124). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Lee, Francis L. F. (2019). Scandals, media effects and public opinion. In Howard Tumber & Silvio Waisbord (eds.), The Routledge companion to media and scandal (pp. 445-455). London: Routledge. Lee, F.L.F. (2018). Opinion media: From talk radio to Internet alternative websites. In Tailok Lui, Ray Yep & Stephen W.K. Chiu (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Hong Kong (pp. 155-169). London: Routledge. Lee, F.L.F., & Chan, J.M. (2018). Social mobilization for large-scale protests: From the July 1 demonstration to the Umbrella Movement. In Tailok Lui, Ray Yep & Stephen W.K. Chiu (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Hong Kong (pp. 170-184). London: Routledge. Lee, F.L.F. (2017). Domestication of foreign news considered comparatively: Variable applications and relationships with audience interests. In Joseph Man Chan and Francis L.F. Lee (eds.), Advancing Comparative Media and Communication Research (pp. 204-223). New York: Routledge. Chan, J.M., & Lee, F.L.F. (2017). Introduction. In Joseph Man Chan and Francis L.F. Lee (eds.), Advancing Comparative Media and Communication Research (pp. 1-11). New York: Routledge. Chan, M., Lee, F.L.F., & Chen, H.T. (2016). Exploring the potential for mobile communications to engender an engaged citizenry: A comparative study of university students in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In Ran Wei (ed.), Mobile media, political participation, and civic activism in Asia (pp. 193-213). New York: Springer. 李立峯(2015)「網絡另類媒體、政治傳播,與社會動員」,李少南編,《香港傳媒新世紀》第二版(71-96頁).香港:香港中文大學出版社. Lee, Francis L.F. (2015). Press Freedom in Hong Kong: Interactions between State, Media and Society. In Gary Rawnsley and Ming-yeh Rawnsley (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Media. London: Routledge. Chan, Joseph Man and Lee, Francis L.F. (2015). Media and social mobilization in Contemporary Hong Kong. In Gary Rawnsley and Ming-yeh Rawnsley (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Media. London: Routledge. 李立峯,鄧鍵一。2014。「經濟發展,政治轉變,和香港青年人的後物質轉向」, 張少強,梁啟智,陳嘉銘(編),《香港.城市.想像》。香港:匯智出版社。 Lee, Francis L.F. (2014). Hong Kong: Social media and political participation in a protest society. In Lars Willnat and Annette Aw (eds.) Social media and political participation in Asia. London: Routledge. 李立峯,陳韜文(2013)「初探香港「社運社會」:分析香港社會集體抗爭行動的形態和發展」,張少強,梁啟智編,《香港,社會,文化》.香港:牛津大學出版社. Chan, Joseph Man and Francis L. F. Lee (2013). Foreign news on public and private television. In Akiba Cohen (ed.) Foreign news on television (pp. 129-150). New York: Peter Lang. Lee, Francis L.F., Akiba Cohen and Juergen Wilke (2013). Countries of interests: Comparing news contents and audience responses. In Akiba Cohen (ed.) Foreign news on television (pp. 269-292). New York: Peter Lang. Chan, Joseph M., Francis L. F. Lee and Clement Y. K. So (2012). Journalists in Hong Kong: A Decade after the Transfer of Sovereignty. In Lars Willnat and David Weaver (eds.), Global Journalists (pp. 22-35). New York: Routledge. Chan, Joseph Man and Francis L. F. Lee (2012). Media and public opinion. In W. M. Lam et al. (Eds.), Contemporary Hong Kong Politics, 2nd edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (A substantially revised version of the chapter published in the 1st edition) Lee, Francis L.F., Louis Leung, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Donna S.C. Chu (2012). Introduction: Challenges for new media research. In Francis L.F. Lee, Louis Leung, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Donna S.C. Chu (eds.), Frontiers in New Media Research (pp. 6-16). New York: Routledge. Lee, Francis L. F., and Angel Lin (2012). Officials’ accountability performance on Hong Kong talk radio: The case of the Financial Secretary Hotline. In Mats Ekstrom and Marianna Patrona (eds.) Talking politics in broadcast media. Amsterdam: Benjamin. Lee, Francis L. F., Chin-chuan Lee, Mike Z. Yao, Zhou He, and Wanying Lin (2010). The presence of foreign media in China: From political economy to media effects. In Joseph Cheng (ed.). Whither China’s democracy: Democratization in China since the Tiananmen. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. Lee, Francis L. F. (2010). New Media Based Attention Implosion and Television Publicness in the Era of Internet-TV Convergence. In Dal Yong Jin (ed.) Global media convergence and cultural transformation (pp. 107-122). Hershey, Pa.: IGI. Lee, Francis L. F. and Joseph Man Chan (2009). Making sense of political transition: A review of political communication research in Hong Kong. In Lars Willnat and Annette Aw (eds). Political communication in Asia (pp. 9-42). London: Routledge. 陳韜文、李立峰 (2009) 從民意激盪中重構香港政治文化: 七一大遊行公共論述分析。載馬傑偉、吳俊雄、呂大樂(編)《香港文化政治》頁53-78。 Chan, Joseph Man and Francis L. F. Lee (2008). Who Can Mobilize Hong Kong People to Protest? A Survey-based Study of Three Large-Scale Rallies. In Ming Sing (ed). Political Crisis, Mobilization and Confrontation in China's Hong Kong. London: Routledge. Chan, Joseph Man and Francis L. F. Lee (2007). Media and public opinion. In W. M. Lam et al. (Eds.), Contemporary Hong Kong Politics (pp. 155-176). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Glasser, Theodore L. and Francis L. F. Lee (2002). Repositioning the Newsroom: The American Experience with 'Public Journalism.' In Erik Neveu and Raymond Kuhn (eds.) Political Journalism. London: Routledge. Other academic writings Lee, Francis L. F. (2019). Self-censorship. In Tim Vos and Folker Hanusch (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. New York: Wiley. 李立峯、王海燕(2017)。〈數字化時代的新聞與公共傳播:李立峯教授訪談錄〉。《新聞與傳播評論》,2017秋冬卷,頁2–23。 Thomas Hanitszch、李立峯(2017)。〈新聞業、新聞記者與全球比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第39 期,頁1–27。 Lee, Francis L. F. (2016). Review of Cyber Policy in China. Digital Journalism, 4(2), 300-301. Lee, Francis L. F. (2014). Review of Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China. Pacific Affairs, 87(4), 835-837. Lee, Francis L. F. (2014). Review of Bollywood and globalization: The global power of popular Hindi Cinema. Asian Journal of Communication, 24(5), 505-507. Pablo Boczkowski、李立峯(2013)學術對談:數位化時代網絡新聞的持續演變。《傳播與社會學刊》,第二十五期,頁1-26。 [Pablo Boczkowski, Francis L. F. Lee (2013). Academic dialogue: The continual transformation of online news. Communication & Society, 25, 1-26.] 李立峯(2013)數位時代的新聞傳播專輯序言。《傳播與社會學刊》,第二十五期,頁27-34。 李立峯、鄧鍵一(2013)經濟發展,政治轉變,和香港青年人的後物質轉向。研究手稿,香港社會文化研究系列。香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,JCMotion Publishing。(http://jcmotion.tmgbook.com/index.php/component/jshopping/product/view/22/22) Lee, Francis L. F. (2013). Review of The News and Public Opinion. Asian Journal of Communication, 23(3), 341-343. Akiba Cohen、李立峯、陳韜文(2010)學術對談:新聞學比較研究的價值和挑戰。《傳播與社會學刊》,第二十五期,頁1-30。 李立峯(2010)華人社會中的電視國際新聞專輯序言。《傳播與社會學刊》,第十三期。 Lee, Francis L. F. (2009). “Hong Kong.” An entry in Christopher Sterling and Charles Whitney (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Journalism, Thousand Oaks: SAGE. Lee, Francis L. F. (2009). Foreword: Deciding What’s News: A Classic in Newsroom Observational Studies. In Deciding What’s News (Chinese translation by Li Hongtao and Shi Lin). Beijing: Peking University Press. Lee, Francis L. F. and Joseph Man Chan (2009). Strategic Responses to Political Changes: An Analysis of Newspapers Editorials in Hong Kong, 1996-2006. Occasional Paper, No. 199. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Lee, Francis L. F. (2008). Review of Media in Hong Kong: Press Freedom and Political Change, 1967-2005, by Carol P. Lai. International Journal of Press/Politics. Fortunati, Leopoldina, Francis L. F. Lee, and Angel M. Y. Lin (2008). Introduction to the Special Issue on “Mobile Societies in Asia-Pacific.” The Information Society, 24(3), 135-139. Lee, Francis L. F. and Joseph Man Chan (2007). Taking Both Sides into Consideration: Ambivalence in Public Opinion on Political Reform in Hong Kong. Occasional Paper No. 186. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Chan, Joseph Man and Francis L. F. Lee (2005). Mobilization and Protest Participation in Post-Handover Hong Kong: A Study of Three Large-scale Demonstrations. Occasional Paper No. 159. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Lee, Francis L. F., Joseph Man Chan and Clement Y. K. So (2004). Redefining local interest: News media in Hong Kong after 1997. Perspectives (working papers in English and Communication), 16(1). Chan, Joseph M., Kenneth Chau, and Francis L. F. Lee (2000). Education and principle-based opinion: A study of the right of abode controversy in Hong Kong. Occasional Paper No. 111. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Professional writings Monthly commentary articles for Ming Pao Daily News, May 2014 – present Regular commentary articles for The Initium, July 2017 – present Regular commentary articles for hk01.com, March 2016 – March 2018. Occasional contributions to Media Digest, The Journalist, and other media outlets, 2000 – present